February 18, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [6-9-70-005]. And of thy life reading we should say of these words. We should change of these in this manner. We shall tell thee briefly where thy have been, but more important, that thy may learn from thy own karma, we should tell thee of thy after-life, of that time of the last between lives, as thy would call it.

            And as thy of thy life before was a minister of the gospel, and as thy had worked hard to give unto others the words of God, thy did pass on. At first, thy rested for a short while. For some the rest is long, but for you it was but a short while.

            And upon thy wakening, thy woke into a beautiful valley, much as you have dreamed of it would be. And there are many who walk by thee and speak unto thee. But thy are troubled, for there is no one here to judge thee. And thy pass on.

            Then thy have thought in thy mind that thy have not truly passed on. And thy start on thy way to find thy church, and there before thee it stands. All things were the same. But as thy prepare for thy sermon, thy congregation is of those who have passed on before thee. And this thy cannot understand.

            And thy say unto them, “If I am truly dead, why are not those who should judge me?”

            And they answer back unto you, “This is in thyself.”

            And thy ask them, “Where are the masters?”

            And one who walks up the isle of your church is the one that was a beggar in your streets before. And they say to you, “Here is one of your masters, your teachers.”

            And, you say unto them, “How can this be possible?”

            And the beggar walks before thee and bows his head in reverence. And then you see that proportion that you have failed to see before in life, for there in that man’s eyes is a proportion of God. And then thy know, the judgment must come from thyself.

            Thy advance on unto other planes of learning.

            And when thy have thought thy have learned enough, and judged thyself according to the same, thy seek re-entry into the body form.

            But as we have said before, know where thy have come from, and thy shall know where thy are going. Thy have brought forth the karmas of your before lives -- and in its same was that of knowing that thy knew too many things, of not opening the mind, the true mind unto God. Do this now. Be gentle with others, and they shall be gentle with you. Be patient with others. Cast not even one stone. If thy can remember and prepare thyself, when thy pass again thy learning shall be tenfold. And in this manner should you climb the ladder unto God, our Father.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [1-1-72-004]…Madera, California….And she has asked if she needs another vocation in order to help herself and others around? She would like to know if she has talents she is not aware of?”

            One moment, please.

            Yes, we have before us the records, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Thy have tendencies and wants at the present time to write, and we should tell thee a little of thy life of before, and in this manner can answer of the same.

            Thy were of a script [scribe?] of the before life. Thy were of the Greek script, and worked, therefore, for the Romans of the same. But, as of this time, thy writing became sour, for thy had the duty to write of the boasting of the Roman Empire, and therefore, knew what you were writing were lies. This did not sit well with thee, and therefore, now thy are afraid to enter into this same vocation. 

            We would suggest that thy use and study forms of meditation, but in this manner. Take the time of the morning for meditation. At first, start with five-minute intervals. Open thy mind, open thy mind unto thy God. Do not speak to Him in any form, but place thy mind totally with His. At first, it would be very difficult, and you should fail many times. But if thy continue, thy reward shall be abundant. After thy have [exceeded] thy first meditation, do also in the afternoon hours. But at all times, do so in the same place, at the same time. There are those who wait behind the veil that should advise thee, and help thee in thy growth.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [12-7-70-00?]”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Take of the sauna baths. Go unto the chiropractic doctor that adjustments may be made in the upper neckular area. At the present time the circulatory system is blocked in this area. Be careful and do not overdo this or thy shall suffer from blood clots of the same. This should be done for one month, at least one day of each of your weeks. We would further suggest the taking of a round rubber ball of two inches in diameter, placing this in thy left hand, squeezing it very tightly. Do not put all of thy pressure or bruise thy hands. This should be done two minutes of the first day, three minutes of the second day, and therefore, working upward unto 15 minutes. This should be continued for two months, at that time. We would further suggest that the taking, once daily, of the sage tea.

            A follow-up reading should be needed within a two-week period. Should the same be asked for, it shall be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, there is one question on this subject that was not clear to me. You said that she should take sauna baths and chiropractic, and then you said something daily. Did you mean that she should go to the chiropractor, or take saunas daily, or did you mean that she should exercise her hand daily?”

            Her hand should be exercised daily.

            "I understand.”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [2-18-72-001], who is here tonight, has asked about her son, [2-18-72-002], from Tucson, Arizona….And she has asked, ‘In question to my son,[2-18-72-002], do you have anything for or concerning his future?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, but before this can be given this must be explained unto this soul — for we can give no information without the consent of the soul involved.

            And now we should say unto these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Soon he shall awaken. But fear not -- for the children of God should have no fear, for they walk in the light of our Father. [See The Revelation, chapters 5 and 6.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona