January 28, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And as we have said before, hark, and hear these words.

            And as we have said before, for meditation is the time unto talking to thy Lord.

            One moment, please. [Editor’s note: Ray was having trouble going into trance.]

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto these words. As meditation should be unto a time for listening to thy Lord, thy God -- and thy Lord, thy God, should say unto thee, “GIVE UNTO EACH MAN THAT THAT IS HIS” -- walk before our Lord in such a manner that thy come without hatred.

            For in thy mind thy have thought of these words, that as man is in, to live again and to die again, and therefore, pass before our Lord. And we say to thee, in the passing from one world into another, thy first thoughts will be the shock of knowing that little has changed. Thy body form shall remain much as it is in life; it shall be fed with what is known as cosmic energy in its purest form.

            Many of you have thought unto see us. When we have made ourselves known unto you we have done so by making our form much as it was before. Our form within itself, now, is that of pure cosmic form, as you would know, pure light. And as we should pass among you, our speech, in those times that we should choose, not to choose through this, our prophet, but as we should choose to speak unto you, we should do so in thought form. Many of you as you should progress should hear our voices as we should come forth with teachings of the same.

            But upon the first plane of passing, your form should change, as we have said, but very little of what it is now. This form should remain very close unto the earth plane.  

            Upon the second plane of rising, in this form you should have changed into such a manner that most of your prejudice[s] are left behind.

            Even unto the plane of our time, you have the choice to return again for further learning upon the earth plane.

            There are many who should come unto the earth for birth again upon new missions from our Lord. This should be done in such a manner of birth. But thy shall have remembrance of where thy have been, and therefore, shall know from where thy are going. But even upon returning upon a mission, thy have free will. If thy should decide not to remember of these things thy were sent to do, this is your choice, but it is also your choice to go backwards, down the ladder.

            There are many lessons that we should give unto thy knowledge. If, before your readings, you should think these things out -- think of the questions that thy need to know, plan them -- your knowledge shall grow with each reading. There are many questions of your universe. There are many questions of your afterlife. There are many questions of the knowledge of God. And as we have said before, a good Father hides nothing from His children.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka,[1-28-72-001] of Globe, she was born…1918, in Richmond, California…. She has  asked for assistance in regards to her health. She says she is overweight, and she wonders if you can give her assistance?”

            Yes, we see thy need. You must remember, that because of thy overweight thy have a heart problem, fatty tissue passing through the coronary area. Therefore, we should give thee the healing that is necessary. But thy must have the faith.

            But first, we should give unto thee, diet. And we would suggest the drinking of one glass of milk unto the morning meal, and one piece of toast; there should be no margarine or butter placed upon this.

            For thy luncheon meal, one glass of milk. As many of the green vegetation as thy want thy can eat for foliage. Before the meal, one ounce of safflower oil. 

            Of thy evening meal, eat no fried foods. Thy should eat beef for one meal, and as many fresh vegetables as thy desire. Thy should eat of the fresh water fish of one meal, and as many green vegetables as thy would desire. Thy should eat of the salt water fish of one meal and as many green vegetables as thy should desire. Of one meal, thy should eat only of the cottage cheese and of the green vegetables of the same. Of one meal, thy should eat the beef, the liver of the beef, and cottage cheese. Of one meal each week thy can eat of what thy desire.

            Before each of these meals, thy should have one ounce of safflower oil before each of these meals; thy should take a good multiple vitamin in supplement to the same.

            If further assistance is needed this should be asked for, and it should be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. My daughter, K____, has had a recurring health problem, Aka, and I wonder if you can help her with knowing what to do about it?”

            Yes, we see thy need. The healing that is needed shall be given. We should make one suggestion, reduce the amount of vitamin intake. In her case the vitamins are poisoning her system.  We should further suggest, in her case, the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham in adult dosage, but by reducing unto one-fourth the amount of other vitamins that she is taking at this time. Further readings on this subject shall be given as asked for.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [1-28-72-002] of Yuma… asks about her daughter. She says, ‘Has our daughter who recently passed on any message to her family?’”

            One moment, please. Permission must be given.


            Yes, we have permission to answer this question.

            And we should say unto this one, your daughter is well, and happy. She is waiting now for the birth of a mother and father that she has chosen. She is learning. She has visited thy often, and seen to thy needs.

            And she should say unto thee, upon the sixth day, of your days, should thy go into meditation, on the third hour of your evening -- in your time that would be 3 p.m. -- should thy do this, go into meditation and she should come into thy thoughts and speak to thee and give thee messages of the same. Permission has been given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[4-5-70-003] has asked for healing, Aka.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and the healing thy ask for shall be given. But we should say unto thee, tilt thy head in prayer to thy Lord, and say after our words: “Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of all, I ask thee, oh, Lord, unto healing into my body, my soul, my spirit, and my immortal body. Cleanse my body, my soul, of Lord; cleanse my spirit and my immortal body. I promise thee, oh, Lord, to try to walk in Thy light.” In these words, the healing shall come.

            And now we should say unto thee these words. The time grows near when those of thy group thy have chosen for the ministry shall walk before our prophet, and therefore, be made unto ministers of this, our Father’s work.

            And they should do so in this manner. Each should walk before this one.

            And this one should say unto them, “Should thee promise in our Father’s light to teach these things our Father has given unto thee to teach?

            “Should thee at no time be prejudiced against any man? 

            “Should thee at all time, for those who come in need, minister in both healing of the body and healing of the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same?”

            And should they say, “yes,” then he should take of what thy should know of the candelabra, but this one should have of seven candles. And each one who is chosen should be presented with this.  And, as each time he should say, “yes,” one candle should be lit. And then unto another.

            These who should be chosen should be versed into the words we have spoken unto thee.  They should have the honest effort unto helping mankind. And above all, they should enter all things with an open mind, closing their mind to nothing. And they shall never cease in their learning.

            But you should remind them that the oath that they should take should be for [their] lifetime upon this plane and all others.

            And then thy should ask into them, “Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?”

            And should they say, “yes,” then have them rise. And walk with them, and break bread with them and drink wine with them.

            For remember, for those who you shall choose, among you, nothing can be hidden from one another. All things must come in truth from God, for you shall walk in the light of God, and should be known as men and women of God.

            Soul Ray grows very weary.

            Remember unto our words. Prepare you questions. Think deeply of the knowledge that thy should use, for the questions thy should ask and the answers thy should receive shall be passed on unto mankind. Make them wise.

            [And] we should say unto the youth of your group, fear not that thy should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Thy have many questions; ask of these. For did our Father not say unto thee, “BLESSED ARE ALL MY CHILDREN.”

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona