November 17, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord. And we shall answer your question.

            We shall answer your question in this manner -- yes, of the fifth dimension of the ninth plane and of the dividing between two worlds. These are the people of the twin sisters of the earth. As we have said before that from the rock should flow the brook, and from the brook shall flow to the rivers, and from the river into your ocean, to your many lands, and on to the many worlds. You, of this world, should learn from those of the other world. For the words that have been spoken so easily unto you, these same people have waited for three thousand years.

            From this time forward, as you should conduct a reading, it shall be heard in two worlds. If you should reach the other world, this must be done through meditation in group form, but let only those who are prepared to serve do so.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one question about the twin sisters of the earth. Are these of another dimension or are they in our galaxy?”

            They are of another dimension from without your galaxy.

            “What of soul Ruth’s dream of teaching in a place which seemed to be in the future; was this the same place?”

            This would be of the same place.

            “Thank you, Aka.

            “Aka, last week when we asked for a reading for [1-1-72-002], apparently we misunderstood her message of September 22, 1972, regarding the one sent to her, and ....”

            We did not misinterpret. The answer that was given was given in truth.

            “Should readings....”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Should requests for readings of this type be given in writing in the future? Should we ask for them in writing, or is it all right to take them over the phone?”

            Nay, they should be received in writing. Only in emergency situations should they be given through the phone, and then, the request should come from your ministers from within.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [1-21-72-002] asks for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            Yes, we see this one born in the time of the Dragon. Therefore, we should say in these words, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records that should remain forever. And we see that in which thy have requested.      As we have said before, as the birth took place in the time of the Dragon, in the isles known as [Labunda] which was at that time a continent within the same -- you now refer to it, the small proportion left, as your Philippine Islands. Some of your scientists have though that this was land that had drifted away from the main continent of the European, when in truth, only that of the mountain tops of the continent are left.


            Yes, we find this soul at this time as a plate maker. You must realize that at this time is the time when the sons of man did look upon the daughters and find them fair, and therefore, the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man and found them fair. [See Genesis 6:1-8.]

            And this one is a child of birth from this type of parent within itself. And much of your father’s wisdom and mother’s wisdom was passed on into this one. But yet, since you are considered as an outcast within your people, you shall try to hide this, of your own abilities, and become a warrior-servant into the temple of the [Pe-Tan], or of what you would call, the unworshippers of the God of One.

            And even as you are slain, you know that your life has, therefore, been a lie within the same, for you know of the way unto your Father. And as your between life begins, you have no problem in passing. Yet, you are afraid of re-entry. Here, your abilities are accepted as a natural part of you. And then you are told of this of the land of Atlantis, that the abilities are used commonly into the worship of the God of One. And yet, you find of the parents of your choice for entry, but before this can happen, your parents are killed in the Great Flood of the same.

            So your eyes are then cast to the east, to the land of Egypt, and there you look for entry. But yet again, as an entry of parenthood should be chosen, you find that the mother should bear you out of wedlock. Yet you choose entry, and therefore, come upon the earth.

            And as Priest Arcan and Priest Ra-Tai rule with their scientific knowledge at this time, you find it good. And yet, as the preparations are made to bury the secrets of Atlantis beneath the city of Cairo, you are yet of a child, and even though you have requested to be in attendance at the time the tomb is sealed, this is not allowed. And therefore, your way becomes much harder. And as the plagues hit the earth, and those of the users of the temple have no longer returned from the heavens, the people at this time start their march back into time itself, for they have buried and cast aside all their knowledge. And yet, what small schooling you have had has come as a hard thing, and your mother works very hard to provide for you.

            And as the barbarians of the north recede down to dominate and conquer this land, your mother flees this land. And therefore, you go into the city of Ur and find there of a new people. And therefore, under a just and righteous ruler, you are educated and become unto a teacher of your time. Yet you know there is of different ways, and more knowledge. But yet, again, this city is to be destroyed, annihilated, and the people, therefore, are destroyed also. And that of the priesthood should set sail in your small crafts, to journey upward into your northern regions. And there you did die of old age.

            We do not find this entry again until this time you should call of Chirsthood. As the one known as Jesus Christ did walk upon your earth and teach upon your earth, you hear of the many tales through your older brothers and sisters, and your heart yearns to lay hands upon this one.

            And yet, in the morning of the skull, they have drug him off to the mound. And as he falls, you lay out your hands and say, “Oh, Master, grant me one wish.”

            And he blesses you and says, “Nay, child, for these are my Father’s wishes.”

            As you grow into womanhood, your heart lingers, and you are raised within this new faith. Yet, you remember, deep inside, of these time of before.

            And within your memory you should remember of the last and lost tribes of your people, and therefore, should journey into this land thy should know as the Americans. And there you find this one walking again and find your wish has been granted, and you walk with him upon the many lands. And the day that thy have reached this land, as Black Mesa, and therefore, you find, for the first time in your life, that that should go with you throughout this lifetime. But because of the royal position of this one, it is not until the Master himself should give blessings can the marriage be consummated.

            But as his father should say unto him, “Go unto the mountain of the eagle, unto the mountain of the eagle’s nest, and if, within truth, you can score [soar] into the heavens and become an eagle, then, and only then, can you wed.”

            And so, he did go to the edge of the great cliff, and giving his faith unto the Master, he scored upward into the body of a great eagle, and came to the valleys and mountains and back to the earth, and therefore, you did ride upon his mighty wings. And as the Master saw it good and as the people saw it good, he turned you both unto eagles to score the heaven and see the land. And so your clan became the Eagle Clan through the mighty hand of a Master.

            Your other lives, that that you should live as a monk, has been quite accurate.

            Your other life, into the time your people had looked and seen, of what you would call of the witch hunts, was accurate.

            There is more that could be given, but our time grows short. And we should give unto you these words. As before, your struggle was hard to gain an education, and you did mighty things with it, this time your struggle was easy; yet, you have an education of sorts. Yet your education has yet to begin. But this must be your choice, not ours. Show unto us your wisdom of choice, and we shall show unto you the rest of your education.

            This is all on this soul at this time.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Matthew. And yet, we placed within the minds of despair and of forgetfulness. This was not done from lack of love, but so that we could truly call thee Matthew.

            Soul Ray now grows very weary, and yet we see thy many questions.

            We should leave with thee these words. For the healing that is needed shall be given. Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.