July 7, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God, and now we should say unto thee these words, for this reading shall be different from all your others --

            One moment, Aka, we’re....Ok.”

            And we should say again, this reading shall be different from all your others, for before we should not give of thee, this one, soul Ray, information of himself, nor would we give unto the one known as soul M_______ information of herself, for within these two dwelled a karma. And we should tell thee of this karma.

            For as before, in a before life, thy did meet and wed under the same conditions. And as before, this one known as soul Ray did carry into this marriage a karma of his own. But, as we have said before, we could not interfere with his karma or the overcoming of the same. This, in itself, had to come from himself.

            For, as in a before life, he did cast a stone upon a different person who he had thought had sinned. For as he was sinned against in a previous marriage, so he himself built a mental block never to look at this again, and therefore, it was necessary that both should relive this once again. And so you have.

            And we should say unto both of thee these words. Cast no further stones, for you have learned from your karmas. The love that thy possess for one another still remains within your hearts. Mend that that is between thee and bring it into a whole. And in this manner, thy can end both karmas together.

            This one of soul Ray has now seen in full his karma, and therefore, we shall remove the block which was within him, for he should no longer need it, for now he is of a whole man. The block was necessary to be built within him for the powers we intended to store within his mind, that he could not even harm no other person. But now, this is not necessary, for it shall be of his own judgement, and that that he should judge of himself. And so, as we have said before, it was an ending of a karma.

            And now, we should say unto you, soul M________, these words. Thy have gone unto a lost valley, there to dwell with a lost soul. Should this come unto fulfillment, your karma shall repeat and repeat again. This, thy must find within thyself.

            But since this has now been found within soul Ray, any information that either of you should desire shall be given freely.

            And now we say unto soul Luke, soul James, soul Jude, soul Mary, soul Ruth, soul Paul, we say unto thee these words. For his karma to come in completeness, come together, and he shall ask unto each of you forgiveness. If thy cannot find it within thy hearts unto all of you, then this work shall depart and be no more, for he shall choose to walk away and we shall hold him no longer. But we say unto thee, as this is done, soul M________ must also be able to cast her lot in fulfillment, for she should vote as Martha, as once before.

            Now, we should say unto thee, we have come before thee but for one purpose, and that purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have seen that that thy have done to develop thy own psychic abilities, and we have blended into thee the knowledge that was needed. We shall not take this away from any of you, but it shall remain. And should you cast your lot and not wish for soul Ray to continue, we shall not take from him this knowledge he possesses, for in his own way he shall work for this purpose.

            Thy have had many questions in thy minds. We have watched and waited for this day to come forth.

            And they say unto us, “How could we do of this, and not interfere?”

            For our Father gave unto thee, His children, free choice, and we could not interfere.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona