March 24, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words. There shall be rain, but not before the 24th day, of your time, of June, and this shall be slight. Thy shall have slight moisture from the Gulf of California. For the land shall become bare again.

            But we shall say unto thee in this manner. As we have said before, this, in itself, can be changed; for as a group, through thy prayer this can be changed. Bring thy group together, and give forth in thy prayer for the same.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Luke, and we should answer your question in this manner. For there is nothing to fear, but fear in itself, for as we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this work. And as the time for the crow [cock] to crow is over, let thy groups stand fast together as the children of God. Send into thy enemies good thoughts, and leave thy trust in thy Lord, thy God.

            And for those who should oppose the coming of the Messiah, as stones they shall be cast aside, as Lot, and risen again from the sea -- for as the daughters of Lot walked forward and did sanctify Abraham, and as God saw it was good and gave blessings upon the same. [See Genesis 18:16-33, 19:2-29, and The Revelation 20:11-15.]

            Yes, we see thy need soul [4-3-70-002], and we should answer thy question in this manner. Fear not, for the temple we have built is strong. Have faith in the same. Do you understand of which we speak?



                "Yes, I understand.” [She (4-3-70-002) answers.]

            And we should answer into soul Mark these words. Have faith and walk on the water with us. Those things that shall be needed shall be provided. But remember unto these words; ask for thy needs, not for thy wants.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul James. And as the Lord placed His trust within thee and gives thee a light to carry above men and to men, as we have promised before, thy sight shall grow strong in the spiritual way.

            And we should answer into all of those, and we shall leave these instructions unto the prophet of the same. As we have said before, “the first shall be last, and the last shall be first,” and in this manner, the last thing that this one should do in your ceremony -- he should ask for a bowl and a towel, and unto each of these, who should become ministers of the same, should wash of their feet.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [8-3-70-002], and we should answer in this manner, for as thy have planted the seed, give ferment into it and it should grow. But be cautious as thy walk. See unto each man his needs. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Partly.” [He (8-3-70-002) answers.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-7-71-001] was given a health reading last week, and there are two questions that she needs clarification on. She was told to see a Dr. Patterson in Scottsdale, who is an osteopath, and she can’t find a Dr. Patterson, but she found a Dr. Peterson in Scottsdale who’s an osteopath. Also....”

            We see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. From your English translation, Peterson and Patterson should be one of the same.

            Of thy other question, we should answer in this manner. Take that that is needed into the body. Should thy feel that the body should reject the same, do not take of this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [C____ H_____] asks if you can tell us who the little girl is that visits our group sometimes during the reading?”

            Yes, we see thy need. (Chuckle.) Blessed are the children of the Lord, for they shall watch upon the children of the people.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-26-71-002] asks this question. ‘Please ask for guidance on the best ways to reach the teenagers today in school and out. For example, will group activity be more effective than the older way of lecture and testing in the classroom? How do you reach out to them, their minds and spirit, and help them back from the distractions of today?’ She asks for help on this, Aka.”

            We should answer in this manner. As the one known as Jesus Christ who walked before, he walked not as a hypocrite; he walked before those, and spoke of the things that meant something to him, and in the same manner, they meant something to the others around him. The old manner, as you would call it, is good for this reason; it brings the teacher into personal contact with each of their pupils. This new manner in which you speak is good within itself for self-learning only.

            But as we have said before, the teacher shall not become greater than the pupil, nor the pupil greater than the teacher. But a wise teacher gives forth that of which they know. They do not teach of something they do not know. But at all times, they are the teacher; they must be respected in this manner.

            There are many variations of your teaching methods today. What was truth yesterday shall not be truth tomorrow. This should apply to your mathematics and your geography of the same, for complete new methods in the next five years shall be known to man. But teach that that comes today, for it is the foundation for tomorrow, as the foundation for your yesteryear was the foundation for today.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            “I try.” [She (11-26-71-002) answers.]

            Nay, not fully. But thy shall within time, for we shall make thee a teacher. For thy shall be a teacher’s teacher.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [J___ H_______], who is staying in the Lee Hotel in Yuma…and she has left her home and family and is very distressed. She feels that she can’t go back to them because she is very hateful, and she asks for guidance.”

            We see thy need, and we shall say once again, we do not see this. Get, as thy would know it, the correct address and the correct name of this soul. The information shall be given when the truth is [put] forth unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [J__ S_____] of…Tucson….She asks, just one moment -- she asks for a life reading, Aka.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And as our time should grow short, ask this at the firsts of your next reading and this shall be given. Soul Ray now grows very tired.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Third and your Fifth Angel are upon thy earth — for, as they have come before, they shall stand together — and the earth shall tremble beneath their feet. [See The Revelation of John 1:4-8, chapters 4-5, 6:1, 5-11, 8:10-13, and 9:1-12.]  

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona