September 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            [Editor’s note: The first of this reading was not on the tape recording.]

            And we should say once again in this manner. Give unto your Lord glory, and your Lord should give unto thee glory in return. But, as in the days of David, so glory came from the earth and into the heaven and gave unto the people of Israel glory. [I Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings.]

            But as in your days of Rome, as Rome gave glory into the Romans, so they fell upon the earth. And so it shall be once again. For those who should walk in the light of our Father, all things shall come unto past, for as the Book of the beginning was so, so should the Book of the ending be of the same.

            Thy have asked of the cosmic energy, and we should answer in this manner. Yes, there are two sources of cosmic energy. Thy have done well, continue of the same. Your thoughts have been of the static electricity. You shall find a new source of electricity within itself, and therefore, shall find a new name of the same. For as we have spoke[n] before of cosmic energy, soon you shall know of the cosmic magnetic-electrical cells within the same. Therefore, you should find the secret of light and sound. Continue with your train of thought. This is good within itself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I need a health reading tonight on [9-1-72-001]. This person is bothered with depression.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say into this manner. First, change thy drinking water. Your second problem is in locale of which you live. You must realize that this area has been contaminated. We should answer also in this manner. We would suggest the moving into a different location.Your depression, within itself, is caused from negative ions within your air. If this cannot be found practical, the use of oxygen as a supplement for breathing at different periods during thy day would greatly improve within this one.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [9-1-72-002] wishes a health reading, particularly the cause and treatment for the severe pain he is experiencing.”

            Yes, we see thy need. But we do not find this soul at the location thy have given. We would suggest more specific information. Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Last week, Aka, you told us to ask for a life reading this time on [8-26-72-002].”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us body, soul, spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the immortal records.

            Yes, yes, we see this.

            And therefore, we should answer in this manner, for we should give unto this one of, not of a before life of this time, but of a second before life.

            Within this time, we find this one within what thy would know as the land as Israel in the city of Jerusalem. Thy have joined a new-formed group known as the Estenes, or Essene group. These people within themselves have held holy of the old ways and of the old gods. And therefore, as thy have worshiped unto the God of One, thy should journey from the city of Jerusalem unto the city known as [Hosann], or within your time the location should be known as that of the Dead Sea, there to learn from the one, of the righteous one, and become part of and practice with those of the White Brotherhood who have journeyed from Egypt to give teachings, and therefore, have known of the one known as Judas, and become unto servitude and apprenticeship of the same, and are taught of the time of the coming of the one know as Mary.

            And therefore, as this time has come forward, thy should be a bonded one of thy own choosing unto the one of Mary and Joseph, and should journey forward unto the birth of the holy one.

            And as the time has grown near when danger lurks for the life of this one, thy should flee into the land of Egypt. And therefore, under the teachings of Judas and thyself, the young one should grow strong and tall. And thy should journey unto many lands, therefore, that the great knowledge should be taught unto this one. Thy find this one a ready student with before knowledge.

            Yet, as this one grows, you are told that this one should be of a sacrificial lamb, and thy cannot understand of this.            

            And as your days have grown old and your eyesight has grown into nearsight, thy asked to be taken back unto this holy city of Jerusalem. And this wish is granted. And there thy dwell.

            And as the lad known as Mark should come unto thy household and read of the messages and of the travels known as the one of Jesus -- and as his first days of coming unto the city, he has come unto your house, and therefore, given blessings unto the same, and day by day, your heart cries out unto your Lord for the kindness and gentleness thy see within this one. And thy asked unto thy Lord, “Oh Lord, why must this one be sacrificed in such a manner?” But yet, your answer comes back unto thee to wait.

            And the day after the crucifixion, thy thyself pass on, and there unto see the glory of our Father and the glory of the one known as Jesus. And therefore, thy can see with thy own eyes that the sacrifice was not within, a criminal thing, but a glory unto God and a glory unto mankind. Thy choose to wait of a long time of learning unto this land that thy dwelt. And thy watched the world as it passed before thy eyes.

            And now, as another time has come upon your earth, thy have chosen to return once again to see this time. Yet, within thy heart thy have not seen where thy have been, so therefore, thy have not chosen direction of where thy should go. And we say unto thee these words. We have come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, for no other reason. And we say unto you, many souls have chosen to come again upon this earth for the same purpose. But even through their choice they must still choose to prepare the way within themselves, first.

            Do this. Become as one, but yet, become as five. And walk before thy God and know what thy God said unto thee, “COME UPON THE EARTH, AND YET, BE FRUITFUL. GIVE UNTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD THE CHILDREN THAT SHALL BE NEEDED FOR THIS TIME.”

            And this thy have not done. Thy have chosen to walk alone. Yet, we say unto you, take the doubt from thy mind and go forward in a just manner.

            There are many lifetimes of thy past and which thy question, and thy wonder within thy mind why we have chosen just one to give unto thee. Yet, we should answer in this manner. If thy can learn from just this one, then thy should know within thy heart and soul of all the others.

            We should give unto thee this. At another time we shall fulfill thy cup until it should runneth over, and thy should know of many lands and many places.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks, `Would you give information on what happened to the lost tribes of Israel?’”

            Yes, we should give of this. For they are not lost, for they have walked among you, for they came unto the Americans, this land thy walk on now. For they were of the Hopi, yet, they were of many tongues and many languages. They were of the Maya. Yet, part became unto a people of themselves. But you must realize, as time has passed, your interbreeding, way before your first Spaniards reached this land, these people had bred into another race.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “No, I don’t think so.” [She answers.]

            Nay, not fully. Then we should elaborate upon this subject further at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [9-1-72-003] had two dreams that she would like to ask about. She asks,`Can you explain about the baby I saw in meditation with the beast? And also the dream with the red door and the tiny lights in my room?'”

            We should answer of your first question in this manner. For as the Messiah should come upon your earth, so should Lucifer stand near to gather from the mother’s womb that which was placed upon the earth. Yet, this shall not be allowed. [The Revelation 12:1-17].

            For as we have said before, it shall be where the stars shall shine of brightness, where the sea shall be close at hand, and yet, the desert in itself shall coveth this one.Therefore, if the way is prepared within thee and within others, this of the child shall not be taken back unto God and guarded, but shall be given unto mankind.

            Go unto the readings of the before, and thy shall find the answer to the fulfillments of your last dream, and of your first.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from my niece, [8-11-72-003]. Do you want to take that tonight or another time?”

            We should take of this of another time. Soul Ray now grows weary, and therefore, our time should grow short.

            And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub, for the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. But remember, as in the time of this one known as Jesus, and was said before, can not our Lord change the descendants of Abraham as you should turn a stone? And so it shall be within your land.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for improved accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona