March 10, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Thy have asked of the genesis of Adam and the one known as Jesus. And we should answer in this manner. For in the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was God [See John 1:1-5].

            And God thought of man, and so God made of the soul and the spirit of man. And so He did make them of our kind, of our likeness. And then He did make the body of man and woman, and therefore, found it good. [See Genesis 1:26-30].

            And therefore, the soul and the spirit did enter into the body.

            And this did happen in five places upon your earth -- and so, were the five nations, of the five creeds of your earth. And so was the beginning of man, and the evolution of man. And so were the five Edens of man.

            But as man soon found temptation, he was no longer of their kind, of their image. And so man made death that he may return back unto the spiritual body, the immortal body of man, and therefore, learn again of his Father. [See Genesis, chapters 2 and 3.]

            Man evolved many times into higher spiritual realms, but through his wars and his ignorance, and his times of only knowing of earth, he did walk away from his knowledge many times. And so did the ones known as Adam, [who] were born and born again.

            And then the Lord God thought unto Himself, “I MUST SEND THESE, MY CHILDREN, AN EXAMPLE.” And so He did. And some were the descendants of Adam. And some were the descendants of Abraham and Moses. And some are the descendants of the one known as David. And so they should be as Isaiah, as [the] prophet[s] of before.

            And so He looked upon the earth and the [b____] children of Israel, and these were a stubborn lot. And He thought unto Himself, “IF I COULD TEACH THE WORST OF MY LOT.” And so He sent unto them prophets, all of the line of Adam, and those who had chosen to be born and born again, and at each teaching did learn and grow higher and stronger in their Father’s eyes, and those who with their free choice did each time take a harder task before them.

            And so He chose those who had entered the earth before -- and so was born upon your earth the one known as Jesus. And still this one had to face temptation. And the last temptation was the greatest, for he came, not to change the Law, not to change the prophecies, but to show the fulfillment of the same. And so this was done.

            But as I have said before, the last temptation was the greatest, for he must show the way that man had chosen, for death, as you would know it. He had to suffer long, for each drop of blood he must show his love of mankind, and at no time could he curse them. And as the last drop of blood did fall, he weakened, but not completely. And therefore, upon the third day of the third hour he returned back into mankind. But still, this was to show the fulfillment of the Law. For even those he had chosen for disciples did not know of him, and asked proof unto the same.

            All these things were done in five places. The time was different. The words were not. They were said to a different people to seek, to suit their needs. And as we have said before, thy can destroy nothing, thy can build upon what is there. But remember, the temple that thy build in is God’s -- and this is the body of man, the soul of man, the spirit of man, and the spirits of God that dwell therein.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [A____ F_____]…he was advised last time to request a life reading for more help.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body -- and therefore, we have before us the records of time.

            As we have said before, to learn of thy last entry would be important unto this one. And therefore, the entry was that of a Viking. And we say unto this one, [Kayla hand-a-sey. She ne?]

            Yes, we see this.

            And as thy grow from boyhood into manhood, thy left of thy homeland, into what is known now as Iceland, and did journey unto the Americans of the time, into that proportion that is known now as Florida. And at first, thy made peace with the natives of the land and took into thyself a wife of these people, for thy found her fair. And thy did take into thyself thy religion of these people, the philosophy of the same. And as your warrior brothers of your own kind did depart, thy stayed in this land and grew strong in their knowledge.

            In your later years thy went back unto thy own land, and there to depart.

            And as your knowledge was great of the time of passing, thy knew what to expect when thy passed [in] the land that thy had been before, and there was greeted by thy wife. Thy grew in spiritual development [unto] the fourth plane, and therefore, did choose entry again.

            And once again, thy have come back unto the Americans to seek that of which thy have lost. Thy have brought much of thy memory with thee. But remember, thy must live in both realms, that of the spiritual world and that of the earth plane; these must be brought together. And as thy have seeked into thy need and have seen fit to reward the development of others, and therefore, found the gift of giving, then give of your knowledge unto these of your Father’s children.

            And as the passing comes forth again, those that are needed shall stand by. But as you have chosen to come as the time is made ready for the coming of the Messiah, so should our Father see fit to stay the hand, and therefore, let your learning grow greater into the same -- and we say unto thee, [kay-la-nos], or brother of [love], for thy sight shall grow strong in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God. But wander no farther.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [J___ W_______], who is here tonight, of…Miami….And she asks, ‘I am in doubt as to what action to take; I want to know if I should have surgery next Tuesday, as the doctor wants?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner. The surgery is needed, but not in the same manner as the doctors think at the present time. For these things that they should find should be of a minor nature and easily be corrected.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka.[C____ H____] is asking for [M____ J__]. She says, ‘Ever since [M____ J__] has been born he has been troubled with colds….Can you advise me on this? Also there seems to be a slight problem with his right foot, how can this be corrected?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And of the colds, as thy would know them, the healing shall be given into the same. Of the foot, we should answer in this manner. Once each day the foot should straightened and held in this position. Hold of the upper thigh of the leg of the same. Fo not force the foot, bring it gradually and slowly into a straighter position. This should be done 15 minutes of the morning and the evening. This should be continued for six months of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [J___ C_____] of…Fresno, California….And she has asked, ‘I need help with my problems at home and the future health of my husband.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. This one’s diet should be greatly changed. Yes, we see the problem here of arthritis.

            We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea. The pulp of the Night-blooming Cereus should be added, and if at all possible, should be taken in the fresh quantity. All calcium substances should be taken from the diet for the present time. We find also that this one is a borderline diabetic; the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke of the same should be done daily. We also find that the Vitamin D should be added in extra quantities of the same, and of the Vitamin B of the same. We also find that this subject should take the tonic known as S.S.S.

            A diet should be given, that of all green substances. No meat of any kind, except that that should come from the ocean, should be eaten, of the salt water variety. No other meat should be eaten. Eat as many green vegetables as thy desire. For the present time, take out of thy diet that of the natural salt. The fish, as it comes, can be eaten. [Use of] a salt substitute or that of the salt that comes from the ocean. It would be advisable if this one could move into a much drier climate.

            Of thy other problem -- yes, we see this -- and we should answer in this manner. Each in your own way has that of karma before thee; thy have chosen this. We may guide thee, but we cannot take that that thy have chosen from thee. Stand firm, but learn to be more giving. Learn to forgive unto others.

            But we should leave thee with this message. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. But, thy are thy own master upon this earth. Thy are a child of God, and therefore, are a very important soul. Do nothing into the body that would harm the body, for that would only cause thee new karmas into the same. For every action upon your earth, there must be a reaction to the same. For all things of the earth must be of heaven, and all things of heaven must be of the earth. Learn of these. Take unto thyself of the past readings. Learn of these. But remember, thy can destroy nothing; thy may only build upon what is already there.

            Soul Ray now grows very tired, and our time grows very short.

            And we should say again unto thee, the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth, but he is no longer in slumber, for he has awakened.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

                Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

            This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona