December 22, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now, upon your day of days, we shall give a full definition of soul Ray’s dream.

            He dreamed he had many fields to plant upon, and three different types of grain to plant in the many fields.

            He dreamed that some of the fields were of rock. And of the fields of rock we shall tell you first, further, for there was a poor farmer who had but a field of rock to plant upon. And he toiled the land year in and year out. And the riches that he sought he never found. And one day, came upon his path a miner, who looked upon the rocky fields and told the farmer to dig within the field and he would find the riches that he sought. And so he did, and there he found gold and silver of many fold.

            And of the watery fields he planted upon, there was a fisherman who, day by day, who cast his net into the water, and found not fish at all. And most of the fish he caught were those he dared not keep. And then a miner came to him, and said to him, “Dig beneath the water that you fish upon.” And so he did, and there he found the oil to light his many lamps.

            And of the fields that were fertile, we tell you this, that no field at all shall yield your riches without your toil. And the heaven you should seek should be that for which you should toil for. And that that you should find upon earth shall be your heaven also. For your heaven is not in the sky above you, it lies within each separate soul. It dwells upon the earth within the man and woman.

            And of the Book you read, and of the many pages you should seek within, to seek the hidden meaning of God’s words, when in truth, the truth should dwell in many hearts in many ways. For as there were many paths and many fields to plant upon, these were the many ways to seek your God. It makes your Father little difference of the name, or the tongue, you should seek Him in. It makes your Father little difference in the manner you should say your prayers. But when you reach your Father, speak as that unto yourselves, and the riches of your reward shall come from within and without.

            But the riches that you should seek should lie beneath your feet, for that is where you walk.

            Upon this day you should celebrate the coming of the Messiah. Do not plant it in one day, but set your seed upon the earth in many places every day, in every way, and your Father, God, shall see the toil, the loving toil within your hearts.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully. But study our words well, for we have not spoke in riddles, as it may seem, but in fullness, with the wisdom our Father should give on us to speak.

            Give blessings unto all. And watch the heavens every day, and soon the light that shone before upon the valley of Bethlehem shall shine again, and your new Messiah shall be born unto men.

            You have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [12-22-72-001] has asked for a life reading.”

            Nay, not yet, but soon we should give of this, for we should answer in this manner. Give love unto your Father, as thy have sought to give love into others. Open your door, that we may enter and place within thy mind of many dreams, and then shall be the time we should give of this, and it should come of a full and rich and meaningful thing. But should we give it now it would be meaningless unto you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [2-19-72-002]'s mother, [10-29-71-002], is in the hospital....Do you have any advice for her health?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. The problems within this soul, the body of the same, are many and numerous. For there is a time for birth, and a time that dust should go to dust. There is a time for waiting, and a time when the soul and the spirit and the immortal body shall join in fullness. This is not a time of sadness. We should suggest that kindness be given unto this one; that is the best medicine of all, and love and respect for that that has been given unto you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [1-21-72-002] asks, ‘Could you tell us more about the word, love?’”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Does not the parent love the child even though it is naughty?

            But love comes from our parable of before, and that of toil, of giving love day by day -- and of those many fields we have told you about, if love is added to the toil.

            Love is the giving unselfishly. Love is giving and never expecting anything in return.

            Love is like a flower as it blossoms and comes into full bloom; each petal is a separate part, and yet again, it comes from the same plant.

            Love is that which dwells in the many hearts. Love is that that comes from the earth that should feed the many souls. Love is that that comes from the heavens to bring your heart warmth.

            Love is laughter. Love is tears.

            Love is morning. Love is evening. Love is all.

            For love is looking into the heavens and seeing the star, and even loving the star knowing that by the time you have seen it the star has gone out.

            Love is that that you can see, and that that you cannot see. Love is that that you can hear, and that that you cannot hear. But most of all, love is faith, and faith brings wisdom. For if our Father did not have love, how could have He had the faith in His children to know that they would return unto His many mansions? For love is God. And God is love.        

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Could you tell me about faith, because we are raised oftentimes to not believe things without investigating them, and yet, we are told in scripture to ask and believe that these things shall be given. Could you tell me more about faith?”

            We should answer your question in this manner. Faith is that of a belief that God, your Father, has had in His children. For your Father, God, gave unto the Seven Spirits the faith to build the universe and universes. And He breathed life upon the earth that faith could enter into man, and man could enter into faith.

            Faith is that which allows you to walk upon the water. For like a small boy who should cast a stone to watch it walk upon the water, without that faith the water would disappear, and so should the stone.

            But faith is that that you see in a newborn’s eyes when it looks upon its mother. Faith is that which should be in a mother’s eyes when she looks upon her child, for she knows that this child is born of free choice. Faith is life and faith is death. But remember, your Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, and that is the faith He has placed into His children’s hands. And as a good father, He has hidden nothing from His children; therefore, He should have the faith that His children should take nothing from their Father, but return all that was given back into His gentle hands.

            Soul Ray now grows very weary, and that we may not overtax his body -- at this time, we shall give healing upon your earth. For three days, that that you ask for in our Father’s name shall be given.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. But hark unto these words, for new eruptions shall occur upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.