May 19, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            [“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”]

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

We should say unto thee, soul M_______, we should not interfere with thy free choice. Thy have chosen your own karma. But still, we should say unto thee, all thy must do is open the door that we may enter, and we shall bring thee both love and blessings from our Father.

But we should say unto thee these words. We shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. Do not cast stones. If thy must cast stones let us stand before thee, and cast the first stone at us. And our Father should say unto thee of the same.

As we have said before, the Fifth Angel sets before thee. The strong shall stand, and the children of God shall walk forward and prepare the way. The weak shall fall. Help them to stand, but do not become a crutch for the same. As we have said, from your May 2nd, great pressures are upon your earth from your planetary system. These within the same shall cause the same pressures within man. Tempers shall become short. Death shall come unto many. Your earth shall erupt in many places. Fear not this. That that man has placed in the sea shall come forth to sting him and torment him. We have said before, now is the time of the great Sword. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where mountains rose they shall be no more.

These times of trial shall continue into your year of 1999. Wars and rumors of war shall rage upon your earth. But for the children of God, we shall walk before thee and prepare the way. Thy thyselves must prepare the way within thyselves. There shall be many who should shout angrily at thy. Forgive of these, for they know not what they do.

But we have said in this manner, thy are thy brother’s keeper. Take each morning with love, and end it with love. And in this manner love shall blossom forth upon your earth. And therefore, as has been promised, your thousand years of peace shall come. But they shall come as our Father counts, not as you. And each day shall be as a thousand years upon your earth.

            Within your Government great scandal shall come forth. And your Government shall shake and prepare to fall, but it shall not. For from it shall grow a better, more Godly government than exists at your present time.

            But remember, let none of the children of God strike with their hand or their mouth to another. For as the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, as the souls and the spirits shall flow as the rivers, and as the soul of man shall flow to the oceans and to the many lands, so shall these words that we have given unto thy keeping.

            And now we should say unto thee, soul J__ A_______, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Prepare thy home. You shall soon journey into the land of your mother, and there, to prepare a place for a new life and a new husband into the same. In your choice shall be many, but choose of your own kind. Your financial burden shall lift. Give prayer unto the Lord. And we shall say unto thee, we have given unto thy keeping a prophet of the same, as we have given unto the keeping of all of God’s people. Ask of this one’s advice and it shall be given in truth, for we shall guide his words.

            And now, of thy question in thy mind, and that of the health of soul Ray -- we warned unto thee many times of the strains that could come from mental pressures. We have prepared unto this body many times. Of thy request, this is in God’s hands; give unto it prayer. If our gift unto thee has been good, then ask for the healing and it shall be given. If it has been bad unto thee, then do not ask, and it shall not be given.

            And we shall say unto soul Luke and soul James, and soul Jude, we did not implant in this one we have called a prophet lies, nor has he spoken any unto you of his health. Look within thyself for the truth. It rests there; the knowledge has always been there.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [C____ H___] -- ”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. First, the healing shall be given, if this one can believe in the same. If there is doubt in their mind we may not violate the free will. Yes, there is a small, non-malignant growth of the breast area. This could by extracted surgically, and should be done so if there is any doubt of the mind of this one. We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea four times daily. We would further suggest the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], at first in quarter-by-quarter cubes, of your inches. We would further suggest the taking of the herbs known as Lydia E. Pinkham in the adult, prescribed of the same.

            Of the rash of the same of the vagina area, we would suggest the changing of the washing powder of the same. But, we would say unto this one, thy have proved thy principle, now forget and forgive of the same. And forgiveness shall go before thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-21-72-002], the son of D____ T_______ who is here tonight, has received a draft notice.”

            We see this. Yes, we see thy need, and as we have said before, there are medical reasons that could exempt this one from the draft, as thy know it.  By asking with faith these reasons could be removed, or left. But this is of his free choice, not of yours. Let him who wishes ask. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we would suggest the asking of soul Ray in the awakening state.

Yes, thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Do you have any advice for soul Paul in how he is handling his help to, handling the help to his friends at the present time?”

            We should say unto thee in this manner. Give love into all and forgiveness in the same manner. If this is done in the light of God, all things of thy asking shall become in reality of the same.

            And we should answer the question of the one known as S_____ H________ in this manner. That that thy have asked for in thy Father’s name shall be given. Do thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, I do.” [She answers.]

            Yes, we see thy need, this one, soul B___ K___. And we should answer in this manner your question. We have placed before thee the bread and the wine. If thy find them good take of them. We know at the present time thy do not understand of which we speak. But thy [soon] shall know in reality of the same.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul J__, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have done well in thy preparation of the children. Do not hold these so tightly, but be prepared for the day they should go in the manner they came -- for they came to fill that that was needed within you and give you knowledge and truth. For as we have said before, the children of God shall come to the people. For should a man lose his hand and pray in truth unto his Father that he might learn to use one hand as two, then we should send those that have lost their hand, from both sides, to teach thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, but thy shall. In many forms we have brought unto you these lessons.

And thy say unto us, “How can we stand if this one should be taken, of soul Ray?” But as we promised, he shall be with thee in either form for as long as thy needs shall be.

            Soul Ray now grows weak and tired. And we shall [put] healing into his body.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.