August 11, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee again, let the dead bury their dead, for our Father should be the God of the living, not the dead. And for those who should dwell as lost souls, let them bury their dead also. For now shall be a new time. And we shall bring forth the knowledge that has hidden before.      

And we shall tell thee of the time that shall come before thee in fulfillment, for as once before, as Judas should slay a Prophet, and the Prophet rose again, so it shall be in this time, for not until the Prophet was slain should the truth come in fulfillment. And as it was written, so it shall be.

            And we shall say unto thee into these words, as we have said before. Thy Father asks but two things of thee, love unto Him one-tenth the love given unto thy fellow man, love unto your Father in the same manner.

            And we should say unto thee these words: “Coveth not that that should belong to another.” For we should answer your questions in this manner. For the Lord of Isaiah, for the Lord of Abraham, for the Lord of Ishmael, for the Lord of Moses, and for the Lord of the one known as Jesus Christ, and so it shall be for the Lord of the one known as Buddha, for they did not worship false idols, nor did they lay any idol or prophecy before themselves. For the Lord came in truth unto man and gave unto him the Spirit, and the Lord should stand before thee in the same manner.

            But man can harm thee, yes, this is true, but he cannot take from thee thy soul or thy spirit. Even your Lord, God, should not do unto this of thee. But He should allow thee to do it unto thyselves. If this in that manner has been done, then woe unto thee who had walked in a false light and given unto his fellow man lies, and not truths.

            But now we should say unto thee these words, we have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            Your earth, as we have said before, shall start to change. Your changes shall come from Alaska, through the Mediterranean, through the Mexican and South Americans, and all land within the same shall mold and come forth. The land that should be of the Brittany shall change. And the land that thy should know of the valley below the sea, it shall change, for it has changed in man’s eyes already.  [Editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona, or the Imperial Valley, California, area.]

            Of this we say unto thee, your thousand years can begin at any time, but not as you should count, but as our Father should count.

            And for some there shall be many, and for some there shall be never. But the half times are over, for those who should pass beyond this time, they shall be. For those who should lose of their souls shall be no more, for they shall wander in nothingness.

            Thy have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [11-19-71-001] who is now living in Globe, has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul and the spirit of this one. Yes, and we see thy karma once again.

            Therefore, we should give of thee this proportion of the same, of a between life or an after-life, as thy would know it.

            And as we have said before, thy were a mistress of a plantation, of your Southern states of your Americans, and therefore, did give unto these, of thy slaves, cruel and ruthless punishment. Thy did not give unto them the words of God, for thy thought of them as animals, and then again thy should speak of them as the children of Cain. But in truth, we should say unto thee, upon your earth there came upon the earth in the beginning in five places, of the five races of your earth, and all were the children of God.

            Therefore, into these things that thy did, thy were much hated by these people. And they rose and slayed thee, and thy could not understand this. For as thy lay in thy state of waiting, and as thy rose from the body form, thy wanted to be treated as a great lady.

            Yet, thy saw the many colors pass before thee of mankind and the colors of God, and thy could not understand this. And day by day, the one who sat beside thee and waited for thy awakening had been of an old mistress who had passed on before.

            And as she sat beside thee to try and awaken thee, thy would fight this. For thy looked into her face and said, “How could heaven be that for of those of your color?”

            And thy answered back, this one, and said unto thee, “For we are the people of God, all of us.”

            And then, as thy saw the others pass by, thy learned the truth. But not in full, for thy rose and awoken and ordered her to take thee to your home. And so she did so. And thy wandered in this house which was empty. And you said unto her, “Where are the servants?”

            And she said, “I am a servant, as you are a servant.”

            And you lashed  at her. And therefore, she did not strike thee back, but stood before thee.

            And you said unto her, “Bring of me the teachers that I should learn of this other time,” and therefore, entered an elderly man who had been a slave of thy plantation who had been killed because of your cruel treatment.

            And you drew back unto yourself and said, “How could this be true?”

            And he said unto thee, “From this day forward, thy shall have of the psychic mind. From this day forward, in your birth again, you shall know of that which you have done before, that you should never again do it unto mankind.”

            And you looked unto him and said, “Therefore, let me born unto the colored race.”

            And he answered unto you this question, in this manner, that “That of which we are, we must be, that the clay that we have chosen we must go forward and learn from it. But the changing from one race to another would teach you nothing.”

            Therefore, he took your hand and led you unto the higher temples of learning. And thy chose unto this lifetime thy possess, and your children chose you in the same manner.

            And we should answer your question in this manner. You have known of both of these men. And you have grown weary of both in your own mind, yet still you have not learned that that was given unto you to learn. You have used your psychic mind to reach out, but yet, you have not seen before you this of which you must learn -- tolerance unto your fellow man, love, a love that is greater than yourself.

            And we should say unto you, as in the days of Moses -- and as the Ten Commandments were given unto you, and given unto Moses and given unto mankind, so they should be. If thy should find of thyself in this lifetime, look into the Ten Commandments. Look deeply, and learn of them. Take each one, one at a time, and apply them to yourself.

“Coveth not that that belongs to another.” Look unto your God, and say, “Oh Lord, I have seen in truth, and I shall try to use this gift our Father has seen fit to hand into your hands for useful purposes.” Develop it not in the eyes of Satan, of Lucifer, but develop it in a manner that your children’s children shall walk beside it and know it came in truth from our God.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have two questions from [8-11-72-001], Claypool, Arizona....She says, she would like to know about her husband and how he is, and his health. He had a serious operation in 1967, and how is he doing?”

            We cannot answer of that question, for this would be to violate this one’s fee will.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Her second question, she says her son [8-11-72-002] has turned 20 and has been drafted. He was married in January of 1972. Could there be anything he can do to get deferment because his wife is pregnant?”

            If he should choose to serve of his country, let him walk forth as a man. But if he should choose the path of Lot, then let him walk forward and serve unto himself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-23-71-002] asked if you have any message for her?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have seen unto thy needs, and have given the protection that has been needed.

            We should answer your question in this manner, come forth. Come forth and we should give unto thee the blessings of health that thy desire, for both thy family and thyself. But dwell within a house complete.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. My sister’s daughter [8-11-72-003] is working in an American school in Tokyo as a teacher, and she has asked for a life or health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, but we should answer at a different time, for soul Ray now grows weary.  And we should leave unto thee these words.

            For as we have said before, the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth. Your years shall come rapidly, and your time shall appear before thee, as we have said. For let none who should wear the mark of the Beast remain. Let none who should wear the mark of the Beast come before us and drink from our cup, for our Father has little tolerance for those. [See The Revelation 6:9-17, chapter 7, 9:1-12, chapters 10, 13-22.

“If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:42-50.]  

We have given unto thee both the wine and the bread. Now, must we also furnish the yeast unto thyselves?

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.