April 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee, for we see thy need -- for those who should come before our Father in a righteous manner, our Father should give glory unto them. But we should suggest in these words, that before one should become in whole, ministers, they should be teachers for one year first. Those who have been chosen should be honored as teachers in your May meeting. [Editor’s note: the second annual meeting.]

It is good that you should review all of the ministers within your group. Do so as you have suggested. But for the new, after they have served one year as teachers, then they should know in full within their hearts their own destiny before them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When you speak of these people as teachers, do you mean that they should teach in separate sessions in their own homes, or do you mean that they should work with the group much as they have been working?”

They should do both. But they should work at all times within the structure of your group. 

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, last time you said that we should ask first this time for a life reading on [11-16-70-003].”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have before us the records.

First, we should say unto thee these words. Look into these words we should give unto thee with mercy and knowledge. If one should fall from the ladder, but rise again, our Father should love this one.

Therefore, we say unto thee, we find this one in the Year of the Horse. As a boy, this one brought forth the use of fire into the domestic camps. And as you saw it was good, you fell into folly and began to worship the fire itself. There were many of your elders which warned you against this, but you would listen not unto them. Therefore, you were cast out of your city.

And you dwelled forth into the land of Canaan. But your heart was heavy and you swore to return and to use this fire that you had worshipped into the destruction of the elders. There were many of the young men and women from your encampment that joined you. And you found many new who would follow you from other cities.

But as you dwelled in the land, you found those who had the knowledge of the crystal and found that this was even greater, yet, than that that you had sought. And you slayed those who would possess these and took them for yourself.

And you became a great conqueror and king. And you marched upon your city, there to destroy what you thought was all things. And as you stood before the altar of God, you thought yourself as a god. And then, and only then, did you feel the might of God, for He rained forth from the heavens and put out your fire and destroyed your crystal and all of your warriors. But still you did not learn.

And as you reached into the spiritual part of life once again, you dwelt long in this, in vengeance, for your thoughts were to re-create the battle over and over again.

And then one day there came before you one known as Moab. And you asked him from which he had come?

And he said unto you, “I am the god of Moab. I shall join you and show you my strength as greater than this other God.”

And in your confused mind you made an alliance with this one to make war into the heavens. But as you advanced into the city of the heavens, one who walked out from the city -- and first you saw a man and then a dove, and then it lit upon your staff.

And the king of Moab, the god of Moab, looked upon this one in fear and trembled and fled.

And the Dove rose up and circled you tenfold and said unto you, “Come into my Father’s house, for all of your conquest here is only in your mind.”

            And then you looked about you, and all that you had thought to destroy was yet again beautiful and in peace and harmony. And you said unto this one, “How can this be?”

And this one said unto you, “For all is good, even this weak one who says he is the god of Moab; for this cannot be, for there is but one God, one Father, who created all. And in His creation he made all of man in harmony. Therefore, it is only you yourself who has been cast out of harmony.” And he said, “Come now, and we shall look upon the earth.”

And as you did so, you saw the mighty lands. And you looked into the land of Atlantis and the wondrous things these people of God had built, and you said unto this one, “These must be all of God’s children.”

And this one said unto you, “They are all of God’s children, but soon their harmony, their music which they live by, shall become unbalanced, and all you see before you shall be destroyed by the mighty wrath of our Father.”

And you said, “How can this be so if our Father loves His children?”

And this one said unto you, “That harmony shall be replaced unto man.”

Then you said unto this one, “Then it should be true that, ‘Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.’”

And this one looked long unto you, and said, “Nay, there is no vengeance when you punish a child you love. You do so only that the rod he should carry should come as a beautiful thing; for what has been destroyed shall rise again, and birds shall sing, and flowers shall grow, and the wheat shall sing unto the heavens of their Father. If you wish, you may return unto this land of the Atlanteans. But linger for a while here, that when you return you might give of these people the knowledge that might save their land.”

And so you did unto this, to stay and study. And the time of the Atlanteans came and went, and still your thirst for knowledge went on.

And then you saw the star that was to come, the star of the East. And you rushed back to find the Dove, and asked many where it had gone.

And the masters said unto you, “It has gone to prepare a way upon the earth for a new time unto mankind, for it shall go and show the truth of the resurrection unto man. And it shall die upon the cross, yet rise again.”

And yet, your heart was heavy and you wept. And you turned in thought, “How can my Father, who has given beauty upon the earth, let harm come unto the Dove that He loves so?”

And then you heard the Dove’s voice unto you, saying, “Go forth and prepare a way unto the land for me. And shed no tear for me who should pass.”

And so you did, unto the land of Jerusalem. And upon that last day as you stood in the doorway with your sister and saw the Dove pass before you bearing the cross. you wept, not ashamed that man should see you weep.

And your sister said unto you, “Why should you weep?”

And you looked unto her and said, “Sister, I weep not, for these are tears of joy. But hasten, sister, we must go unto the land of the Americans.”

And so you journeyed.

And when you saw the Master walk upon the earth in this land, you held onto his robe and said, “Dove, will you leave me once again?”

And the Dove said unto you, “Nay, I shall not leave you, for I leave [thee] on the earth the Spirit that shall flow unto all mankind. But I have come not that man should live in peace of this time, but I have come to prepare the way, that when I come again, this land, this world of yours, shall have overcome its karma and live in peace. And you shall have upon your earth a heaven and a new world, and they shall be as the same. And upon your earth there shall be a thousand years of peace, but they shall not be as you count, but as my Father counts.”

And you said unto the Dove, “But Lord, grant me one wish.”

And the Dove smiled unto you and said unto you these words, “It shall be, for you shall be here when I come again. Go forth and prepare a way for me.”

And you looked and said, “What of my sister?”

And the Dove said, “Behold, for cannot you see the Eagle fly?”

And there was peace upon your land for that time. [Editor’s note: The life reading of the sister of that time when the Messiah walked the Americas was given November 17, 1972.]

You have incarnated many times since this time. You have brought karma from your other incarnations. But we say unto you, grow above this. Grow and prepare a way, and the Dove shall come again.

We say unto thee in this manner, we are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Start that preparation within your heat and soul, and the earth shall give forth its mighty bounty, and the heavens shall give forth their mighty bounty, and God shall have a place to rest His head.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-20-73-001] is having a glandular imbalance and skin and back problems, and she asks for help to improve her health.”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit. But we should answer in this manner. Let this one go unto meditation and ask again, and we shall give the healing that is needed. The position of the body at this time does not permit a reading.

Now we say unto you in this way, soul Ray now grows very weary. Give him time for healing.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona