April 28, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            “Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            And we should say unto thee these words. We have been patient with this one who should crow. But our patience now wears thin, for as we have said before, none from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. For this one who walks as a man, but who should talk as a woman -- thy should speak of God’s words, yet thy do not know the meaning of the same. Thy should speak of love, yet know not the meaning of the same. Beware, for the wrath of our Lord is mighty, for as our Father did give unto those of those who should deserve of the same His wrath in the time of Moses.

Yet we come but for one purpose -- that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we come with love. But we also come from the one we were sent.

And our Father should shed many tears for His children.

            But remember unto these words, “Thy shall not bear false witness into thy brother,” nor his house, and “thy should not coveth anything that should belong to thy brother.” But we did promise unto thee these things, that we wouldst give unto thee the material things as they were needed, and the protection of our Lord, God, unto His children.

            And our Lord, God, says unto thee -- “HARK, AND BEWARE,” this dragon. For you have come to become possessed from the other side, and none such as you should walk in the house of the Lord.

In thy mind thy think to ask the name of this one; do not do so, for as our words are spoken unto thee, they shall be spoken unto he.

            And we should answer unto those of the disciples of the same -- thy have in thy mind, and we should answer in this manner. Wear of these things thy choose. But wear, for this time, and this time only, unto white covering of thy clothing. But wear no ornaments before God, other than the one we have given unto thee. [Note: the ankh.]

            Place into thy house no false images unto thy Father, for we have not asked that thy should build a mighty temple. The temple we should seek is within thy hearts, thy souls, thy spirits, and thy immortal body of the same.

            And before your ordination, let all go unto soul Ray, and we should place in his mind these things he should say unto thee.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [A______ R______] has two questions tonight. One: ‘May we have some guidance for replying to general letters asking for help from Ray, any comments you care to give about how to respond to these letters?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Respond thus from the heart, as thy have done. This is good. Worry not these things to write, for we should send those who should protect thy fingertips, and therefore, give knowledge into thy minds. Thy have done well. Fear not, for we shall stand before thee, and those who should cast stones shall have them returned.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [A______’s] second question: ‘Would the use of role playing, based perhaps on some of the life readings, be a constructive teaching technique in this work?’ In other words, should people act out some of the things that we are trying to teach; would this be helpful in teaching in this work?”

            Yes, we see thy need, but we would suggest — take of this that we have given unto thee; do not distort, but bring forth in completion. Do not disclose unto any other soul the true knowledge of the one this reading was given for. Make of this unto short story form or long. Do that that is within thy heart. This should be good. We shall give guidance unto the same. All thy must do is point thy pen in readiness and we shall send those who should enter and give thyself assistance unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-001] has requested a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest, because of the lengthiness of this reading, that this be done at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask -- one moment please.

            Yes, yes. Yes, Father.

            Yes, we should say unto thee in this manner. Of the treatments unto which she has received, the later adjustment of the same has been done incorrectly. This must be done in a gradual, downward manner. The relieving of the third and fourth vertebrae would greatly relieve the pain unto the same. Unto the eighth and ninth vertebrae – yes, this should be adjusted also. This would greatly relieve the pain. But these should not be done with force; very gradually. If force is used it could cause permanent damage unto the same.

            We would suggest that the use of hot olive oil packs be used nightly. This should be done into first, 5-minute intervals, increasing unto 30-minute intervals.

            Yes, we see this.

As we have said before, the healing that is needed shall be given.

Of the life reading, this should be asked first, at thy next reading.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have two questions that bother my mind, even though they seem perhaps trivial. One of them is, I am disturbed if I should continue to go to church because of the problems it presents, but I want to do what is right and that which will make me grow spiritually. The second thing is, I am disturbed about leaving my children so long when I go to Yuma, and I wonder if you could give me any guidance in these matters?”

            We should answer in this manner, first of thy church. You are growing spiritually in the attendance of the same. Fear not, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way.

            Of thy leaving of thy children, we would suggest that an adult be with them. Can you understand of which we speak? This shall be provided at a no material cost unto you. Fear not, for we walk before thee, soul Paul and soul Ruth, for those things that thy should need for the fulfillment of the same have already been done.

            And now we should say unto soul M________ -- but we should call of this one, soul Martha. We see thy need, and we have provided that that is needed. For you must realize, our usage and possession of soul Ray is sometimes overbearing unto this one. The changes within this one you have seen. And the two personalities shall come back into a whole again. But this one shall never be the same, nor shall you. [Editor’s note: The tape recording ends at this point, so the following words could not be checked.]

            You worry that this one is advancing faster than you can keep up with. Fear not, for he loves his Father above all things, but second unto none he loves of you and your children. Be patient, for there is times when we must speak unto this one, and he listens only unto our Father.

            Make certain that he should get the rest and proper diet, and therefore, we shall restore the body, but we cannot create. Give him peace of mind or he shall destroy his own body.

            As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.