June 23, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

            For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. And as we have spoken unto thee of this great Sword, the mighty Sword that cuts two ways, therefore, we should speak again of these things. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man.

            Yea, yea, we say unto thee these words. For those who have been written in the beginning, their names shall be taken a poll unto the same, And our Lord, God, should give unto them guidance and peace of mind, and the gift of life shall be given unto those.

            But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]

            For as we have said before, we shall walk before thee, and therefore, the might of the Lord shall be present within thee. Therefore, give unto the Lord that that is due unto Him. Give unto your fellow man that that is due unto him. But give unto yourself also that that is due unto you.

            And we should say in this manner, proportions of your Earth shall now start to change. In some areas they shall come as a rapid thing. We have given warnings before, and thy have not listened unto our words. For what was unclean shall be made clean again, for now is the time that the preparations shall be made for the coming of the Messiah.

            For those who should walk in the light of God, no harm shall come unto those.

            And we should say unto the one, of Ruth, we see thy need and have walked before thee, and therefore, given unto thee the healing that was needed.

            And they say unto us, “Then why should this be a time of turmoil and testing?” And we say unto thee of thy own words, “Thy should follow this doorway that has been opened unto Me.” Thy shall wear the yoke of God, and therefore, look unto the blessed One’s eyes, as [this] in the beginning. And as the coming should come forth, so shall your thousand years of peace begin within thee.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Soul Ray and soul Paul both have gardens which are using soil which came from our pond --”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee in this manner. Worry not of the vegetables that are taken. These in themselves shall grow through to the good soil, for they are shallow planted.That that thy may say, what was laid beneath the earth, we have shown unto thee of the same in the growth of other plant life.This [moist clay] had been brought forth in such a manner that is also could be cleansed. Worry not of these things, for we walk before thee and prepare a way.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-23-72-001] and [6-23-72-002] in Miami, Florida, both have health problems and have asked for help. [6-23-72-002] has a bad disk in his back, and can you give any kind of a health reading on him?”

            Yes, we see his need, and therefore, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            We should answer in this manner. Surgery on this one should be done; the sooner, the better. The problem that lies within can only be corrected in this manner. Relief of the same can be taken within the sauna baths, but it should be only of a temporary thing. For there are pinched nerves within this area that are blocking off other areas.Therefore, only by the opening up and the removing of the same can these be extracted.

            Of the other question, we also have before us, the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit of the same. Yes, we see thy need; then we should answer in this manner. First, of thy emotional problem, thy have not found within thyself the peace of mind to live within thy own body, and therefore, seek that that is on the outside. Thy have also sought to live sometimes beyond thy means, and this, within itself, is a karmic thing. We also find within this one other difficulties. We find that the area thy now dwell in is too moist for thy health.

            We also find that rheumatic problems of the same have set forth. This within itself is a virus.     This could be taken from this one in this manner -- first, with the use of the rays that should come from the sun. This should be done in small proportions daily and building into larger proportions. But you should also realize that these same rays can increase the aging process, if over taken. Therefore, do not overdo this.

            Second, we would suggest saunic baths, first, in 5-minute intervals and building up into 30-minute intervals. This should be done. We find many problems of the back and neckular area, therefore, should be sought out by a chiropractic or osteopathic doctor and corrected of the same.

            We also find within this one the problem of the varicose veins. There -- this, in itself, if thy should consult with your physician, could be taken care of by medication, quite readily. Some shall have to be done by surgery.

            But more important than all of these, thy should find within thyself a mental healing, a mental rest. We would suggest that thy should take a short vacation away from thy own family, and therefore, count blessings of thy family within thyself, in this manner.

            Further information on this subject will be given as asked for.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka,[4-6-70-003] asks,‘Is my choice of a mate the right one? Do you have any advice on my livelihood? Can you tell me where the missing tools went to?’”

            We should answer, first, in this manner. Your choice of a mate, this thy shall find within thyself. As we have said before, in your choice of a mate find the peace within yourself, your own peace of mind. Do not play one against another. Of the full content of this knowledge, we would suggest that this question be asked in privacy at a different time.   

            Of thy tools, yes, we see this. And thy in thy own kind already know the answer to this. Therefore, it should not be necessary for us to confirm it.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asked also about her livelihood.”

            Yes, we see thy need. This, as we have said before, has been set forth and taken care of. Thy have taken the step in thy talk with soul Ray. That that was needed to be done has been done. We would suggest further talks with soul Ray on this subject.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. We received a reading from [B____ K____] in New York. She has asked for a life reading.”

            We should suggest that this be brought up at your next reading.

            Thy have other questions, ask..

            “Aka, you asked Ray to use radio time. Are you pleased with the way that this has been handled, or can you suggest how you would prefer to have it handled?”

            This in its present form is good. Thy shall soon find other opportunities open of the same, take of these. We shall stand before this and give the protection that is needed of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other question tonight, Aka.”

            We see thy need and should answer in this manner, For the one known as soul [8-6-71-001] we should answer your question of your mind.

            What you say was in truth. It was given that thy could accept the passing of the same. This time has passed now. Therefore, we should say unto you, walk forth into this life thy Father has given unto thee. And we do not speak of father as a small thing, but Father as God. There are new things before thee, new and beautiful and just. Thy have paid thy karma, and therefore, have learned from it. Do not create a new karma from over mourning from this. That time has ended of the same.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [12-10-71-002] and we should answer in this manner. For as it has been said before, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” but, it is also said, “Blessed are they who are merciful, and mercy shall be given,” in this respect.

            But we should answer in thy mind this question. Give unto God that that belongs to God, but also give unto yourself and your husband that that belongs to you. It is said, “Honor thy father and thy mother” as into thyself. This honor has not been given unto thee; therefore, they that should make the karma should live of it. But justice and mercy shall be given.

            We know thy do not fully understand of our words at this time, but worry not, for truth shall walk before thee.

            And we should say unto the one known as soul [8-3-70-002], thy thoughts have varied. In the thoughts of forming groups within the Tucson area, go forth, and do of such. We shall walk before thee and give thee guidance, and thy financial needs shall come in a manner that shall be just before yourself and your God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer unto this one know as [6-23-72-003]. And the peace of mind thy seek should come, but give of it meditation and guidance. Take of the time now that is needed to bring thyself into one again. Consult soul Ray on this subject. These things can be given from himself.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul C____, and as we have said before, as C_____ was Mary, soon thy shall journey, and therefore, plant new seed within the earth. Do of this as we have shown you, and it shall ferment into greatness of the same.

            Yes, we see thy need, [12-10-71-002], and we should answer your question in this manner. As we have said before, worry not, for we shall walk before thee and provide a way. And soon, we shall call thee of another name.

            And we see thy need, soul F____, and we should answer in this manner. Of thy dreams, that are learning dreams, these should come, as we have said before, that thy should provide a way for mankind to enter in your later days.

            And now we should go, and come again.

            But we should answer all of your questions in this manner. Bring forth your God these things that are necessary within yourself. Speak unto your God as you should speak to yourselves, but do not do so as hypocrites. Speak that that is within thy heart. Do so unto your fellow man in the same manner, and truth and righteousness shall prevail. But only through truth can these things come forth.

            The healing that is needed among your groups shall come now. But as we have said before, the time to cast stones is over. Cast no stone at no man. But, as we have said before unto thee, if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside, and this should also be of thy group.

            Soul Ray now grows weary, and therefore, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.