April 21, 1972

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say these words unto soul Ruth. Thy have asked thyself many times of your life in South America. And as an oracle of before who sought the fortunes and the future of your countrymen from the dissecting of birds, so it remained in your memory of this time. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Not completely.” [She says.]

            Then think upon this, and the truth shall be known unto thee.

            And we say hark into thee. For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

            And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

            Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

            And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

            And thy ask unto thyselves, “Why do they talk in riddles?” [Yet] we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, last week [4-14-72-003], who is here tonight, asked about the husband of her sister, [4-14-72-003, who is interned in the war. And you said that you would tell her this week whether or not he would come home or when or something about it? Do you have more that you can tell her tonight? [4-14-72-005] is his name.”

            We see thy need, and we should answer you in this manner.

            This one should come home, for new strength has been built within the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            One moment.

Yes, yes.

            Upon the eight month this should happen.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [4-21-72-001] has asked, ‘Will my son, [4-21-72-002], go into the service after graduation from college this June?’”

            One moment.

Yes, we see this. And we should answer, nay, unto this. But fear not, for this one should make thy proud of thyself.

            We would suggest unto this one that she should request a health reading into herself. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, I will.” [She answers.]

            Thy have other questions within thy mind. Come unto soul Ray in his awakening state and we shall give unto him the knowledge to answer your questions.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-14-72-001] has -- just a minute. [4-14-72-001] --”

            We see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given. We would suggest at the present time the swirl baths be used to this injury. We would further suggest the use of what thy would know as the sunning lamp, starting with three- minute intervals and going forth. We would further suggest massaging at least eight times a day. This must be done very gently.

            Thy ask in thy mind of this that the doctor suggests at the present time. We would suggest going unto a specialist, for what is said is not needed at the present time.

            We have answered your other questions in prior readings. And we shall say unto this one once again, three days hence from this day, go unto three days of prayer and meditation. Open thy door and we shall enter.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-9-70-005] has asked for guidance.”

            We see thy need and we should answer in this manner. Give unto your Lord, God, that that is His. Give unto your fellow man that that is theirs. But give unto yourself that that is yours. Give unto thyself self respect, and those things that thy desire, of wedlock, shall come in fulfillment.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-21-72-001], and he says, ‘I do not fully understand why I have undergone a recent experience.’ He is asking for help in this respect.”

            Thy have three experiences at the present time within thy mind, and we shall answer them one at a time. Of your first experience, this is your psychic self, that that has been buried beneath the surface, coming forth. Of your second experience, (chuckle) the ways of love and the affairs of the heart are often confusing, even to us. But be patient in this, and your patience shall be rewarded. Of your third question, that of your financial needs, give unto God what is His and He shall give unto thee what is thine.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You have made reference a number of times to the Seven Spirits of God. Could you tell me more about what you mean by this? Are they part of the council of Thirteen; are they different? What do you mean?”

            The Seven Spirits of God are of the Seven Spirits of God. They are no part of any council. This dwells within thyself. As we have said before, open the door that we may enter. And we shall say once again, have faith and thy shall walk on the water with us.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-7-72-003] and she has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. One moment.

            Yes, we see this.

            And we shall answer in this manner. For before, thy entered in thy last lifetime in that proportion that is now known as Colorado. Thy psychic ability was such that from childhood thy saw many things of the future time. And as thy grew older thy told thy father who was a banker that thy would die within his bank, yet not from fear, for you had accepted the knowledge that had been brought forth.

            Yet, you grew to love one who worked in the town that thy resided, and who was a gambler, but also worked as the deputy sheriff. Thy psychic self told thee that this one was also a thief. But thy heart told thee that thy loved this one. And as the days grew into many, thy love grew and shadowed thy mind.

            Then the day came when he came to steal, not only your heart, but your father’s money. They had shot your father and the other two tellers within the bank.

And you screamed and called this one’s name, and therefore, he also killed you.

Because you were no longer prepared, your sleep was long in your anger and your hurt. Thy could not accept these things as they were. Yet your father sat beside thee and tried to awaken thee. You could see your father, yet you could not face [his] shame. And as time passed thy still slept onward.

            Your lover was killed in another robbery a short time later. And he also slept. But he woke before you, and saw his folly and came to you for forgiveness.

And you woke with a start, to curse this one. Yet he stood beside your father, and you could not understand this. And you walked away from both and thought that you were not dead. You thought that it had all been a dream.

            Yet as you walked through the valleys and the hills, they were not familiar to you.  And your thought was, “I must still be dreaming.” Yet you thought, “If this is death, then I must find those who shall judge me. And they must also judge my lover for what he has done.”

            And thy traveled far, asking the same question over and over, “Who shall judge me? And who shall judge this one, he does not belong here. He should be in hell and damnation.”

            Yet all answered in the same manner, “This is within thyself.”

            And suddenly you thought, “If I could just go to the minister from our little town, and talk for a short while.” And there before thee was your church. Yet thy walked up to thy minister and he could not hear you.

            You thought in your mind, “Because of what I have done he is ignoring me.” And you walked out [at] the street. And no one could neither hear nor see you.

            There was one in your town, who most had shunned, for they called her a witch. And you went to this one and spoke through her. And there, from those who gathered there, who were those known as spiritualists, you lingered long and learned from them of this passing.

            And you returned back to you father and your lover, and therefore, forgave of your lover, and of yourself.

            Thy lingered long in this between time.

            Yet thy came back again to put into practice these things that thy had learned. Yet your problem sets before you once again. Listen to thy psychic self. Develop this. Let it come forth and mature as it should, as it was meant to in the beginning of man and God, for did our Father not promise unto thee that He created you in “our likeness, of our kind?” Fear not this, to love and give love unto others.

            Thy have brought forth many karmas. Thy are well on thy way to overcome these. As we have said before, open thy door that we may enter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions tonight, Aka.”

            Then we shall answer in this manner. We see thy need, soul Ray. Fear not, for we stand beside thee. No harm shall come to thee or thy family. Listen to thy heart and thy emotions. These are good. But remember, (chuckle) we do not sleep. We are there night and day to give blessings unto the same.

            Then we should say unto thee these words. We shall give blessings unto your May meetings of the same. [Editor’s note: The first Annual Meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God (renamed Association of Universal Philosophy in 1974) was on May 10, 1972. Seven ministers were ordained, including Ray.]

            Now is the time of the Cherub. Earthquakes shall come upon your earth. Fear these not, for the children of God shall walk with God and give guidance unto the children of man.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the recorded voice for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.