January 21, 1972

Yuma, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, [2-19-71-002] asks, ‘Would it be advisable for my daughters, [10-20-72-002] and [1-21-72-004], to live with their father and stepmother from March to August, 1972?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. As it has been said before, honor thy father and mother, unto thy selves. And in the same manner should your children honor thy father and mother unto thy selves. Therefore, we should say unto thee, let thy children journey forward unto the house of their father. And therefore, as thy do such, send unto the house of their father good thoughts unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [11-12-72-005] has asked for immediate guidance in a problem that she has.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. Give that to the Lord that belongs to the Lord. Give that to thyself that belongs to thyself. And thy body belongs to you. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go forth with thy chore, but do so in honesty with thyself. If thy give this gift away, do it in such a manner that is both honorable to thyself and to thy God.

            We see thy other needs, and we should say unto thee in this manner. At a later time we should give diet that should be beneficial to thy health.

            Of this one that thy should think of [wedding], we should say unto thee in this manner, go unto him in complete truth, and therefore, he should understand and accept it in the manner that it was given.  But if thy give unto this one lies, then lies shall be returned into you in the same manner.

            Of thy spiritual development we should answer, leave that of thy imagination in one place. Take thy of the spiritual and psychic development in truth only. Place this in the hands of God for development, and thy shall harvest from the tree only good fruit.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[1-21-72-001] has asked for help. And she says that she is divorced and has five dependent children, and she does not know what she is supposed to do. And she wonders if you could help her and tell her how to receive a clearer vision and closer contact with a higher being.”

            We do not find this soul at that location. One moment, please.

            Yes, we see this now.

            And we should answer in this manner. Thy have thoughts to be wed. This is good, for in this manner thy shall become as one. Thy have thoughts of increasing thy education. This is good. Do so. But beware of the dragon that lurks near thee, for in this one is not truth, for they come only to take from thee.

            Thy have been reluctant to take the advice of thy mother, and we would say unto thee, thy mother speaks wise words. Listen unto her counsel.                       

            Of thy psychic development, thy have progressed, in some manner good, in some manner bad. We should say unto thee in this manner. In your out-of-body experiences, do so, but link thyself with God. Should you do so in this manner, then the wine that is served to you shall not turn sour.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka.[1-21-72-002] has asked, ‘I wish to know what direction to [take] for my life. I must make a decision. Should I join Tim in Maryland and later marry him, or should I end my relationship?  What may I give to him? Have I known him in a previous life?’”

            For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

            And we should answer in this manner, thy have known this one in a previous life, and he did take from thee in the same manner that he is doing now. If, in your relationship, thy do not enter in complete truth, in complete honesty with thyself and thy mate  -- and he should do so in the same manner -- but we do not see this, for this one is using you to satisfy his own selfish needs.

            But as we have said before, thy have free choice. We may not interfere with this free choice. But we should say to thee also in this manner, should you choose the path of this, it shall mean death of the body to you.

            There is one near thee that thy think thy do not love. This one should make unto thee a good mate, and your spiritual development with each other would grow. But we should say unto thee, sanctify the marriage.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka.[1-21-72-003] has asked, ’I would like confirmation on a previous reading concerning my supposed psychic contact with the space brothers. Will it happen this winter?’”

            We do not see this. We do not see this in the manner that thy describe. Of the spiritual nature, the contact that thy speak of should come through. But it should come through in truth. But do not say unto the Lord, “Lord, You have given this unto me,” but ask unto the Lord, “Lord, is this for me?” And in this manner, thy should know from which comes from Lucifer, and that that comes from our Lord.

            As we have said before, we have but wine to offer. But do not place it in an old vase. Place this wine in a new vase, that it may last through your years.

            But we should say unto thee once again, we are not great. We are here as instruments of our Father. We are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. And we should say unto thee, this should take many hands, and much love and tenderness. And we offer thee thy wine. If thy should decide to drink of the same, and therefore, become one of the many that stand before God, then we should speak unto thee at a different time. We may answer all of your questions that we are given permission to do so.

            And now, we should day unto thee in this manner. For those who should minister in this, thy work, let all who come before thee and ask that the ministers, therefore, perform the duties of burial, let not a minister charge anyone for this work. It should be done freely as an act of love unto your fellow man.

            And we shall say unto thee in this manner. When those who have been left behind in the shell of their bodies come unto thee and ask that thy should perform this service, do not ask this one of their religious background. For remember, you can destroy nothing, you may only change its form. And for those who should take one [soul] from God, this, in thy own words, should be unto thee both karma and sin. So therefore, perform these duties unto any of mankind who should ask of the same. But do so as a shepherd.

            After thy have been asked, go unto thy solitude for meditation. And therefore, let the words of God flow into the minister that is to perform this duty. Then, bring all of thy congregation, of all thy groups, into prayer. This does not mean that they have to be brought into one building, but be in union in their prayer, that they -- first, the one who has deceased, should see the light of our Father, that those who should guide him should be allowed to come.

            Then, if this is possible, perform the service of burial on the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment of the passing. Do not do so before this time has lapsed, for in this time the soul shall leave of the body, and therefore, join the spirit. And upon the third day of the third moment, of the third hour, the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body shall become as one.

            Then walk before those who should gather, and ask that all should pray for the deliverance and safe journey of these unto the many houses of our Father. At no time, violate this one who has passed free will, for it is his choice, or her choice, to join our Father or not, but your prayers should be offered up that the path and the light may shine upon this one, that they may find their way.

            After your prayer, walk up unto this one. And say unto this one, “I give unto our Father these things that belong to our Father. I give these things unto this one that belongs unto this one.” And give prayer again unto our Father.

            Then, for those who are left, of his relatives, of his family, speak kind words of this one’s plane. But at no time shall you speak lies, for as we have said before, say these things unto your Father and unto your brother that mean something to you, and therefore, your Father and brother should understand these things that thy should speak of.

            After this service has been performed, go into the private of thy homes, and therefore, give prayer unto the third time.

            Soul Ray grows very weary.

            But we should say again, our Father has many mansions. There is food for all.

            Give unto thy Father one-tenth of the love that Thy, our Father, gives unto thee. Give unto thy brother in the same manner. Denounce no man, religion, and their beliefs unto the same.

Understand the way they should believe.

            Give of this wine in the same manner. Those who should reject it, do not denounce them for it, but praise them. But take of this and go unto the next. And if this is accepted, go into their house and drink of their wine, of their knowledge, and let them drink of your knowledge in the same manner.        

            We should say once again, the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth in slumber. Soon once again, he shall awaken. Before this time comes, our children shall know of it. But the children of God have nothing to fear.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona