June 14, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say to thee these words. As a physician, soul Luke, heal thy wounds. But, heal them with truth. As we have said before, your half times are over.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a number of questions for [9-16-71-001], that is here tonight, and I’d like to ask them one at a time. Her first question is, ‘Has the time come that I should change my job, and how could this be done?’”

            This in itself must come from thyself. But we should answer your question in this manner, that that thy seek stands close at hand. Take from it the things [of life] that thy need. Give into others the love that is within thyself to give, and so it shall be returned. But at the present time, should thy change thy job, thy shall find chaos and unhappiness.

            Thy have received of one gift. Many shall come, but only as you stand where you are. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

            Then we shall answer in this manner. As your oak stands strong and tall, and forceful against the elements of the same, it gathers much moss. As a willow should bend with the elements, it also should gather much moss. But that that thy seek must come from within thyself. We have opened a door for thy studies of self-development. We have provided unto thee this prophet. Yet, as we have said before, the blind may see, and the deaf may hear, but only if they want to.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Her second question, ‘Have I known [6-14-72-001] in a different lifetime?’”

            Yes, we see this, and we shall answer in this manner; for he was, as you would know him, a girl friend of another life, and thy were close in thy relationship, but as sisters, and that was all.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “She asks, what was the lesson she was to learn from him?”

            The lesson thy were to learn from this one was of the giving of yourself in love, yet still farther. Thy have not learned of this fully, so other obstacles have been placed in your path to learn more fully.

            As thy would plant a seed which could grow fertile into the ground, and watch and see a beautiful thing grow in this manner, and the ferment that came from the earth and the heavens did bring forth man into love, that of love from one to another, this thy still have not seen in fullness. But as we have said before, stand firm; do not close thy heart, but act now as a one of waiting. Stretch out thy arms unto the heavens and to that of man, and receive the love that is offered from the same.

            But not of this one thy speak of. For the love that a sister can have for a sister is one love. The love that a brother can have for a brother is another. The love that a man should give unto a woman is one of fulfillment.

            But remember, thy were not born of chastity. These things of thy self should see fulfillment of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Could you tell me if I will marry, and if so, when this will be? Do I know this person now?’”

            We shall answer unto your question in this manner. Thy have knowledge of this person. But we should answer (chuckle) also in this manner. A man and woman should not really know of each other in truth. They may know their bodies; they may think they know their minds, but only after marriage do they really know each other.

            You shall marry within two years.

            Yes, we see this.

            But we shall answer one other question which is in your mind. No children of your own shall you bear, only that that God should bring unto thee to love of others.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Should I remain with realistic painting, or should I go into abstract action painting this month?’”

            Thy should remain with the realistic painting. That of the abstract must belong to a different mind than your own. There are none of the spiritual world which waits to guide you in this other manner. Of the realistic painting, there are many who wait at your fingertips to guide you and give you psychic knowledge of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She has one final question. 'Could you recommend a diet for me so that I could lose weight, about 25 pounds?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer, first, in this manner. Of thy thyroid, this thy should see a physician, for this must be corrected within its same.

            Your main weight problem is that of loneliness. Therefore, we shall answer further of the diet. First, we would say, for three meals of each day, drinking of one ounce of the safflower oil before each meal.

            Of thy breakfast, soon shall be of your melon season, eating either of one cantaloupe of the breakfast meal [or of] one glass of milk.

            For thy luncheon, eating as many of the green vegetables as thy desire, and one glass of milk.

            Of thy evening meal, once of one day, the green vegetables -- yes, this is good -- meat, that of the beef, one meal; liver, one meal; of the ocean salt-water fish, one meal; of thy fresh-water fish, one meal. These may be repeated as often of the evening meal as thy desire. One slice of bread may be eaten of each meal. Of one meal each week, thy may eat of that which thy desire, but do not overeat. Always, at all times, leave thyself a little hungry. Take unto thyself a good natural multiple vitamin twice daily. This should supplement of the other thing.

            That thy breasts should not become, as thy would know, loose, exercises must be done. These thy already know of the same, the cupping of the breasts, first, with the left hand and then of the right, bringing forth and upward and releasing of the same. Of thy thighs, that they, as the weight should be lost, should not drop away, walking at least one-half mile, of the morning, should be done. Of that of the excess that should remain and the sagginess that might appear of the stomach area, taking of the pillow, rolling it into a tight knot, placing it upon the floor and laying upon it, rocking back and forth 30 times each day. In this manner, these muscles shall become firm and come unto thy desired measurements of the same.

            That of the sagginess of around the throat area, this can be done with massage -- slowly, easily, do not bruise of this area, in an upward position. We would further suggest that for further health, seeing of a good chiropractic doctor. We find within the backular area strains because of the excess weight into the 8th and 9th vertebrae of the same. This could be easily corrected.

            Of thy mental health we should answer in this manner. We have given unto thyself knowledge. We have placed before thee work, that that should be done unto thy Lord, God. We have shown thee that that that thy desire can be given unto thee. We asked in return your love unto thy Father, and one hour’s of work unto this work per day.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, my nephew [6-16-72-002] has written me a letter, and he feels that he has a special calling and mission, and that he is being directed in some direction that has to do with God which he does not yet understand. And I have been asked, he’s asked me to write him back and give him my thoughts, and can you give me counsel for him?”

            Yes, we should answer in this manner. As the prayers were given unto our Father, so they were answered. As the guidance was given unto our Father, so this was answered.

            Temptation shall be cast before this one. And we should answer in this manner. If this, now, is what thy desire, if the debt that thy should pay should be in full, prepare then thyself, within thyself, for the coming of the Messiah. Venture forth unto this land. And now, we shall give unto thee the bread and the wine. But this must be done of your own free will.

            So far, we have given unto this one the guidance that was needed. For, as we have said before, as our Father and the spirits of God should be as a brook, as the spirits of man should be as a river, as the souls of man should be as a vast ocean, all should come unto the many lands.

            We shall say in this manner, we have reached and touched unto many lands. Many shall venture forward to taste of this wine, that it shall grow.

            And we shall unto you, soul Paul, prepare of that within thyself, for now, that that should reach the many lands shall come into fulfillment, for light shall be shown unto all who should venture outward. Encourage soul Ray to now use of the radio communications in all respects to broaden the knowing of the people of himself and the work.

            Now is the time of the Cherub; now is the time of the preparation for His coming.

            Oh Lord, oh Lord, Almighty of all. Oh man, oh man, almighty of all, bow before these who should make their presence known, for they should come of the spirit of our Father, yet each of a separate part, but into one.

            Place upon your Earth that that should be in man. Save of the many religions upon your Earth. Give feast unto all.

            Praise and glory shall come from our Father. And those who should give glory unto our Father, glory shall be unto man of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have another question. In the last few days, last Thursday, I went out prospecting with [6-14-72-003] and [9-24-71-001]. They wanted me to go for a long time, and you know that we thought we found something. And my only interest is in your work, and I feel guilty when I go out prospecting. And I wonder if you want me to follow up what we found, or if you feel that I should leave this alone. I would be very happy to leave it alone.”

            We shall answer in this manner. Go forth and stake claims. Then put them as seed that later they shall mature and grow. This in itself is to provide for your family’s needs. But do no more than stake these claims; then let those who should come forth to toil the land do so. We have other work for thy hands.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Ruth, and we shall answer your need in this manner. As we have said before, the material things that shall be needed shall be provided. This we have said and so it shall be done. That that thy have toiled and given unto the Lord, the Lord has seen, and the Lord has known of thy desires.

            And we shall answer in this manner. Thy have seen, as we have placed before thee this of the one we shall call the prophet, and thy have toiled unto this one to see of his health needs and mental needs. Our Lord gives glory unto thee. The work thy have done has been mighty and great, that of the work of the Lord and the preparation for the coming.

            Fear not that thy should get lost, for we shall stand before thee. For in thy dream, did we not place the prophet before thee as a fisherman? Even though thy looked and could not recognize him as the same, yet all was the same, for the spirit that we have built upon your earth is but of one spirit and that [is of] God.

            Thy have asked this question before of the correct ties between ourself and soul Ray. Yes, we have need unto this one, a man of God, but we shall answer still further. He must also live as a human. He must feel those things of the human form. For, as we have said, despair not, for soon his mind shall reach out and seek love from that of the opposite sex. And this is good within itself. At first, he shall be as a child, and timid, but his confidence within himself in these manners will grow again.

            We should answer you, all of you within your groups in this manner; accept this one as a man, who is also a prophet. But God would not take from him this, for if He did so, he could not live in your world and be part of your world. Can you understand of which we speak?


            Thy have one other question, ask.

            “Aka, my daughter, [2-4-72-001], has been having a problem with her lips swelling, and she wonders what is causing it?”

            Yes, we see this. This is because she is allergic to certain growths that has come back anew since your spraying, We should answer in this manner, the healing that is needed shall be given.

            Remember also, thy daughter is becoming of a full blossom unto the woman form. Part of this swelling has come about during her monthly cycles. Fear them not. As we have suggested before, take of the Lydia E. Pinkham in its natural form, of the adult form, once, and as prescribed daily.

            Now, soul Ray grows very tired. That we should not overtax his body in its present condition, we shall give healing into the same.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for better accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.