August 18, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have set a new course, and therefore, shall at last, that that has been placed in the brook shall flow unto the river. This in itself is good. [Exodus 17:1-7.]

            As we have said before, thy shall walk unto many doors and knock, and therefore, give unto them your blessings. [Mark 6:1-14.]

            There shall be some who shall accept for a while and then reject the same. There shall be some who shall stand as hypocrites in false robes and say the vows before our Father, but yet they shall wear the mark of the Beast. But as we have said before, only those who should stand forth and not wear the mark of the Beast shall enter the kingdom of God in fullness. And from this shall come unto the time when all mankind shall live within the temple of God, and our Father shall call His many children back unto His many mansions.

            But as a field is sown in many places, yet in the most unlikely places shall come the best crops, so do not fail to sow them all, one by one, and two by two. [Matthew 13:1-23.]

            But as before, the chain was broken, a chain may be built of many links. But that a chain may stand before our Father, each chain must tested and tested again; each length must stand strongly and firm within the shadow of our Father. [Acts 1:9-26 and The Revelation 20:1-6.]

            As we have said before, you shall build a mighty army unto God, but it shall be an army of minds, and nothing shall be hidden from this army. [The Revelation 19:11-21.]

            For when they shall build the last wall, none shall enter that should wear the mark of the Beast. [The Revelation 21:9-27.]

            But unto our Father’s words, “There is a time for all things.” There is a time that the rain should fall upon the earth. There is a time that the seasons shall change. [Ecclesiastics.]

            And for a man who cares not to see the season change, he should not see his soul and spirit and the immortal body grow in fullness, for he should hide and continue to hide. [Matthew, chapter 24 and The Revelation, chapters 6-7.].

            But as we have said before, this time is over, the half times. For nothing unclean shall come into our Father’s temple. [The Revelation 21:27, 22:6-7, 10-16.]

            For those who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, all things of their past shall be forgotten within themselves, and so it shall be forgotten within our Father, for those who should step forward in righteous sake, and cast no stone upon his brother. [The Revelation, chapter 7; 14:1-16; 19:7-10; 20:4-6; 21:1-8, 27; and 22:7-15.]

            But we say unto thee these words. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. [Exodus 21:18-27.]

            For none shall enter the kingdom of God that does not know of earth, and none shall not know of earth that does not know the kingdom of God.

            But we say unto those who should doubt, why should you believe the words we should speak of heaven, yet believe the words we should say of earth.    

            But mark unto these words, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, and your cleansing process has already began [The Revelation 6:9-11, 8:13, 9:1-12.]

            But we say unto you, if a wall is mighty, and the foundation is strong, and the roof is built well, then you shall weather the storm. But if one link is weak within this structure, then it shall fall to the earth. [Acts 1:6-26 and The Revelation 21 and 22.]

            So be unto thy brother’s keeper, and do so in reality, that thy may look into thyself and start thy thousand years of peace. [The Revelation 20:1-6.]

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [6-18-72-001} is in the Gila General Hospital with a possible miscarriage, and we’ve been asked for help for her. Do you have any?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given. And we answer also in this manner, for this one, give unto God that that belongs unto your God. If this is done, then God shall give unto you and show glory into the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-18-72-002] of Sabinal, Texas....He’s presently in Central Heights and he is very ill with a gall bladder problem, and asks for help.”

            Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. If the faith was strong, then the healing could be given, but the faith is weak, so therefore, the healers of your earth shall give unto the healing. This should be removed in a surgical manner, but the help that has been asked for shall be given in the same manner.

            Thy have other questions, ask.         

            “Yes, Aka -- ”

            One moment. Yes, yes, yes we see thy need, yes.

            And we should answer, dust to dust.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [8-11-72-003], who was given a health reading on June 23, 1972, is working in an American school in Tokyo; she’s a teacher... And she has asked for a health or life reading.”

            This should be given at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka, could you tell me what the mark of the beast is?”

            The mark of the beast shall be that that you shall write upon your soul. If thy should give unto evil unto your fellow man, this mark shall show. If thy should give unto greed unto your fellow man, this mark shall show. If thy should trespass upon another, this mark shall show. All things of your lives shall show upon your soul, one by one, where you have built them. [The Revelation 12:17, 13:1-18]

            Yet, we say unto you, in one moment all this could be taken away. But within that moment, if thy should take a backward step, they shall be stamped again.

            Therefore, we say unto you, wash of thy clothing in the Lamb, of the blood, and the blood of the Lamb shall be cleansing of the same. And we do not speak of the blood that thy would know, but of the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body of your own, for they shall be, as all things shall be, a righteous thing given unto our Father. And this thy shall take unto the altar of our Father.[The Revelation 6:9-11, 7:13-17, 11:14-19, 12:7-12, 14:1-4 and 10-14, 19:5-9, 20:1-6 and 11-15, 21:1-7 and 23-27, 22:1-5 and 12-14.]

            Thy have asked in thy minds, “Then what could be of this, this immortal body?” It is all the acts upon your soul and spirit. It is that that thy have built, for when thy have reached unto the immortal body, thy have come as four -- and as four was of Thirteen. [Mark 3:7-19 and Acts 1:6-26]

            There have been many who have stepped unto five and thought they had climbed the ladder in complete. But only as five they had opened the third eye of man.

            Yet, some had cast a veil upon it. [Exodus 26:31-37, 27:21, 34:10-35, 36:35-38, 40:1-35.]

            And some through lifting this veil and passing beyond, have thought to become as six; yet they were tossed back unto one. And therefore, that that they should see should not come as truths, but as half truths. And that that they should talk of should not come as truths, but half truths.

            Take up unto thyselves unto five, and therefore, remember, that as we have said before, bring forth unto us, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and therefore, show unto our Father the immortal body of man. Let it walk unto the psychic world.

            But those who should use of their psychic powers in the wrong manner, their powers shall be taken from them, for the psychic power of man is a gift born into all mankind, for as a child should suckle its mother, it should possess this. Unto the smallest creature of the earth, it should possess this.

            Then bring it forward; learn of it, put it to use, into common practice. Let it become part of your normal lives. But do not fill the stomach with more than you can digest, and do not place into the mouth more than you can swallow (chuckle). For in either case, you can give yourself a sickness that can not be cured.

            And for those who should do of this, let them bury their own dead, for our Father is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living, for as Egypt buried the dead, so should these.

            But remember unto these words, for I am soul Ray, and soul Ray is I. But do not confuse that that should come unto Thirteen, for in fulfillment of your life and your missions, all things, for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, shall come.

            But remember, “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” for all things that man should think of is sin, is not sin in our Father’s eyes. Before you cast that from yourself remember, look deep within yourself and say unto these words, “Is this part of my Father I should cast out?”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Is there anything we should be spending more time on in our study sessions?”

            Thy have advanced well. Bring forth unto your peoples these things that we have shown you. Develop your psychic abilities into full awareness, but treat the cause first, and if you should do so, there shall be no effect.

            “I don’t understand you, Aka.”

            (Chuckle.) You shall within time, for new knowledge shall blossom and come forth a step at a time, for as we have said before, the material things that are needed for this work shall be provided.

            Soon your time of waiting shall end, for you have entered the river. Let the waters of the river flow through all of thy groups.

            And we say these words, for those who should not understand of which we speak, let them come here and learn.  

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Is there anything that should be done at this time for Soul Ray’s blood disorder or general health?”

            Those things that are needed are being done. But let him not despair, for we shall bring forth one. And then it shall come as a complete thing. And when this one is brought forth, let all those of all of the groups stand forth, for it shall be a time of joy and fulfillment. But as the Autumn leaves should fall, these things shall come a step at a time.

            Of his health we shall say in this manner, in your month of November we shall stand and give you full answers.

            But we should answer in this manner, let no one misinterpret that of which we have spoken. Let no one from this day forward cast a stone. For we have stood before you and stones have been cast, and before, we said unto you these words, “If you had a stone to cast, cast it at us first.” But that time has passed, for we have no more time to waste upon those who should cast stones. Therefore, let the dead bury the dead.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you describe the nature and function of the immortal body? Can it be used as a pattern in healing?’”

            Yes, this can be used as a pattern in healing.

            Within soul Ray we have placed the knowledge of the aura, and the treatment of the same.

            You have thoughts now of machinery that should bring forth the creative force of man, and therefore, be able to change the function of the brain cells into full healing. As we have said before, both through the sound and light lies the secret.

            But as the sperm of man and woman should be dissected, so you shall dissect the light and sound which are the true healing of man, which can change the pattern of the genesis of man.

            You must realize that, as these secrets should come forth, disease, as you should know it, shall be wiped from the face of the earth.

            Your thoughts upon this subject are correct. We shall elaborate upon this further at a different time. More knowledge shall be given. It is being given to you daily, but as questions arise, ask of these. This is an important field, very important, for as the immortal body is used in the function of man’s soul and spirit, a sick body should be of a sick mind, and a sick mind should have not of the immortal body.

            Soul Ray now grows very weary, and our time grows short.

            But we should say unto thee, blessed are those who have stood through the time of trial. Blessed are those who should carry no false faces before our Father. Blessed are they who should end their karma. But woe upon those who should build of the new, for they should wander forever as lost souls in a nothingless land.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and we should leave thee with healing, the healing that shall be given freely upon your touch.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: So it was that Ray began to use his gift of healing and his healing work began.

About 35 people a day from the U.S. and Mexico would come to his door and knock to ask for healing.]




[Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona