January 15, 1972

Yuma, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Our Father has many mansions, and therefore, the way to our Father should be made through thine hearts.

            Our Father has made no rules unto man to worship Him. He asks but two things, that you love of Him unto one-tenth of the love that He gives to His children, and you love unto your fellow man into the same manner.

            Each man upon your earth shall worship his God in his own way. But he should do so in the privacy of his own heart and mind. And as you should pray unto your Father, say these things that should mean something to you, and therefore, it should mean something to our Father.

            But if you should bring before our Father a gift, and have hatred in your heart for your brother, then take back your gift, and go unto your brother. But forgive thyself first and thy brother secondly, for if thy have not forgiven thy brother, how can thy possibly forgive unto thyself?

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Is the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, a book written by one known as Levi, a fairly accurate account of the life and times of Jesus?”

            We should say unto these words, that Levi, and the descendants of Levi, they came before the one known as Abraham. But who should say unto these words, “I have written all things that are true?” For as time has passed, many things has [have] been taken from and added to. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if the truth as thy see it, is good for thine soul, then drink of this truth, and thy should know it [is] truth.

            But as [has] been said before, there shall be many false prophets upon your earth. And those who should come in falsehood you should know by the fruit that thy [they] should bear upon the tree. For the bad fruit, thine should see with thine own eyes; then take it off the tree and cast it in the fire. But take from the good fruit, and plant again, that thy should grow good trees to bear good fruit.

            Then we should say unto thee, in part is truth, in part is fantasy. This thy must decipher for thyself in thy own heart. But look at it in the same manner as thy would look at thyself. And the [truth] should stand before thee, as your Christ did once before.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. D____ S____ asks, he says, ‘I am concerned about my mother’s health and well being. I request blessings and healing for my mother, [1-15-72-001]. Also I request guidance in doing my best to help her.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, the offering thy have offered unto our Father should be given unto Him, and the healing that thy should desire should be given in the same manner as thy offering.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [1-15-72-002] asks about a person named [1-15-72-003] of Yuma. He asks, ‘Is there any way we may be able to help our son? If so, what steps should we take?’ And they wish to know, he wishes to know if he can be of further help to him? Or just keep praying?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto these words. Those things that thy should ask of our Father, in our Father’s name, shall be given, for our Father does not listen unto His children with deaf ears.

            But as each individual upon your earth is a separate being within itself, and as our Father did say unto His children, “in our kind, in our likeness,” so did He make unto each of you as individuals with free choice, therefore, we should say, in realizing that this is this one’s free choice, that his path to your Father may not be the same as your own. And as it was written, “Honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto thee these words, honor thy mother and father unto thyself. But do so in the same manner as God should honor His children, and as He did give them free choice, give this also unto your children.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka.[1-15-72-004] of Yuma asks for healing in regards to bursitis in her right shoulder. And she also asks, ‘Would a move from my present address this year benefit my husband, daughters, and my grandsons, and allow me to use God’s purposes for my talents more fully?’ And she asks – just a minute; this is essentially it, she asks for help in regards to bursitis in her right shoulder, and should she move this year?”

            We see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto thee in[to] these words. For as the first shall be last and the last shall be first, thy have planted thy seed; stay there and harvest the same. Be as a mirror unto your family. Give unto what is given unto thee in the same manner, with love and understanding, and compassion of the same.

            If a man should ask to borrow thy right arm, give him of your left, but do so in love and understanding. But if a man should ask for thy right arm for a selfish reason, give him not neither, but let him walk alone.

            We should give of the healing thy desire. But we should ask into you in this manner; go forth and give into our Father three days of prayer. And upon the third day of the third hour of the third moment of your time, so should you receive the healing.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka.[1-15-72-005] has asked -- she says, ‘I care to learn and become more aware of my life and my propose.’ She is also interested in a life reading….”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say in this manner. Drink of this wine that we offer, but drink of all others in the same manner. But take that that should meet thy own taste buds. But only take of that that has not turned into vinegar and soured of the same. For remember, that that thy should take into your body should build your body, should build your mind. Therefore, take those things into your mind and body, [unto] your heart, that those things that thy should expel from the body should be with kindness and love of the same.

            But do not close your mind to anyone or anything. Do not denounce a thing until you understand it, for how can you say it is wrong if you have never looked upon it and tasted of the same? For a good wine taster should know by experience the wine that he has tasted. Therefore, he should know of good and bad wine.

            But there is a difference between tasting and going to bed with the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, in the spiritual baptism of D____ to John, and B__ to Paul, a prayer was said in a foreign tongue. Can you tell us the language of the prayer, and could we have the words of the prayer given to us in English?”

            Yes, we see thy need, (chuckle) and we should say to thee in this manner. For those who should speak in the tongues of God, there shall be many. For those who walk in the path of our Father and come before Him in love, there shall be truth. For those who walk before God and say unto Him, “I shall test Thy will and Thy power, and Thy knowledge; if You should give unto me these things, then I should believe,” we should give nothing unto those. That is our question; that is our answer. So take this forth and do what [with] it as thy may.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. E____ H____ of Yuma, has asked, ‘Has the situation changed on the previous question or is there still a threat from a dragon, and if so, can it be avoided?’”

            We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For what thy have asked for in God’s name shall be given. And the blessings that thy have asked for shall come and thy cup should runneth over in the same manner.

            Now we should say unto thee these words, for soul Ray grows very tired.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Walk lightly, that thy do not awaken him from his slumber. But as thy should walk, walk in the light of God, each in his own way, with God’s blessings unto all mankind.

            Many should call their God in many tongues. But we should answer in this manner your question of before.

            For as thy Father should give unto thee these words for thy own baptism of thy own people.

            And as thy should take unto this one who should come before thee, thy should look upon this one and say unto them, “Do thy, before God, promise unto your Lord your spirit, your soul, and your immortal body? And in so, should thy try to live a life that thy Lord should look down upon His child and be proud of the same?”

            And should this one say, “yes,” unto you, then have him go, and come again upon the second day.

            And upon the second day, thy should say unto him, “Should thy give all things unto our Father that is His? Should thy give all things unto thyself that are yours? Should thy give all things that are thy brother’s into thy brother?”

            And should he say, “yes,” then have him come again upon the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment.

            And there thy should say unto him, “Kneel before thy God.”

            And should he do so, take both water and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. Take of the wine and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. And then, should he rise, offer him bread. And say unto him, “I now thee baptize thee in the light of God.”

            And he should say unto you, “I accept your baptism from God.”

            And therefore, you have baptized the soul of this man.

            Soul Ray grows very weak. And therefore, we should say unto thee, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona