April 14, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

 And first, we should say unto thee these words. We shall give healing into this one, of soul Jan [4-6-70-003?]. But it shall come as raindrops, for we have given warnings before, and these within themselves have not been heeded. Therefore, she should need time to wander in the between land. And as she should learn, then we should call her back.

            And we say, hark, unto soul Luke and John.

            And we should say unto thee these words, soul James, for thy have asked these words of communion into the same. And we should answer you in this manner. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We do not ask from any of you other than the love of your God -- and as we have said before, our Father has many mansions; therefore, you can destroy nothing, but you may build on what is already there.

            We have told into thee to take [up, of] the bread and the wine, for the bread shall be your soul and spirit, and the wine shall be that of our Father’s -- for as the body, the soul, and the spirit should come in completion of the immortal body of the same.

            And they asked of the wine. Place of this before each. If they chose to, let them partake of the same.

But our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. And the Lamb does not ask for the blood of man. For these things that belong to the earth also belong to our Father, for they were His in the beginning. And should the grape choose to become the wine for your offering, then the grape has seen fit to use of its free choice.

            And should the wheat of thy bread choose to come forth of its free choice unto your offering -- and should our Father’s children see to come forth of their free choice, and therefore, give up into our Father the offering of the same, this is their choice.

But remember, this can be done anywhere, for this is between them and their God.

But as you should become ministers in the light of God, and therefore, speak of the words of God, this can be done unto your own people and those with free choice who come unto thee and ask.

But as we have said before, go unto this house and knock. If they should bid you enter, drink of their wine, that they may drink of yours. But should they not, then take of this, and go elsewhere.

            But we should say unto all of the disciples of this work, give that that is God’s to God; give that to your brother that is your brother’s; but just as important, give that unto yourselves that is yourselves’. But close your doors to no man. For we do not come to one people alone, but to all the people and all the children of God. Therefore, give glory unto God and God should give glory unto His children.

            But mark these words -- for those who have been chosen to walk in the light of God and minister in the same manner, walk as a man and a woman of God. Be as a mirror into the same. For as we have said unto thee, for those who should see us should see of our Father, and thine should be likewise in the same manner. Do not step backwards.

            And now, we should tell thee of a time soon to come, this of your calendar of May the 2nd, of your year. [Editor’s note: the first Annual Meeting was held May 10, 1972.]

            And as we have said before, the Fifth Angel stands upon thy earth. He no longer slumbers, but he holds in his hand the mighty Sword of God, that that should divide the people and the earth. And as we have said before -- where no water flowed, water shall flow again. Where water flew, it shall not, for your earth shall now start its change.

And pray unto the Lord that it comes in your summer months. [See The Revelation, chapters 5-7, 14 and 19, Mark 13:1-4 and Mark 13:14-37.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-14-72-001] asks, ‘We are planning a move to the southeastern United States and would like your advice on this; it seems we are being directed to this move.’”

            And we should answer in this manner. This move should not be good; it should divide, and therefore, conquer all in your family. Stand together. Stand as the children of God, and the light of God shall shine upon thy footsteps and show thee the way.

            Yes, we see thy other needs, and we should answer them in this manner. Thy daughter should soon marry, and therefore, bring forth a good son.

Of thy son-in-law and his vision, we should answer in this manner. There are those who should use of this work to meet their own selfish needs; do not listen to this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [4-14-72-002] says, ‘I have two skin problems that no one knows how to cure. Will you help me?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Go unto the chiropractic doctor. Adjustments should be made in the upper neckular area. This should bring a balance of thy body chemicals into normal. Take then of the soda, take of thy bread, take then of the white of the egg; dampen all of these with boiled milk. Apply them to the infected areas, and the healing thy ask for shall be given in the same manner. Should follow-up readings be necessary, and they are asked for, they shall be given.

            Yes, we see thy needs, [5-7-71-001].


[5-7-71-001]. And we should answer your question in this manner. The treatment as has been given is good. We would further suggest the working in the lower spinular area to bring this into a normal completion of the same. We would further suggest the taking, as we have said before, of the sage tea twice daily.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-14-72-003] asks, ‘Is there a chance that [4-14-72-005] will come home, and when? He is the husband of [4-14-72-003’s] sister, [4-14-72-004]. He is a prisoner of war.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Many should think of this one as being dead, as you would know it, but at the present time he still lives. His health is not well.

And we should answer your question in this manner. Death, in itself, as you would think of it, is but passing from one room to another. There is this time -- as you would call it, purgatory -- this time when thy should relearn thy problems of thy earth plane, and then for passing onward, beyond this. Here we call it, a time of sleep.

Does this answer your question?

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should give prayer unto our Father.

One moment.

            You must realize that neither our Father, nor His servants, as we stand, can interfere with free choice. But come back one week from now, and that the final decision shall be given unto thee. But give prayer each day unto your Father, and give meditation unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [3-6-71-002] has asked for a diet. She also asks, ‘Should I rent my house or plan a move in May?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer the last first. Plan thy move, as thy would suggest it. The renting of the house would be good to supplement thy income.

Of thy health reading, we should answer in this manner. This should be done in a special meeting; there [are] information that should be for thine ears only.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [12-10-71-002] has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer.

Yes, we have before us now the body, [the] soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same -- and therefore, have before us the records of time.

            And we see thy, in thy first entry in the Year of the Horse, in that proportion thy know [now] as China. This at this time is a very small island continent within the same.

            Yes, thy have need here for thy service of the gas-propelled flying machines of this time. These are domelier [dome] shaped. Their looks are much like -- these are [but] more what you would call of the flying saucers of this time. You must realize that they in themselves are propelled by rocketry gas, but in the same, they use another gas quite similar to what thy would know as helium. This is used for quick rising and descents. These are your design of this time.

Thy have done great work in the scientific field. But now in your later years, you have asked the council that thy may go forward unto the isles of Atlantis to prepare for your spiritual departure and re-entry. This is given.

And upon your arrival, there is a visit from the one known as Ra-Tai from Egypt. And he looks unto thee as a man, but he looks deeper and knows of thy ability. And Arcan and Ra-Tai walk before thee. And you are given [a] choice to return unto this land of Egypt with Priest Ra-Tai. And thy do of the same.

Thy bring great knowledge of the temples. Thy become a governor in that thy would know as the Temple of Beauty. And thy receive several reincarnations through this method.

            But as the time of the end has come, and the great Temple of Knowledge should be used to destroy of the world, thy choose, with Priest Ra-Tai, to be one who should remain with the knowledge. Your death, as thy would know it, was not that of hardness, for you bowed your head in meditation, and therefore, descended.

            We do not find thee again until this plane, this time, of your entry. Thy have come, for thy are in need again to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We should leave unto thee this knowledge. Dwell at it. And come and ask again, and we shall [bid, give] thee farther in thy wisdom.

            We can see in thy mind much confusion. But open the door, that we may enter.

            Soul Ray now grows very tired.

But we leave unto all of thee these words. For the teacher should feel great and mighty in the eyes of man, but within their hearts, if they should stay humble in the eyes of God -- and God shall make them great. But a student shall never become more than the teacher, and the teacher shall never become more than the pupil. But your time of learning has come forth, and the Great Pyramid and the bird of the Great Pyramid should take flight, for now we shall give of thee the powers thy ask for.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona