February 4, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And as we have said before, thy can destroy nothing, that all things upon your earth, both good and bad, come from the same source. And [it] has been said before, that both the rain and sunshine shall fall upon all, but as we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with our work.

            Therefore, we say unto thee these words. And therefore, hark, unto thee, for soul Paul and soul Mark; we see thy need. And as we have said before, there are many times that thy faith shall be tested, for this is the way of the Lord. And we say unto thee, stand firm and strong in thy belief in your Lord, our God. For these things that have happened, we have known about, and therefore, prepared a way for such. Fear this not. As thy must answer this letter, do so in this manner. Answer unto this one, first, unto these words, that that you shall give that that belongs to God to God, and that that belongs to this one into him. But you shall give that that belongs to you into yourselves.

            As we have said before, we are here to prepare a way, and therefore, the disciples that have been chosen unto the same, they shall prepare a way. But first, they must prepare this way within themselves. As we have said before, our Lord, God, asks but two things of man -- to love of Him into one-tenth of that that the Lord gives unto His children, to love unto his fellow man in the same manner.

            But as thy turn thy right cheek that has been struck unto the left, and it has been struck also, then take [this] wisdom of God and place it in such a manner that it should speak truth. And in this manner, upon this rock shall flow the spirits of God – and from it should flow into the river, which shall be the souls of man -- and from the river into the mighty oceans that should flow unto all lands of your earth -- and from there into the mighty galaxies and the many universes within themselves. For we are here to prepare a way. And so we shall.

            And we give of this, this warning into these. The wrath of the Lord is mighty; do not stir this anger. Therefore, you should take unto these words. Go before your radio medium, and therefore, place the truth unto the same. 

            Thy have other questions, but first we should answer one other in this manner. Thy have asked, are thy Christians?

            And we should answer in this manner. You are the people and the children of God. And for all those, regardless of what word they should use to call themselves, who should bow before God and give reverence into the same, we have told thee before, do not confuse this one that is called Jesus, the Christ, with your God, for he was put before man by God.

            And the Lord said unto this one, “GO UNTO MY PEOPLE. GO IN PURE FORM. GIVE THEM UNTO MY WORDS FOR THIS TIME.”

            And so, he did into which he was told. And he did give glory unto his Lord.

            And now, we say unto thee, we give into thee a new coveth for your time. But do not take away or destroy anything. This is to add to what you already possess. As has been said before -- we come not to change the prophecies, we come not to change the Laws, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

            If one should ask thee, “What are thy called,” tell them you are the people of God. Should they ask further, “Are thy Christian, are thy Buddha, are thy Mohammed,” say, “Yes, I and we are all of these.”

            Thy have many questions, ask of the same.

            "Aka, the Yuma group asks, ‘During the baptism service what does the wine and the bread represent?’”

            And we should answer in this manner. The wine should represent the soul of man. The bread should represent the spiritual form of God. And if man should eat of both, then forever there shall remain the spirit of man.

Thy have other questions, ask.   

"What wine should be used, Aka?”

            Take that of the wine that comes from the grape, and that of the grape that should come from either the white or the dark; it makes little difference. For the wine in itself means nothing unless the one who takes of it should know of what they are taking of, and therefore, within their heart and soul place it in its just place.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Is the Messiah to come the reincarnation of Jesus?”

            When the proper time comes, our Lord should make this, His plan, known unto us, and we should tell of thee this. But remember this, we can tell of thee nothing that our Lord, our God, our Father does not give unto us permission to do of the same. For our knowledge comes from Him who should know of all things.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka What does the seven-candle candelabra represent that we use in ordaining ministers?”

            These should be used. And as we have said before, they are the seven spirits of God. [See Numbers 7:89 - 8:1-4 and The Revelation 1:1-8, chapters 4-5.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, I have a request for a life reading for S____ M____.”

            We see thy need, and we shall give this, but ask it first at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka I have a question concerning a previous reading.  N____ G____, who you spoke to two weeks ago, is confused by your advice. You mentioned that she should follow her mother’s advice, but her mother has been dead for some time, and she isn’t sure what you mean.”

            We should answer in this manner. As we have said before that those in the spiritual world can speak unto those of thy loved ones; they can give guidance. And we say unto this one, go unto meditation at least 10 minutes each day that those who come from God may enter. But before thy do this, unto thyself and thy Lord pray for guidance that none but the spirits of God should come through.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, I have two questions. The first one, when you instructed as to how the letter should be written and answered, should we say only that we should give to God what is God’s, as you mentioned, and to this person what is theirs, and to man what is man’s? Or should we first say that we do not have the power to dissolve this group, we are not empowered to, and then follow it with this remark?”

            Yes, you should do this first, and then follow. But do it in this manner. Say [it] unto this one, that you should give unto the Lord that that is the Lord’s; you should give unto this one that that is theirs, but you should give unto yourselves that that should belong to you.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, thank you. “Margaret 2” asks a question. She says, ‘In The Urantia Book it is said that observers are welcome on Uversa, the capitol of the seventh super universe, if they have the necessary means of transport. Later it is said that only those who have reached the spirit level of evolution can make it there. Would it be possible for me to observe the different orders of the Father’s children on Salvington, the capitol of our local universe, where Michael and our Creator’s son dwells? Can you get permission to teach me how to apply to get there, or put me in contact with the beings who can? How can I begin the gain conscious contact with the Davis, the spirit who controls the nature forces on earth, as the holy Mother’s representatives?’”

            (Chuckles.) Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should answer in this manner. At another time we should give lessons unto thee, during the readings of the same. As we have told unto this one before, go unto meditation. Forget, take all things from thy mind of reaching anyone, except God, our Father. Go unto meditation 15 minutes of the morning, 15 minutes of the evening. Choose this time daily. Once this pattern has been established, do not change of it. Upon the ninth day of the same, we should come into thee and answer thy questions more fully. But listen well unto the lessons that we have brought forth, and knowledge shall come in this manner also.

            Thy have other questions, but one, for soul Ray grows very weak and tired.

            "I have no other question, Ray, Aka.”

            We see thy need, and therefore, we should answer this one.

            One moment; permission must be obtained.

Then we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. But for this who believes that there is a heaven and hell, we have told [thee] before, be careful of thy thoughts. For another one told thee of the same thing in the same manner, when he said adultery could be done in the mind also. For your mind can manifest any thought into reality.      

Remember, that as the body dies, as the soul and spirit leaves, [and] in the same manner, and reaches outward, whole [new] worlds, if they are prepared spiritually, this step beyond is a simple thing, very easily done. If they are not prepared, then they must, even in death, relive that [their, after] life again, until they should awaken with knowledge to know where they have been and what they have done. And even then, as we have said before, for some there shall be never, for some there shall be always. 

            As you go through time and space upon your planes, all things are possible within the mind. This is your reason for rebirth, when you are born and born again. But remember, there is no beginning and no ending. You have existed since the beginning of all time, for you, as the spirit of man, are the thought of God, for you became, upon our Father’s thought, part of God.

            But remember, as we have said before, if you yourselves should forget your spirit, then the spirit returns to God. But the soul remains in nothingness. And the spirit in its thought has no use for this. And man has no use for this. And Lucifer has no use for this. For no one has use for nothing, and therefore, the soul must wander forever in nothingness. 

            As we have said before, soon there shall be a disturbance within thy country. It will come from certain political moves made among your leaders. Soon, there shall be attempt made upon your President’s life. But as the proper precautions are made, this should not come to reality. But we can change nothing in this, for we cannot take from thee the free choice that our Father gave unto thee. Unless this one who knows of this now does not change their mind again, all these things we have said unto thee shall be as we have seen them.  

            Now is the time of the Cherub. [See Numbers 7:89 and The Revelation chapter 4.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: In February 1972, Richard Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet Union and begin talks on arms control, penning the SALT I treaties, which restricted the development of nuclear arms and helped ease US-Soviet relations. In June 1972, leaders instigated certain political moves in the U.S., known as Watergate, with five men, among them ex-FBI man G. Gordon Liddy and ex-CIA man E. Howard Hunt; President Nixon resigned two years later prior to impeachment. Was this the disturbance within the U.S. of which the spiritual messengers of God spoke? 

            May 15, 1972, George Wallace's U.S. Democratic presidential primaries campaign ended abruptly when an assassination attempt by Arthur H. Bremer left him paralyzed below the waist.]


[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona