November 24, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for thy should ask upon this, of the sons of God, which did find unto the same the daughters of man fair and did enter. [See Genesis 6:1-8.]

            And we should say unto thee, look into thy selves, and ask again, and if then thy do not have the answer we shall give unto thee this knowledge. But we should say unto you these words. Within soul Ray’s mind lies the knowledge that thy seek.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [9-1-72-003] asks, ‘Did the Night-blooming Cereus cause the attack [11-24-72-001] had today about 3:30 p.m.? If not, what, and is there anything we should give him?’”

            We should answer in this manner. As long as thy air remains polluted and as long as the wind of the same area should carry the pollution into your area, this problem can remain. At the present time, you may treat the cause, but until this problem is corrected, you cannot achieve a cure. We shall give the healing that is needed into this one. Fear not. Have faith.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I am still having a problem with very severe headaches. Is this the same thing that is causing them?”

            Yes. This problem has covered your land. Continue as we have suggested; then this problem shall turn away from thyself.

            But we shall answer yet further. Within thyself, we have placed that of soul Paul. But not as the same, for soul Paul should overcome his arrogance. This was his karma of before. He must overcome and become humble before himself. This is a fight within yourself, a turmoil of the same and of your own making. As we have said before, give that unto God that belongs to God; give that unto yourself that belongs to yourself; give that unto mankind that should belong to mankind, in this order. If this is done, then you shall make peace with yourself. For as we have said before, there is Saul, and there is Paul; they must come into one.

            Cast aside that of suspicion from your nature. If there is a sword, be patient and wait. If there is grain to plant, plant that first. But do not take up the sword until the grain has been harvested.

            We know  that thy do not understand fully of which we speak, but the healing that is needed shall be given. But the knowledge that is needed shall be given also. For three days we shall enter into thy mind and implant new knowledge. This shall come in your awakening state and your dream state. At first, you shall feel confused and sometimes bewildered, but fear this not, for as we have said before, now the brook shall flow to the rivers, parts of all things shall flow into the ocean, and there the seed shall begin to grow. And soon it shall be ready for harvest. But do not harvest too soon, but wait until God has placed His hand upon the kernels of grain and they shall be in full blossom of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-27-72-002] has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. But we shall say again, our time is short. We shall answer this at a different time.

            Ask thy other questions.

            “[2-19-71-001] has asked if psychic ability is passed on through heredity or if it is attached to the soul and the spirit, reincarnated with the soul and the spirit?”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Through your heredity, the vehicle is made ready for the presence of those who should house the soul and the spirit. This is done in this manner. The choice of the vehicle of the mother and father should be made; then the choice of the soul which is involved to enter is made ready, but yet, this must be done with free choice. The opening of the mind to the wonders of your universe are for those who should be the descendants of the sons of God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. There was a request for a life reading for [9-1-72-003]; would you like to take this at another time also?”

            This should be done at a different time.

            “Aka, can you advise us as to, if you are pleased with our study sessions, or if you would like us to work on something other than what we are doing?”

            Your study sessions are well. We have implanted the knowledge that is needed within your teacher, that you may become teachers. We have done this in a manner that should become increasingly more fruitful. But remember, only those who should wait for the harvest shall fill their baskets. And for those who should fall away from knowledge shall fall away from themselves.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions at this time, Aka.”

            Then we should answer in this manner.

            First, we should say, we have looked into thy mind and heart, soul Matthew. We have looked, and we should say, soon the words shall be said that should come from the Master, that should make it in full, but first we should implant in your mind new dream form. We should take away those you call your guardian angels for the present time and replace them with those of higher knowledge. Do not fear these, for they come bearing gifts from your Father.

            And we should say unto the one known as [9-1-72-003], be patient and continue your work.

            But now we should speak unto soul James and soul Luke. We see thy need. And we see the needs in that of the valley below the sea. But you must realize that a cleansing was necessary before a new foundation could be laid and built upon. You are tested and tested again, for the work we have prepared shall be a hard task. Be patient and wait for our message. Do not act harshly.

            And we should speak unto the one known as soul Jude. And we should speak in this manner, as a child should eat a child’s food, a child should grow one day into that thy would know of as an adult. And if an adult is to grow unto a wise person, and have faith, they may walk on the water. But if they should lose their faith, they shall not. Cast out from thyself these thoughts of thy mind. Cleanse thy house.

            Thy have other questions within thy minds. And we shall answer in this manner. A home is only a home when thy should put love into it. A house is that to dwell in, but a home is that in which you place your heart into it. And only by placing love, can your body become a home to house your soul, your spirit, and your immortal body.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.