December 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words, for as we have told you of the beginning, and as we have told you of the twin sisters of your earth, and therefore, we shall bring those forward into one house, that all may prepare for the coming of the Messiah. For look deep within yourselves; bring forth that that belongs to your Father. Place it upon the altar.

            But do not cast before an animal that that belongs to God, and do not cast an animal before your God, that that belongs to man. And thy say once again unto us that we speak in riddles.

            Yet, we say unto you, for the wise to hear, bring forth the altar of our Father. Lay it before you. Cast aside your animal instincts. Cast them aside and throw them to the winds. But remember, even that the wind should blow should be our Father’s will. Bring forth that part of yourselves that was in the beginning. Place forth before our Father of pure kind.

            And we say unto you, soul Ruth, we have opened the door of memory, but not to dwell in the past. We have opened it that the future should be made more clearly, that as the Book with Wings is prepared, you should enter with a clear mind. Yet, you have become more confused. We have brought forth this knowledge that your psychic senses could come unto their full strength, that the knowledge of what you do, now, is more important than that you have ever done before, for all things that you have done before has brought you to this time, this place, now. Give forth our Book wings and let it fly unto the people.

            And we say unto you, soul [1-21-72-002], we have placed flowers before you. But now is not the time for flowers, for now we have come to collect your indebtedness. And our Father shall collect it in full in this manner. New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first. Thy have the knowledge. Use of it.

            And now, we say unto soul Paul these words, your debts shall now be brought before you. For all things that are promised unto our Father shall be fulfilled. Give healing unto those that are needed. Give guidance unto those that are needed. But yet, as we placed you, not third from the right, but first to the right, that you should stand as a pillar and give strength unto soul Ray, and bear the yoke.

            And now, we say unto soul [5-7-72-004] these words. Come forth unto us as Mark. Come forth unto us in fullness, for the children should wait unto your coming. But as your promise of before, your time has arrived, and now our Father shall place before thee a way to repay your indebtedness.

            And now, we say unto soul Luke these words. As we read from your records and your promises unto our Lord, we come before you, therefore, to collect this indebtedness to your God, your Father. You have made promises unto your Lord. Take forth this Book of Wings and spread it unto the nations of the earth.

            And now we say unto soul James, those tools that are needed shall be placed in your hands. And as we read from your records of your indebtedness, we have come to collect of the same. Go forth and spread the words that are given unto you.

            And now, we say unto soul Jude, your time is here, and now we have fulfilled our part of the bargains. We have saved and spared the life of your son. We have saved and spared the life of your grandchildren. We have saved and spared the life of your daughters and your husband. Now is the time our Father should collect that that is owed unto Him.

            But yet, unto all, we say these words. Promise not unto your Father that that you do not wish to repay. If a promise is made, fulfill it.

            And we say unto Mary these words. We have come to collect your indebtedness. And so it shall be -- an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Prepare, therefore, for the coming of the Messiah. Do so by word of mouth, by action and deed, for the time of the coming grows close.

            The time for the Book of wings is now. Spread upon your earth glad tidings. Give joy unto your fellow man. Or we shall give unto you your three thousand years of darkness, and the debt[s] shall be paid in full.

            We see thy need, soul [3-3-72-001], and we should answer in this manner. We have given you the sight to see, that of the sight of the mind. We have placed into your keeping the messengers of your people. Yes, we see thy need now, and the healing thy have asked for shall be given and the hand shall be stayed. But do not tarry too long, for the hand that is stayed shall be the messengers’. Give forth that that thy have seen, but do so in an unselfish manner, and your times of trials and tribulations shall end.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [9-1-72-003], and we should place the name of Peter before you. Come before us, and we shall see that that you shall see, and you shall see that that our Father should see.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            And we should say unto you these words. Of the fifth dimension, the ninth plane, dwells in your house tonight, and all has been brought together. When your reading ends, go into meditation, and all shall dwell in the house of God.

            Make haste in delivery of these messages into those of the valley beneath the sea, for they have great need for them. [Editor’s note: Aka was speaking of the study group in Yuma, Arizona, that was said to be in the valley beneath the sea.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.