March 3, 1972

Globe, Arizona  



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words. You now have heard the cock crow three times, and therefore, the time for the cock to crow is over. Pull yourselves together, and stand as the children of God, together. [See Matthew 26:26-35, 69-75.]

            We have seen the need to argue among thyselves, and as been said before, if thy right eye offend thee cast it aside.

            And we shall repeat unto thee in this time again, your A.R.E. groups have requested copies of your readings. And we say unto thee, give these willingly, for we do not come unto one people, but to all the people of God. But in the performance of the same, choose these that thy should release into their keeping carefully.

            And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. In thy preparation for the Book with wings, do not restrict thyself unto one year’s of work; take the best of the philosophy and use the same in the preparation for this book.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. Thy have asked before, from whence we came? And we shall say unto thee in this manner. As soul Ray was reborn, and in this manner, so were we, for as has been said before, soul Ray is I and I is he. For as he prayed into his Lord for death, and this was given, but as he looked back upon his body, and looked into our Lord’s eyes and knew that with the gift that was given he should return and give it unto others, but he had to give it in this manner, with love, with compassion at all times. This word you use so often, yet know so little about, this small word of yours, love, you cannot give it unless it is done freely. For, in giving this, each step that thy take thy grow closer unto our Father. Can you understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully. But the day shall come that thy shall. And we speak these words not only unto the disciples that we have named, for we name you all disciples before God.

            But remember these words, we shall allow nothing or no one from either side of the curtain to interfere with this work, for it is far too important. We have given unto thee, as our Father has done unto all mankind, free choice. But we also have given unto thy keeping a prophet, a man who should stand before God, as he stands before you.                 

            Thy have asked in thy mind, “Who should minister in your baptism, and who should minister in the sermons that are performed to each new minister?” This shall be done through your prophet. We have worked long and hard to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. And so shall you all.

            Thy have asked in your minds, “What are these who speak to us?” And we shall answer in this manner. For those of the spirits who should enter and become one, and therefore, become your Messiah and ours, have asked into our Lord to send those who stood beside them before, to prepare a way. [See John 13:20, 14:15-21, 16:6-15, and 17:17-26.]

            And we chose this one thy call thy prophet to [walk], work through, as once before in the one thy know as John the Baptist. [See John 1:6-34.]

            Give praise unto thy Lord, thy God, and our Lord, your Father, your God shall give praise unto His children, and they shall become mighty both in heaven and earth. But remember, no man shall know of heaven that does not know of earth, and no man shall know of earth that does not know of heaven. [See        .]

            But we say, hark, unto thee. Why should you believe the words we speak of your earthly things and not believe these things we speak unto thee of heaven, as thy would call it?

            And they say, you say unto us, “What are these who speak in this manner? Are they angels? Are they archangels?” And we should say unto thee, these are words of your own. But we should answer in this manner. We stand in pure light before our Father and you. We have found it necessary to speak in your tongue, of your language. But go forward; bear this yoke of love, and our Father shall reward into each of thee in thy own way.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[5-2-71-001] asks for guidance with her finances. Also she asks if you could tell her whether, what effect cremation has on the soul?”

            We should answer in this manner. Of thine financial problems, you shall find that these have already been taken care of. The exact specifics of these shall be told unto thee at the proper time. And we should say unto thee, worry not of these of thy earthly things, for for the children of God these things shall be provided. Go forth as a teacher. Open thy door that we may enter. If thy should take up the torch, we shall stand by thee and see of thy needs.

            Of your second question, we shall answer in this manner. As the soul and the spirit leaves this shell of yours you call a body, it quite often hovers very close for its reluctance to leave this. In the burning of the same, it experiences some things that are quite harmful, that the mind can not accept, and therefore, goes into a deep sleep, or coma, as you would know it, and tries to hide from itself. There are those who will stand by to assist this one. But even there, you have free choice. Above all things, this should not be done until the third day of the third hour of the passing, or if you should do this at this time, all these pains you shall feel into yourself. At a different time, we shall go into greater detail on this subject.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[12-7-70-00_] has asked for a follow-up reading on the problem with the circulation in her arm.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. At the present time thy are overworking your body, and therefore, destroying the damage -- you are, therefore, destroying what good has come unto the body. Do not do this. Go back and start again with the rubber ball, back unto one minute per day, graduating unto the 15-minute time, of one minute longer each day. You should continue going unto the chiropractic doctor. You should continue taking the saunic baths. This should be done at least once a week. You should continue the drinking of the sage tea. In our next reading, we should give more information upon the same if it is asked for.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[A___ F_____] who is here tonight….He has a problem with his failing sight and he has asked if you can tell him what can be done about it?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given, for all things shall come from our Lord. Go unto three days of prayer, both of the morning and the evening. Open your heart, your mind, that we may enter. Upon the third day of the same, your sight shall be restored into the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[S____ S_____]”

            One moment, please. 

            Yes. Yes, Father. Yes, Father. Yes.

            Upon your next reading thy shall ask again.

            Our Father says unto thee in this manner. Bow before our Lord, and these things that are needed shall be given unto thee. But a life reading should be requested [of] this one; there is further assistance needed.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [1-21-72-002] wants....”

            One moment.

            We were not speaking to S______ before. Ask this question again.

            [S_____  S_____] is trying to plan for this summer -- where she will go, what she will do -- and she is asking, ‘How can I open myself to experiences this summer, so that I might be enlightened spiritually and in other ways?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We shall give unto thee the necessary information for spiritual enlightenment. But thy have a dragon who stands near thee, who should take of the monetary things of thee. Beware of this one. Of thy spiritual needs, ask again, and we shall elaborate upon this in full.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [K_______ M_______] has been having pain in her stomach, and general sickness off and on for a long time, and she wonders if you can assist her with what to do about it?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Thy problem is basically one of the female organs. We would suggest the taking of the Lydia E Pinkham. This thy do not always do, but do this as a ritual. And then we say unto thee, take of six days of prayer, the healing that is needed shall be given. And fear not.

            Yes, we see this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [1-21-72-002] wants to know what Aka wants her to do and how she can grow spiritually?”

            Yes, we see thy need; then we should answer in this manner. There is one in the area that thy [leave -- dead], where good fellowship could be joined. Talk unto this one. Thy can enter into what thy know as a bookstore business with this one. This would be good.

            We shall give other guidance at a different time, for soul Ray grows very weak and tired.

            But we should answer one other question, of soul R_____’s trip. He should not be left unsupervised, and beware of the water. Take your trip, but do not engage in what thy call as horseplay with the other boys. Do not go off by thyself. For if thy fail to heed our warning, thy shall leave of thy body.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            And the Fifth Angel is awake upon your earth. Beware.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber. 


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona