June 16, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner.

            As the flowers were given upon your Earth to show you the beauty that lay within man’s soul, as the gift of love is given unto mankind, not once, but many times from your Father -- and as your world came apart from itself and, therefore, joined unto the mighty universe and universes of the vast planetary system, and that, within itself, became part of your Father -- each of you in your own way have reached to the heavens and touched them. Each of you in your own way, for only a moment, have opened your hearts and souls, and felt the love that is given by our Father.

            But so often you should pull away from Him, and therefore, become lonely and alone.

            As a man and woman should join be joined before God in matrimony, and therefore, give of their love unto one another, therefore, they should feel within themselves a touch of God, a touch of the creating power which lays upon your Earth. This same power was given unto the smallest.

            Yet, into man it was given unto the mightiest of all, sometimes in a simple form, [some others] in mighty forms.Throughout the plane of man there have been many who have touched the psychic world and returned. There have been many who could not return. Yet, few of these were looked upon by mankind with love and kindness. They were set apart, apart from others, and separated.

            We have said before that the sons of man and the sons of God were of much the same in making. But we should say, now, that as the sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and therefore, did enter, and lose their way, and therefore, could not return, all of mankind, even into the smallest animal, this psychic power was given. [Genesis 5:1-32, 6:1-4]

            But unto the sons of God it was never forgotten, and therefore, the descendants and the descendants of the same have come forth upon your earth with far memory, memory of the psychic abilities they possessed in each lifetime. And yet, as in that time, they were set aside, and the man-animal became afraid of them, and did destroyed them.

            [Editor’s note: the telephone rings.] We should suggest that thy should answer this, of thy telephone.

            Answer it. Answer it.” [Aka pauses while the phone is answered.]

            And we should say again unto thee these words. Destroy not the prophets that we have placed upon your earth, for they shall be the gateway unto your God, for so it was written in the beginning. But measure your prophets in this manner. If that that they have given unto you is true, and truths, then accept this as a gift from God. But if that which they have given unto you is false, and not true, and should not stir that memory within thyselves of thy Father, then walk away from these, for they are not prophets. And so it was written in the beginning, and so it shall be.

            Thy have many questions, ask of the same.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-7-71-001] is here tonight and she would like a life reading.”

            We see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same, and therefore, that that that which thy should ask for, the records, shall be opened.

            For this one, we should reach back, far back, for there is no time in this element.

            We should reach into the time of the Horse, and therefore, should find this one in the soul form, yet not to enter -- of the spirit form, as you would know it, of energy form -- searching and watching of mankind, and yet, afraid, afraid to leave the Father. Yet, knowing that the true way, of that of returning back to the Father, must be done.  

            And therefore, we find this one entering into the body form of the man-animal, of the woman form. And therefore, we should say that as these things came forth, and came into fulfillment, we find the problem here that still reaching back out of the body form into energy, afraid to face that which was needed, and leaving this body to wander endlessly upon the earth. And therefore, the body, without the soul and spirit, did enter into the worship of the evil one, and therefore, built the first karma upon this soul.

            We find not again until the rise of Atlantis the entry again. This time we find, on the third continent of Atlantis, this one working within, as a child of nine, working within the temple of the worship of One, and therefore, using her clairvoyant abilities.


            Therefore, we find the elder, one fo the elders of the temple, showing kindness unto this one. And as days passed into years, a love formed. But as in those days, a woman of the temple could not wed. This in itself was wrong. But man sometimes stumbles in his search for perfection. So this one left of the temple to wed of this elder, yet used for many years this same power, this same ability of searching into the truth, into the universal minds of the same. This one, at this time out quite a normal life span for the times, and reached back unto the soul form, natural, and had overcome the karma of before.

            Now, we find this one again in the time of the Essenes. And as thy were friends with the one known as John the Baptist. Thy watched and helped in his studies and growth, and therefore, was to give birth unto one of his disciples -- and, as this one came from the wilderness unto man to give the gift of the ointed [anointed] One, did know of her mind of this which would happen, that man would do unto this one, and was present of the day that the ointed One came forward unto this one, John the Baptist, to be baptized unto the same. And yet, as your heart lingered to stay unto this one, of John the Baptist, he did send you forth to serve to the one of Jesus of Nazareth. And therefore, you should not meet of this one again until he was cast into the cell for the last time. And as your desire to make his needs easier, you had become a servant in the king’s household. And as he was brought forward to be beheaded, and as this should happen, thy cursed again all things upon your Earth.

            “Why should this one,” you said to yourself, “who had given so much, be destroyed in the eyes of man?”

            And then, the Lord, God, spoke unto thee and said “DO YOU NOT KNOW?”

            And you looked upon Him in bewilderment.

            And then He pointed unto the east, unto the Anointed One, and said unto thee, “THAT THE SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED, SO IT SHALL BE. AND YE SHALL BE PRESENT UNTO THE CRUCIFIXION OF THIS, THE OINTED ONE.”

            Thy left of the household and your heart was sad.

            As thy wandered, then once again, as the one known as Jesus made unto his last journey into that of Jerusalem, thy thought unto thyself, “I must warn this one.”And thy ran forward and said, “Master, Master, go not unto this, for thy shall not return.”

            And he stopped and looked deep into your eyes, and said, “Worry not, for I shall return, and I shall [leave] within thee the spirit, the spirit of my Father,” and then turned and walked away.

            And thy heart was heavy, and thy knew not which way to turn. And again thy Father spoke unto thee, and said, “CAN THY NOT SEE?”

            And thy said unto thy Father, “Why must these things be so? Why must this happen?”

            And thy Father said, “GO UNTO THE MOUNT OF THE SKULL AND WAIT.”

            And so thy did. And of that morn thy saw of the ointed One come forward. And thy stood and watched as the hands and feet were staked unto the cross. And thy walked forward and bent in prayer and in humbleness. But as thy walked forward, one drop of blood fell upon thy forehead, and thy looked up and knew what God had said, that it was not an ending, but a beginning of the same.

            Many miles and many lives thy have lived since this time. But remember, thy were chosen to count the drops of blood, and thy were chosen to carry One forever. Thy should reach upon thy forehead, and therefore, should feel the love that was given unto your Father that day.

            But as we have said before, we have come, not to make mankind great in the eyes of other men. We have come once again that those drops of blood should not be spilt in vain. We have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, reach unto thy forehead, for it shall be there. Prepare that way within thyself as before. For now we have returned first one [the prophet] unto thy keeping, and soon another [the Messiah]. But this time there shall be no dungeon. This time there shall be no crucifixion.

            If what we have done and the time that we should have left to prepare this is used well by all, mankind shall rise above himself, and when the coming, that that shall be written in the sky, is felt in full, then all of mankind shall feel truth and humbleness. And upon your earth shall dwell a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

            But remember, those thousand years shall be different unto each one. Your years of peace could start at this moment. Find that peace within yourself, that love that was given within this drop of blood, and return it into your fellow man in the manner that it was given.

            We know thy do not understand fully these things we have given unto your keeping, but thy shall. For as before, thy reached and sought for the meaning of true love, and our Father spoke unto thee, so He shall once again. Thy life has not been in vain, for once again those thy dwelt with thy dwell again. And so it shall be again.

            There are many other parts, and many other lives and in-between lives that could be brought forth. But we have chosen in this manner, that thy should learn from the same and seek meaning into thy heart to give it in this manner.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [4-21-72-001], who is here tonight, would like a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, and the spirit, and therefore, should say but unto thee [these] words. Thy have faith within thee, for now we shall give unto thee the healing of the body that is needed. We shall reach forward and touch unto thee. All thy must do is go unto three days of prayer. This must not be a continuous thing, but as we should touch you in your slumber tonight, let that feeling grow through thy body, and the healing thy ask for shall be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [12-10-71-002's] wife, [5-19-72-001], has heard a prowler around their trailer at night when [12-10-70-002] is at work, and [12-10-71-002] would like to know if there is a prowler and what he should do about it?”

            Yes, we see this. And we should answer in this manner, we would suggest that the notification of your police department. But fear not, for we go before thee to prepare a way, and therefore, no harm shall come unto thy wife or children.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other question, Aka.”

            We see thy need. And therefore, should answer in this manner, first unto soul Jude. Thy have journeyed forward and seen truths, and the truth that was given was of truth. And thy have left with the blessings of our Father within thy heart, and so it shall be, for thy have come forth in a true manner and departed of the same. Thy have come forth and given love, and returned love, that that is given from our Father. Never again close this door.

            And we should say unto soul James, there shall be many words spoken, but when in doubt, bring that forth unto us, that we may place the truth before thy eyes. But we should say unto thee in these words. That thy should be a servant of God, let it be so. And as thy have chosen the path of the Lord, do not depart from the same.

            And last we should say unto soul Luke, thy paths have been varied. As in the beginning, thy had ceased to learn, ceased to grow. Go back unto the path of the Lord, but do so as a humble servant, that the blessings of our Lord should continue. We shall say unto thee that a karma should end. We shall not elaborate on this further, for thy know of which we speak.

            But we should say last unto those who should walk into the pit with Lucifer, and do his work, remember these words, for as Lucifer was cast from the heavens, it took but the thought of our Father, our God. And remember, Lucifer’s power into the same was much greater than your own, and our Father’s power is greater than all.

            And we say again, yea, yea, should say unto our Father these words. There are many who have asked for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9-17 and chapter 7.]

            Our Father has waited long and been fair. Do not cast down this, what we have given, for this should stand between yourselves and the Seventh Seal [The Revelation 8:1].

            And should thy cast this down, upon your Earth, 300 years of darkness and bloodshed shall prevail, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each day should be as a thousand years. And man again will make upon his Earth his own heaven, but not in reality, for he shall make upon it his own hell and dwell within it, and shall be stung as scorpions should sting of thy body, and shall hide, yet there shall be no place to hide, for no mountain shall be mighty enough to ward off this. Not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned, for the natural elements of your earth shall turn against mankind. [See The Revelation 13:1-18, 9:1-12, 10:15-19 and 16:1-21.]

            We have given of this warning before. We shall not give of it again. Burn it firmly into thy minds, for now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands ready, and is striking thy earth. And soon thy shall feel the [tremors] beneath thy feet and know that the words we have spoken are true.

            But we should say unto thee, if thy should believe of the things of Heaven we should tell thee of, believe also the things of Earth we have told thee of, for remember, we are not great, we are but the servants of our Father. We can do nothing, either to save of thyselves or to destroy of thyselves, without our Father’s permission. So therefore, the wrath that thy should feel shall be the wrath of our Father. But remember, even that shall be a loving wrath. For yea, yea, do not anger Him futher. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 19.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth date to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.