September 15, 1972

Yuma, Arizona


            Aka is here. Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee, blessed be that that is brought unto our Lord, and blessed be that that is given from our Lord. And for those who should choose to walk in our Father’s light, have they but one teardrop to shed, then all is in accord. But give that unto your Father that thy would give unto thyself. Give it in the same measure. For those who should walk alone, and be lonely, they shall never be alone, for our Father shall walk with them. All they must do is open the door and we shall pass through unto the same.

            And we say unto these words, soul Jude, for that that we have provided upon the earth is good. And that that we have prepared and provided shall be good, for we have seen the needs, and the needs have been provided for. And when the leaves should fall upon your earth, and your autumn shall come, and your earth shall prepare itself for its long sleep, that that we have planted shall come into full blossom. Therefore, worry not. For the tree that we have put forth shall bear good fruit.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”

            And we should say unto soul James and soul Luke in this manner. As though the yoke should be heavy, we shall give you the courage that is needed to carry it. And blessed be those who care for the children of the Lord. As we have said before, nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with the work that we have prepared within thee. But all things shall come as a pleasure.

            And we should say these words unto soul Luke, that the sheep thy think is lost shall wander, and one day shall come back unto the fold. But carry that within thy hearts and the knowledge thy have learned of these things we have placed before you to learn, and thy shall know in the same manner our Lord should love of His children.

            But we should say unto thee these words, and this we should say both unto Paul and to Ruth, and we should say unto Mary, there shall come upon your earth many changes of your seasons. And we shall provide for each of these. But as a tree should grow we have pruned this. Bear no one ill will, for only that that was done, was done at the will of our Father, which was written in the great Book should come in fulfillment. As we have said before, we are not great, we are but the messengers of our Father.

            Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

            Then we should say in this manner, for all upon heaven and earth has been made in readiness. Have faith, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah. Have faith in your Father and He shall have faith in you. Give unto your Father glory and He should give it unto you. Give unto your Father love and He shall give it unto you. And the love of our Father shall be shown before all mankind, and proof shall be given of the same.

            But give unto mankind glad tidings. For though your earth’s surface shall change, and though the Sword that should cut two ways shall be present, even in all of these things shall be the joy of His arrival upon your earth. For has not our Father promised unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? And so it shall be. But prepare within thyselves the valley of our Lord.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9-15-72-001], he’s almost six years old -- the parents ask for healing of the asthma

and hay fever condition, and any instructions you can give them regarding the general health of his body in the future. Also, is he being helped from the antigen injections he is receiving, and should they continue them?”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, [the] spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, the injections should be continued. But the main problem of the child, within itself,  is within the area that thy now dwell. Because of the pollution of the air, this, in itself, should increase and destroy the membranes within the [nasal] area, causing infection into the sinus area, And if not corrected, could cause damage unto the [lung] area.Therefore, we see thy need, and we should provide the healing that is needed.

            But we should say unto thee in these words. We are not great, we cannot create; only our Father can do this. Therefore, take the precautions that are needed. Install in thy home filters of the air. These are known to you, and should not be beyond your budget. If this is done in this manner, this would greatly improve the health of the child in general.

            We would further suggest, that the taking of the sage tea, twice daily. We would further suggest the using of the Night-blooming Cereus, once daily, for one week, in quarter-by-quarter of your inches, of cubes of the same. This is all on this subject at this time.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            Should farther --

            “Excuse me, Aka.”

            -- help ne needed, ask, and it shall be provided. Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, there was a question asked at last week’s reading concerning the astrological signs. ‘Do people change or retain their astrological signs, and if so, why? And what does the astrological sign signify according to karma?’”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner.         

             First, of your last we should answer in this manner. Your astrological sign within itself, would sometimes be misinterpreted, should be that of the karmic character that this soul should be born under, both of the good and the bad karma. This you have not realized, that karma should come of two forms, that that you have already learned and you have learned to build it from, and that that you have yet to learn. This in itself is good, for as we have said before, you have free choice, and therefore, in your climb upon the ladder, upon each re-entry, that that you have not learned before you shall choose to learn again. No one should judge you but yourselves. And therefore, it is you choice of time.

            As woman and man should prepare upon the earth a nesting place within the womb, and therefore, make ready for a birth, this is the one time the entry should make itself known before the actual birth, and therefore, shall choose mother and father for the lesson that there is to learn. You must realize that the same entry has seen forth those things that should happen unto the mother and the father, and therefore, in the learning, both mother and father can be changed or replaced, according to the entry’s growth, and the growth of the mother and father within the same. Should the mother or father choose to overcome any karma, this in itself should help the entry to overcome a karma of their own. This is what you should call the influencing of a child, half by the mother and father, or the environment around the same.

            Therefore, as each entry should take place upon your earth, the actual entry itself should not come until the third day of a normal entry. Yet, there are some who, in forgetting that that is needed to be learned, [revolve] so rapidly that there is no growth at all. Therefore, from the beginning they are born under the same sign, repeatedly, for they have learned nothing.          

            But for those, again, who should come upon a mission, they of your sun sign should be drawn together for a common cause, and therefore, the bidding of our Father should be done in complete. But remember into these words, “as you should turn a stone, the descendants of Abraham can be changed by our Father.” And so, within reality, for that that came before Abraham and that that should come after, both are of the same, and of the same God.

            Can you understand in fully of which we speak?

            “No, Aka.”

            You shall. Study of which we have given. We have given what the stomach shall digest at this time. And then ask again.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. We have a request for a health reading for [M____ J__ H_________], Yuma, Arizona....He is eleven and a half months old. And he has a rash on his face, chest and arms that is not being cleared by the medicine that is being used. They have seen a doctor at sometime, sometime ago; he said that it was infant eczema. But it has not been cleared and is spreading.”                     

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say first unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.


            We would suggest that a skin specialist be consulted. That that has been given is not correct. We would suggest in this manner, that of the glands that provide the moisture unto the body are, therefore, producing an overabundance of the salt form. Reduce from the salt intake unto the child.

            We would further suggest -- yes. One moment.

            Yes. Yes, we see this.

            We find a blood disorder. Therefore, we would suggest the vitamins be given unto the child, with more of the B’s. We would suggest a changing of the diet in this form, that by blending, using of the raw, natural vegetables, the blending of these, it should make them easy to digest, crushing and blending. Can you understand of this?


            This is very important, the crushing and blending of the natural vegetation. This must be given unto the child. At the present time the child is very low in a natural vegetation. We would further suggest that of the Vitamin C, that that should come from the orange juice, this should be given unto the child, more of the same. If this is not practical, then use of the lemon juice; extract this, using small quantities of honey from your local locale to sweeten the same, using good pure drinking water unto the same.

            We would also suggest that the child should see a good skin specialist in this area. This would require -- because of your lack of doctors within the area itself, we would suggest that in your land of the mythical bird of Phoenix -- yes, this would be suggested; this would be good. This would not only ease the problem of the child, but the problem of the mother. You must realize that part of the rash, that the child is picking up from the mother the feelings of anxiety, and therefore, should appear upon the mother and child in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, you mentioned pure drinking water. Is the water of the Yuma area pure enough, or should this be bottled water?”

            For this child, we would suggest the bottled water, at the present time. Your Yuma water contains too much salt.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. We have a problem with another child of the same family. [D___ C______ H______] has been having peculiar things happen. He received a bump on his head that he said happened here at my house, grandma’s house. He said that someone closed and locked a door on him. [Aka chuckles] We wondered if it was imagination, or if something did happen?”

            We should answer in this manner. Go back unto the child’s first reading, and therefore, you shall find that the child’s psychic abilities are sometimes more surprising to that of the adult. The child, in slumber, should experience out-of-body experiences within the same, or as you would know it, astral travel. As a child should learn to crawl and then to walk, his experiences in astral travel, sometimes he shall fall. But he shall know where he fell. It is not of his imagination, but that within reality of the same. We know thy do not fully understand of which we speak, but as we have said before, we shall prepare the ways through the children, also.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, is there any reason to worry about someone shaking his bed?”


            “He’s been awakened twice.”

            Nay. His playmates, within his astral world, he can control. As we have said before, the door is open; therefore, we shall enter and give the protection that is needed, but none but the children of God shall enter unto the same. Therefore, worry not of these. We shall stop the shaking of the bed.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, I have no further questions tonight.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in the mind of one. And we shall answer in this manner. For that that is beautiful within thy heart, let it blossom and grow forth. Fear not.

            And we should answer in the mind of another in this manner. Thy have come, both out of curiosity, but more important, thy have come for the need of faith and belief in that of which you have always known. Thy say unto us in this manner, “Then give forth unto us a miracle.” And we say unto thee in this manner, we shall give you the miracle of life. But of the proof that thy need within thy mind, open your door of you mind, and therefore, with your permission, we shall enter and give the proof that is needed.     

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            And as the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, so we should stay his hand. But nay, not for long, for it is our Father’s plan and our Father’s wish.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona