October 13, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord. And we should say unto these words.

            First, we should say unto the one known as [5-7-71-002], walk as Matthew, and thy cup shall runneth over. But we come not to promise thee the worldly needs, we come not to make thee great in the eyes of man, we come but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            And we say these words unto you, if thy should believe the earthly things, then thy should believe those things of our Father. But if thy cannot believe of which we speak, there are many mansions and our Father shall provide one for you. Our Father has planted into your hands that of free choice. Neither ourselves or our Father shall take this from you. We have entered into thy house many times, for thy bid us welcome. We have placed unto thy hand our wine.

            But we also placed unto all those who do the work of God a time of temptation, a time of doubt. We did this in this manner that the house of God could be cleansed. For those who should walk in the light of our Lord and the work that is needed in the preparation for his coming shall have the strength to carry the mighty Sword, for now is you time of Armageddon. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

            For many doors unto your mankind shall be opened. Your radio and television media shall be placed before you. The hearts and minds of thousands and millions shall be placed into your hands.

            But all those, one by one, and two by two, and three by three were to be tested. And those who could not stand should be cast aside. And those who shall not stand shall be cast aside. For is it not written that if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside? For thy Lord, God, is a jealous God, and He shall have no other gods before Him, or after Him.

            And for the one who should come shall not come as a god, but as a servant of God. Yet, he shall carry the spirits of God within him, and he shall carry within him that of the Christ-state of many. For he shall come as the first-born son of our Father. For is it not written that our Father loved this world of yours and mankind that He should hand into your hands once before His first-begotten son who He loved very dearly. And is it not written that the descendants of Abraham should be changed as stones. For you shall serve one of your own kind. Yet, as the spirit of God should dwell within you, so it should dwell within this one. But the power of God should also dwell within this one, and the wisdom and the love our Father has for His many children.

            For if it was not so, our Father would have told you. For our Father has hidden nothing from His children. For what has been laid in darkness shall be placed into the light. What was covered shall be uncovered. For a new heaven and a new earth shall come and all things our Father has promised shall be as it was written. [See The Revelation, chapters 21-22.]   

            For did not our Father promise that two prophets should come to the earth and they should be slain and risen again. And so it shall be. And so it is, for have you not seen it with your own eyes? [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

            Yet, thy say, of the many, unto us, “Perform, therefore, a miracle, and we should believe.”

            And we say unto you, we have come not to perform miracles, as thy would know them, for we can do nothing without the permission of our Father, for it is not us who should give healing, but our Father. It is not us who should show you light in the darkness, but our Father, for we are but the servants of our Father, and we walk in His holy light.

            But those who should walk in our Father’s light and give praise unto Him, of the Creator, the Father, the God, then light shall be shown forever and ever.

            But we should also unto you these words, for those who should not believe, watch your earth tremble. Watch those who should not believe fall into the earth and be devoured by it, and yet live in fear. Watch those who have become so concerned with their selves that they have no room for God create their own hell and walk in nothingness.

            Yet, you say unto us, then now is the time of sorrow. And we say. nay, you are but foolish children, for now is the time of joy, and the joy should be in your hearts for the day of the preparation. For upon your earth shall be a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

            And your earth shall change its form. Where no water flow, water shall flow; what was desert shall be made into gardens.

            Your times of trail are but a short time. This time of the Anti-Christ, that is short upon your earth to come, is but a short time. Yet, for those who should not show the mark of the Beast, all things unto our Father shall be given. [See The Revelation, chapters 12-13, 14:8-12, and chapters 15, 17, and 19-22.]

            And we say unto thee, give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto you, and glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, forever and ever. Let that of the light that was placed there in the beginning to see, open this, and let it see, and thy shall see us, and thy shall see thy Father. But deny thyselves, and thy shall see darkness.

            And we shall say unto soul [9-1-72-003] these words. Take of this we have given unto Matthew and be patient, and your time shall come.

            And we should say unto soul [5-7-72-004], our Father has seen of thy needs. And thy shall walk with the children of God. Give patience unto thy Father, for what is a day in the time of glory and happiness? For thy Father has shown unto you love, has shown unto all of His descendants since the disciples that of love, for you all are the children of God.

            And we say unto the disciples, prepare therefore a haven within thyselves of love. But remember, thy are shepherds; do not allow the wolves to attack thy sheep. Stand as David, and thy shall stand as the shepherd of people of God.

            We see thy needs, soul Paul. We see that of the questions thy would ask.The healing that is needed shall be given to those with faith in their hearts upon this night of nights. And therefore, we should say unto you, for we shall place in thy mind a prayer unto your Father, and before your meeting should end this night, thy should tell of the people of the same.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.