September 29, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Of thy question, that of the matter and anti-matter, of gravity and anti-gravity and the conjunction of the same -- of that of the crystals within the pyramid, you must realize these within themselves served of many purposes. But they were not of one substance. They were of four substances, with the center substance of ruby crystals within the same, of the outer, a blunt-faced wider part of the crystal. This was a crystal alloyed, much similar to your diamond dust. These are made, as you would know it, as a synthetic diamond. Of the point of the crystal, these were of a carbon substance. Of the third part of the crystal, this, within the same, was electrodes, similar to what you would know as diode form. Your substance of gold was used within the same. We shall go into the complete part and usage of these at a different time.

            This, within itself, could be used both as a transformer and as an anti-gravity unity. These were used to gather within the same huge quantities of cosmic energy, therefore, used in the lifting, at this time in which you speak, of huge bulk forms of stone or other material and conveying them over huge distances. Smaller units were used in the building of the pyramids themselves. These were also used in number within the base of the boss of the pyramids within the same.

            You will find the last of these exploded and was disintegrated approximately at the same time as the birth of the one you know as Jesus Christ, for it had served its last purpose of that to mankind, and therefore, was self destruct[ed] within the same. These were used from the last proportioned and transfer of energy into outer space.

            Of your thoughts of matter and anti-matter in that of the psychic mind, yes, this is true, for there is no time barrier, only within your minds, only your thoughts of the same. For all events that should happen upon your earth shall continue on through time.

            Your minds are capable of that of the matter form. This you use in your everyday life. You also use that of the anti-matter continually in your everyday life, that of a thought and sending the thought. That of the thought within itself is matter; that of the sending is anti-matter.

            The mind is also capable of receiving anti-matter and transforming it back into matter within the same. We shall go into this further at a different time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[6-11-71-003] -- he has requested a life or health reading, whichever you think would be most help to him at this time.”

            Yes, we see thy need, but at this time we shall give no life readings, for you reading tonight shall be short. Bring forth those questions that are important, for our departure shall come soon.

            “The only question we have had submitted tonight is from [5-7-71-001], who believes she has lost her wallet. She would like to know who took it, if she can get it back, and how she can get it back?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we can give no information from one soul unto another. This is not allowed. Therefore, we shall answer only in this manner, that the person that has taken the wallet shall not return the same. But they have built a new karma, and therefore, one moment, please.

Yes, yes. Yes, we see this.

The wallet, within the same, is within the area of her work. This is all the information we are allowed to give.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and thy question, [5-7-71-004]. And we shall answer in this manner. Come closer within your group work. Place more emphasis upon that of group study and group advancement. If this is done within the same, that that thy have in your mind shall come within fulfillment. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Possibly.” [5-7-71-004 answers.]        

            Yes, we see thy need and thy understanding. And we shall answer also of the one who dwells in the valley below the sea. [Editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona.] 


            The healing that is asked for shall be given.

            And now, we should answer your other question in this manner. You must realize that your air is heavily polluted with the chemicals that drift from your smelters. [Editor’s note: in Globe, Arizona.]

            This, within it same, in the quantity that it is now forced into your air, is highly dangerous to your bloodstream. This, in the same, could and is causing forms of leukemia. This is also causing the pollution of your water streams once again. This will also kill off most of your plant and vegetable life if it is not soon stopped. The damage to the respiratory system is increasing.

            “Aka, if soul [4-3-70-001] installed an air conditioning system which he has been considering and put in a chemical filter, would this help his blood problem?”

            Yes, this would greatly help his blood problem.

            “Thank you.”

            One moment please.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [9-1-72-003], and that that thy have not obtained of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] within the same. And we see thy effort put forth upon the same. And therefore, we should answer in a different form then.

            Take of the mistletoe in one part, take of the hops in the second part, taking of castor oil of the third part, mixing thoroughly, making a compress, placing this upon the child’s throat and lung area. Taking of the eucalyptus leaves and mixing within the same -- these must be crushed into fine pulp; it is far better if they come in their green state. But do not allow the child to eat any of this. Then, over the same, making hot compresses. This should be done in morning and evening. Do you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”

            And now we speak unto soul Ruth [8-10-70-001]. And we see thy needs. And as we have said before, these shall come as needed. Fear not, for we shall see unto the safety of thy family. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “I think so.”

            Now is the time of the Cherub. We should suggest this message unto soul Ray. If there is confusion or irritation on the mind, do not attempt to reach trance state. This, within itself, is what harmed you once before.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, location and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for better accuracy.]



Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona