September 22, 1972

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee these words.

            And we should say first unto soul [1-1-72-002], have faith. Our Father sees of thy needs and has sent those unto thy life, and unto the lives of thy daughters, to strengthen the faith. But we should say unto thee in this manner, we have not sent unto thee a false prophet. Therefore, what thy had seen as good before should remain good. And that that we have given you has been good, and the instruments that we used to direct you to our doorstep. Do not falter within thy faith. All things shall come within time. But as the rock should be built, and strengthened, therefore, we shall lay under the rock a good foundation. And we shall set those beside the rock who should not falter.

            At first, when thy should hear of our words they should mystify you and confuse. But take them one by one. Pray upon them, and the clearness of the meaning shall come in fulfillment.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Jude, and we should answer in this manner. Give that unto God that should belong to God, but do so in this manner. If thy cannot believe these things of the earth that we have given unto you, then how can you believe these things of heaven we have given unto you? For all comes from the same source.

            And you should say unto us, “Why should you call this one a prophet, and no longer call of him an instrument?”

            And we should answer in this manner. For we have placed within his mind, the awakening mind, the ability to see those things of the future clearly. For has it not been written that your Father should send unto one who could not be slain, and for those of the beast who should try to slay him, our Father would let him lie dormant and then rise him before the beast? [See The Revelation 11:1-13.]

            And so it has been done. And the beast we speak of is the doubt and greed within the minds of many.

            Yet, we say unto you, remember of these words. That we may continue using this one, his fulfillment as a man must be also in complete.

            And you asked of his different moods. And we say unto you, as the wind should change and the leaves should blow, his mind should reach forth into the many areas of your world, and of your minds. But we did not bring this one forward in this manner to make him great in the eyes of men, for he did not desire this. He granted permission to be used, but only in this manner, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

            That that was done unto him has healed, but the scars are still new. Walk carefully upon them, for we have removed the block within his mind. And we should say unto you, nothing is hidden from his mind. This, in itself, he must become accustomed to. Before, he knew that he could not harm any person or thing upon your earth with his mind. But now he must govern it with his own conscience, and this, in itself, is a learning time within him. But fear him not, for his conscience shall walk with God.

            And we see thy need, soul [4-3-70-003] and soul [4-3-70-005], and we should answer in this manner. Those things that have been given unto thee have been given in truths, that have come from us and from our Father. And we should answer in this manner; the half-times are over. The decision must remain within your own conscience. Think long and hard. But remember, in reaching your decision, put forth before you the Ten Commandments, all of these. And when you do you shall find it in this manner. Give back unto God one-tenth of the love that He has given unto His children. Trespass upon no other soul. Coveth nothing that is not of your own or has not been sent to you from our Father. Do unto your brother that that you would wish him to do unto you.

            But take from your house the thoughts of the dark horses. There is no one who should harm you, but your own. Cast from your house those of the lost souls, but even in dealing with this, do so in a righteous way before our Father. Speak only of truthful things. If these things that we have said unto you should come, that that the, [you] should desire shall be given unto you. But do not misinterpret our words, either to yourself or others.

            Yes, we see thy needs, soul Paul, and soul Ruth, and we should answer your question in this manner. Blessed are those who should walk in the light of our Father. Blessed are those who should stand humbled within His light. Blessed are those who should give of themselves unto others. And we should answer unto you, have patience, for all things shall come in fulfillment.

            And unto soul Ruth, we should say unto you these words. Give unto yourself that that is needed. Give unto your Father that that is needed. Give unto your fellow man that that is needed. But do not hurt the temple of God in giving, for the temple we have built within you must stand firm. We see of thy needs, and we shall take care of these -- (chuckle) and even sometimes thy wants.

            And of soul Paul, these words shall be separate from the others, for we see the cross has grown and shall grow. We see the [blocks] of blood that thy have gathered upon thy forehead. We see the clothing thy have washed within the blood of the Lamb. And therefore, we should say unto you, we shall place new love within all of these things. Your learning now shall come much faster. We shall enter your mind in dream form and place new knowledge within the same. We shall place within soul Ray’s mind more knowledge to give unto you. But first, we shall place within his mind that, that now is the time that he should give the knowledge he bears forth within himself.

            Yes, we see thy mind and thy need, soul [5-7-71-002]. And we say unto thee, come forth and replenish your faith, and we shall call thee Matthew.

            And soon, we say unto your groups, we shall give unto thee new names and new souls.

            Thy have thoughts that thy group has come not unto good paths, but we have seen of this need and shall reach outward and bring those forward that should be needed as workers and helpers within the same. But it must come with love, love of God and love of mankind. No jealousies should come among you, none whatsoever.

            And we should answer also, for those who should use of your abilities in a selfish manner, see of their needs, but also see what they should need of these things for. If their need is for a selfish purpose, then draw back thy blessing. If their need comes honestly and truthfully, we should take care of these also.

            But we should answer one other question, and this one should know of which we speak, who have walked before us and promised unto our Father many things. Our Father has not asked you to promise anything, but once you do, then this must be fulfilled. Say unto this, these words, that thy should try to perform the necessary tasks within the same. This is enough for our Father.

            Thy have asked for the health of thy children, and this our Father has granted. Thy have asked for the help financially, and this our Father has provided. Thy have asked for the help to bring unity within your family, and this our Father has provided. Thy have asked for financial needs, and this our Father has provided. Now you see once again these things leaving your household. If you should put your house in order, our Father should see of your needs. But give unto God that that thy have promised.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Of your experiments with light and sound, go farther. Go unto the thought waves of man, the sound the brain should make as thought should generate within itself. Go into this and you shall find light within the same. Do not become discouraged, for many thoughts we have let flow through thy mind. What you have done up to this point is good, but new knowledge shall flow therefore.

            And thy asked of thy brother, and we should answer in this manner. Thy are thy brother’s keeper only if thy brother should allow thee. But when thy brother should offend another, and another, and then should offend the hand that was given unto his keeping, and the hand which would help him stand up, then stand aside and let your brother fall. When he reaches the bottom of the pit then he himself must look upward to see the light. But until this time comes, and as long as there is someone else to take the blame for his folly, he should continue that that he is doing. He should continue to try to harm himself and others. Then we say unto you, stand aside, for our Father should weep for His many children, for He loves them, so deeply. This word of yours that you use so often, but know not the meaning of the same, look unto your Father and see His tears, and then you should know the meaning of the same. Stand before the cross and let one drop of blood come upon thy face, and the true meaning of love shall come within thee. For it is only through love of mankind can mankind grow. And sometimes you must love your brother enough to see him suffer that he should grow, and you shall know the love our Father has for His children.

            And you say of these new things that have been placed into your life, the sorrows of others, of mankind, for humility has been placed before you for your growth. And as your wife should stand beside you, both should grow together, and both as children of God. We shall see to thy needs and to your development as long as the door remains open.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [1-21-72-002]. And we should answer your question in this manner. There are many paths that stand before you. We shall not direct you, but we shall let you make your own decision now. We have laid before you flowers. It is your decision, now, to pick them up and walk with them, or leave them for someone else. This is your decision. We shall take care, and place flowers before your friends, of another kind. And their needs shall be seen to.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [3-3-72-001], and of thy disillusion. But this was necessary that thy should grow. Thy have come unto soul Ray for counsel, and the counsel he has given unto you has been good. Therefore, grow from the same. Open your heart. Give of yourself. Give of yourself, both to mankind and to God, and the growth we have given shall continue.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [9-1-72-003], and we should answer in this manner. Take unto thy hands the ankh. Come unto soul Ray and he shall give wisdom into thy mind. And the knowledge, the secret knowledge that thy wish at this time, we shall place in his mind. Your development has been good. But we have placed unto the mind that that it could digest at the time. We shall continue to see of the healing that is needed.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [5-7-72-004], and we should answer in this manner. Come walk on the water with us, and that of the past shall be forgotten, and that os the future shall be of abundance, and that of the children shall come into fulfillment. And we shall dwell in your house forever and ever. And you shall walk in the valley of our Lord with the children of God in this same manner.

            We see of thy many needs. And we should say unto these of soul [11-16-71-001]. Thy have asked within thy mind, which we should send unto the Indians to prepare a way for the coming? And as we have said before, we have sent but one, and he should walk as John, for the Ray should mean of naught. Take of this wine we have given unto you, take of this prophet we have given unto you, and hand it into the Indian nations, that it should flow from one to another. For long, all of the people have waited.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona