April 13, 1973

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need; ask thy question.

“Aka, soul Ruth and soul Ray have been experiencing intense prickling. Can you give them the cause and treatment of this condition?”

Yes, we see thy need. Of soul Ruth’s problem, she has been picking up mental messages from soul Ray. The problem is within the medication taken. It would be suggested that soul Ray reduce the amount to one capsule per day.

It would also be suggested that the eating of more meat in his diet. He should eat smaller amounts, but more often. It is needed at this time of the red meat of the beef. It is also suggested that he do less strenuous exercises for a short period of time. We have seen the need here.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3-23-73-001], of Tucson, a new member of our group…says that numerologically, ‘As my first name is a 63, the same as Christ’s, and my last name an 81, the repeated phrase of preparing the way for the Messiah has a special attraction or interest for me. I would like to ask if there is anything specific that can be given that I should be doing, not doing, or changing at this time in the preparation?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Go forth and bring together a group within your area. Further instructions shall be given at a different time.        

Bring faith within thyself, and thy shall find faith within others. Give glory unto your God, and your God shall give glory unto thee. But we should say unto thee in this manner, we are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, make that preparation first within yourself, and we shall give you the tools to prepare the way for others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5-7-72-004] would like to know why he keeps hearing knocks.”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. We have given unto you a duty to perform. Did you not think we should send those unto your household who should constantly remind you and give unto thee assistance? All thy must do is ask.

But we should answer in this manner, beware of lost souls, for within thyself thy do not have the strength as yet to set these aside. Look unto them and recognize them for what they are. And open the door that we may enter, and we shall do the rest.

But as before, “Go unto the door and knock, and if you are bid to enter, give of your wine, give of your bread; take of theirs. But if you are bid not to enter, then pick up your blessings and go elsewhere.” The knocking that you hear is those who would enter. It must be your judgment and your decision to let them enter or let them go elsewhere.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11-16-70-003] has asked for a life reading,, when it’s convenient.”

Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest that this life reading be asked for first before any other questions are asked at your next reading. It shall be a lengthy life reading, for there is much that needs explaining unto this soul, that this mold should continue in the path that he has set forth for himself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, soul Ruth asks about faith, especially in relationship to working out karmas.”

We shall answer in this manner. We have told you the parable of toil. And toil shall be faith. And faith shall be love. And love shall be God. For as all things in the beginning were of God, therefore, all things were of good. Yet, as time passed, even before the first entry, some brought forth harmony that was not good.

Therefore, karma is like harmony, as though you had strung a bow, yet had a weakness within the bow and fear of shooting the bow that it might break. But if the bow is repaired, the arrow shall go straight and true and pass through all waste. But faith, without that faith the bow could not be repaired. The arrow could not be shot, and therefore, you would stand in the same place that you stood in the beginning and have climbed not to nowhere.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes,” she answers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Ruth asks, ‘The separations of the readings are nearly completed. Should the life readings be included as well as the philosophy?’”

Yes, this should come together. Bring them together in harmony. Place certain amounts of the life reading and certain amounts of the philosophy together. But do so chapter by chapter, placing explanations in between.

Give of the first of good quality. Lay aside some for seed. Plant as you would plant a good field, that all of the field could grow together and produce an abundant crop. We shall provide the rain.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You were talking about building a vault for food storage. Would it be a good idea to have two or three different locations, and also, would building one in the hill where I proposed by my house be a good place to build one?”

This would be good. Prepare more than one. In this manner your foodstuff shall grow, but purchase all as one. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I understand, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask..

“Aka, some people feel uncomfortable about drinking wine with the bread. Can you comment on this?”

(Chuckle) Wine is only a symbol, nothing more. Water is the same as the wine. It is not necessary that wine be taken into the body. Use of the juice of the grape, as it comes from the grape, or use water; it means little difference. Take not into your body that that should do harm unto your body; take not that unto your soul that that should do harm unto your soul; take not that unto your spirit that should do harm unto your spirit. And in this manner your immortal body shall grow. But take not into your body that should do harm unto God, or your soul, or your spirit, or your immortal body.

You have other questions, ask.

“You said you would tell us more about astrology in relationship to working out karmas. Are we ready for that at this time?”

Yes, we see thy need, but our time grows short, for soul Ray now grows tired and weak. Give him time for healing unto his body.

But we should say before we part, give love unto your fellow man. Give love unto your God. Plant the flowers that others should see them grow. Be as a mirror that should walk forward, and mankind can see that it is good. And God can see that it is good.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona