January 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            And we shall say again, for hark. For those who have ears to listen, and for those who have faith, both in their selves and in God, our Father, let them bring the bread that is needed, and the bread shall be the body of the same. And let them pray over it, and ask for healing of the same. And the healing shall be given, for as we have said before, we shall furnish the wine that is needed, and we shall turn the bread into yeast, that the healing may grow outward and inward.

            From this day forward, your medical readings shall not be needed, for those who come in faith shall be given the healing that is needed.

            And we say these words unto soul [1-1-72-001], we see thy need, and therefore, should give healing into the same.

            And we should say unto soul [4-6-70-003], we see thy need, and healing shall be given into the same.

            But we should say unto thee these words. We may only give what is needed for those who should ask. And for those who do need shall travel forward and come unto us that we may administer into their needs.

            But there shall be some who should not have the faith to heal, and to receive healing. For those, we shall continue your health readings, but only for the specific need of the time.

            We see thy other needs and the needs of thy group, and we should say, yes, upon this. We should change but one thing. Thy instrument shall be called of the prophet of the same.

            We see thy other needs, and the needs of the financial of the same, and we would say unto thee in these words, as we have said before. For as in the beginning, we did say unto thee these words, the material things that shall be needed for this work shall come unto thee as they are needed. But ask of thy needs, not of thy wants. For within thy group, as things are needed, pray upon them, and we shall see that they are provided.

            We have given unto those who should believe and have faith the help that is needed, both of the material things and the spiritual things. But as we have said before, we ask but one thing in return. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Let this flow forward, and let the spirits of Aka enter into thy minds, that we may guide thee; for all thy must do for our presence to be with thee is but ask.

            Thy have other questions, ask. But we see this need; one moment.

            Yes. yes, yes, Father.

            Yes, we see this. And we should say unto Luke, go back unto this land of thine; go unto the one that is needed and say unto her these words: For healing shall be given, for our Father should promise of the same. And we should say also in these words, for there has been the entry of the other sister, for this sister has psychic powers. We shall not allow this entry. But remember, also, we cannot interfere with free will. If it is the free will of the other sister to let her other sister dominate her, we cannot stop this. We may only give the healing that is asked for. We may only give the guidance that is asked for.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, only for the sake of clarification for others not present here, but I believe it is clear that you mean that the articles of incorporation are acceptable, except that you would like our instrument termed, the prophet. Is this correct?”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, in regards to health readings, I had a request for [1-1-72-002] of Globe; he was born… 1969; he’s three. And he has been having problems with convulsions, coma, muscular spasms. And his home is in Kellner Canyon. His family has requested a health reading. Do you wish to speak on this at this time?”

            We should say, we see thy need. If the help they seek is strong enough, let them come here and ask themselves. At such a time, our Lord shall decide.

            Thy have other questions.

            "I have no other question, other than the family had asked if they should move, and I think you mean for them to come here with their questions.”

            Yes. We see thy need. But we should say unto thee, soul Paul, we have empowered in thee to give healing of the same. This healing shall come from our Lord. But the healing would do no good unless they could believe of the same. Can you understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Then we should say unto thee, soul Paul, fear not. There shall be many who shall venture to your door. Give your blessings freely. Some shall accept and some shall reject. For those who reject, take back your blessings and go forth to the next. But do not be fearful that they are not healed, for the Lord has given unto thee the power, as He has done unto all of these disciples. There shall be some that we shall wish that you should bring before our presence. But our presence shall be within thee. Lay hands upon the same, and the healing shall come.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto soul James, thy have brought the bread and laid it before us for offering unto our Father. Fear not, for we shall furnish the wine. But take up the bread and feed the multitudes of the same, for no matter how many you feed, there shall always be the amount that thy started with.

            And remember, unto all, for our Father says unto thee, “HARK,” and hear our words. We have brought before thee the Book with wings.

            Now we should say unto thee, provide for a guidance book for thy ministry. These things should come in this form:

· preparation for meditation, the difference between the prayer and the meditation of the same -- a time for listening unto our Lord; a time for speaking unto the same;

· the manner unto which we have prescribed before, of giving unto the marriage    vows between man and woman;

· the manner unto which thy should give up thy dead unto the Lord, that thy may    help in the preparation for the changing of the two worlds, that thy may give        guidance that they might see our Father’s light.

            Thy have taken unto thyselves and brought the bread; we shall furnish unto thee the yeast for the same. Fear not, for as we have said before, upon this rock we shall build a mighty temple unto God, our Father.

            For our Father says unto thee, “HARK, MY CHILDREN, FOR I LOVE THEE SO.”

            And upon this day our Father says unto thee, “The glory of your God is upon thee,” and those things that thy should ask in our Father’s name should be given unto thee.

            Soul Ray grows weary.

            And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub, for the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Walk lightly, that thy do not disturb his slumber.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.                                                                         

            “Thank you, Aka.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A.Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.