August 26, 1972

Yuma, Arizona



               Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner, for those who should come before their God in truth, our Father should bow before them. [The Revelation 4:1-11, 11:14-19, 21:1-5, 22-26, 22:3-9, 17].

            And thy should say unto us, “How could this be so?” And we should say unto you, for as you see our Father, so you should see unto us. And as we see our Father, so we should see unto thee in the same manner, for all things upon your earth shall possess the Seven Spirits of God, for all things upon your earth are part of God. For did He not say unto thee, “Of our kind, of our likeness,” and so all life was created. [Genesis 1:26-31.]

            And did He not take from His vineyard and plant in yours? Did He not take from His ocean and plant in yours? And therefore, as your land grew fruitful and gave forth unto mankind, so mankind should give forth unto God. And as mankind should give forth unto God, God should give forth unto mankind in a like manner. For we have said many times, our Father asks but two things of thee, to give unto Him one-tenth the love that He should give unto His children, and that thy should love unto thy brother in the same manner.

            Our Father did give unto His children free choice, but our Father also gave unto His children the Ten Commandments unto Moses. And before Moses, He did give unto the wisdom of Adam. And we should say unto thee in this manner, as the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man, and therefore, found them fair and did enter and become earthbound of the same, and the knowledge that they possessed was not taken from them, but for what they had done, their karma must go on and on through all of mankind.

            As we have said before, for some there shall be many, for some there shall be none at all. And we say unto you these words, thy can end all thy karma in but a moment, yet restore it with a second thought.

            Thy thoughts are like that of God, for you are part of God. As your mind grows stronger, all things are possible unto the mind, for distances and energies can be transformed into whole beings.                   

We know that at times we should speak unto thee as in riddles, but as we have said before, the half times are over. Use of the knowledge we have given unto thee. Bring forth this thousand years upon your earth. Go forward and prepare a way, but first prepare it within thyself, for thy can give nothing unto another that thy first do not possess within thyself.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-26-72-001] who is here tonight...asks for help. He says, ‘Can you give a reason for the pain in my back and recommend treatment?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, as a child, thy had what is know as spinal meningitis. This problem was brought forth unto a fall of the same. The lower backular area has decay; therefore, as we have said before, we cannot create. But into thy own mind there is knowledge.

            We would suggest that of a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor. We would further suggest that a bar be erected that thy could barely reach, using this to stretch the backular area, at first, two minutes and increasing up to ten each day. This must be done, the increasing, over a prolonged period. Do not overdo this.

            We further find problems in the third and fourth vertebrae. This from itself, is caused from a virus. We would suggest a changing, radical changing within your diet. Cut down on the amount of salt within the diet at the present time. Eat more of the green vegetation. We would not suggest the use of any alcoholic beverage. The spinal fluid, within the same, is at an off-balance at the present time; this must be restored.

            There are many other various problems within this soul as it is at the present time. First correct these, and come back and we should answer you other questions.

            We say unto thee three words, blessed are they who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, but cursed are they who should wash it and use it as wine.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [8-26-72-002] asks for a better understanding of his problems, specifically a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should give unto thee this at a different time, for your time is not of needs of this reading. We would suggest that at your next reading this question be asked, but we also see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

            Thy have thoughts in thy mind of a mate, yet thy have prolonged these thoughts. Why should thy be so foolish? You are wasting not only your time, but that of the other. Go forward and make of the earth fruitful unto the same. And as the fruit should come forward, it shall be good fruit.

            But we should say unto you in this manner, of this that thy have in mind, our Father should give blessings upon the same. Thy fear only lies within thy own mind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [8-26-72-003], age nine, of Yuma...asks, ‘I want to know what direction God wants me to take to build for the future.’”   

            We should answer in this manner. For we have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. This can only be done with an army of minds. This can only be done within each soul. We have come to take from the brook into the rivers, from the rivers into the many lands, and unto the universes and universes, as the heavens themselves. [But as] each soul comes forward once again to take from that their karma -- no one else can do this for them only they themselves -- but if you should stop along the way to show the path unto others, then blessed be those who should give of the Light. Go unto meditation, open thy mind, and therefore, the door shall be opened that we should enter, and we should give unto thee the knowledge that is needed.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [1-21-72-002] asks for a follow-up reading about her relationship with Tim. She asks, `Does all that which was said previously still hold true, including the death of her body, or spiritually?’ She also asks for guidance. She says, ‘What does our Lord wish for me to do with my life?’ She asks help in growing spiritually and asks about a life reading.’”

            Of the last, the life reading should be given at a different time.

            Of the first, we should answer in this manner. Our Lord has seen fit to stay the hand of destiny. But fate is but a fickle lover, do not tempt it.

            We have shown unto thee a way. Be transformed. We have shown unto thee and given unto thee the gift to write. As the way must be prepared, so should it be done as a script of the same.

            We cannot interfere with thy free choice. We have stayed the hand once, but we shall not be allowed to do so the second time. But open thy door, and we shall enter and give directions of the same, for there is much work for those who should enter. But have faith, and thy should walk on the water with us.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [M___ DeG______] would like to know how she can improve her sight so she can continue her work?’”

            We have seen the need, and therefore, given forth unto the healing of the same. And we shall continue to do this. Your sight shall improve, and yet again, but we should give unto thee a different sight. That is the sight of the spirit, that thy may look within thyself, that thy may plant a rose. And as the rose should grow within thy soul, so it should grow within thy body, and as all mankind should look into your eyes, they shall find the beauty of the rose, therefore, within.

            And we should say unto thee, as your Lady of Guadalupe, so you shall walk in truth before man.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, soul James would like to know what can be done to improve his hearing, as he is going deaf?”

            We should answer your question in this manner. Your deafness is not a physical problem, only a mental one. Your nerves, and then within the self, is reacting in such a manner to deafen out that which thy do not wish to hear. As once before, we came unto your home, and therefore, did bring blessings, we shall again, and therefore, restore the house divided. And as the temple shall be built from within, so it shall be built from without, and all things shall come in fulfillment. Pick up thy staff and walk again with us.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. I just have one other question. Did someone go to soul Ray’s house to do him harm on Friday? And could you tell us if our thoughts on this are correct?”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For one walked, therefore, to do harm, but within your own words, and within ours, none from either side shall interfere with this work. And therefore, we say unto those, let the dead bury the dead.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Luke, and we should answer in this manner. The staff we have handed into thy hands is strong. Do not allow those from without to bend it. For within thy faith shall now grow strong, and thy shall walk again upon the water. Protect that that we have given unto thee to protect. Love that that we have given [unto thee] to love. Bring unto your house one God. Bring unto thy soul one God. And we shall stand beside thee and build.

            But if a serpent should enter, cast down this rod we have given [unto] thee, and it shall eat the other serpents. But do not waiver from your faith, for as we have said before, we have given unto thee and unto thy hands a prophet. Guard this one well, and all things from the fruit of the tree shall grow, therefore, within it.

            But do not listen unto those who should come in falsehood, for the wrath of the God is mighty. But as a small child who suckles [its] mother, go unto the temple of God for knowledge, for none who should know not of heaven should not know of earth, for none who should not know of earth shall not know of heaven.

            And we should say again, for the time grows near, for written upon your sky, the earth shall bellow forth its mighty force. And there, upon the desert it shall lie, close to the ocean, for within real, but Satan, therefore, cannot steal. [See Matthew 24:29-33, Acts 1:6-11, The Revelation 14:14, 19:11-16, and The Revelation 12:10-17.]

            Soul Ray grows weary.

            And we say unto thee, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Not one stone shall be left unturned. [See The Revelation, chapters 5-7 and Matthew 24:1-8.]

And soon, from Alaskans, the earth shall churn, through your Mediterraneans, through your South Americans. All things shall come, as written before. And as [a last] Atlantis did rise and fall, so shall many lands upon your earth. But for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, no harm shall come unto these. [See The Revelation, chapter 7, 14:1-14,  15:2-4, 19:6-9, 20:1-7, chapters 21 and 22.]

            We have given unto thee a child, a new James upon the earth. Thy have seen him, yet thy do not know of him. And we say unto thee, let no harm come unto this one, for there are those who should harm him. For these who should do so, we should wipe them from the face of all earths, for this shall be our Father’s will.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona