April 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. No one can take from thee thy own free will. This was given from the High One, the Lord, our Father. Therefore, we may only suggest and give guidance into thy paths.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. That of the spiritual work, we have given unto thy hands this one thy call the prophet. Therefore, the ministers and the teachers should serve under the direction of the prophet.

Your board of directors should henceforth take upon themselves the handling of the business affairs of your organization. We do not mean this in a manner that should take from this one his right to vote upon issues that he feels within himself a necessity. But let this come forward in a spiritual manner.

Your garden has been weeded. Your future now lies full and complete. As we have told you in the beginning, the material things that are needed shall be provided as raindrops. The spiritual things that are needed shall come until your cups shall runneth over. All you must do is ask.

Your land lies rich with flowers, and as the earth awakens unto the glory of God, He has placed these flowers at your feet that you should see the bountiful needs of the earth. We shall lay upon the land a cleansing. And the cleansing should come unto your government, that your land shall be of the people, by the people, before God, in a righteous manner. These things shall be done, and the earth shall be handed back into your hands.

We have done that that has been necessary in the preparation, and we shall continue. You should do that that is necessary for the preparation, for we have given you the wine and the bread. Must we also provide the yeast?

And for those who should doubt unto the words that we have spoken, let them too look at the flowers that we have placed at their feet.

We came and gave you a sign in the heavens upon our arrival. Now we give you a sign upon the earth of beauty. Give this beauty from your souls, that others may see the flowers also. Let each of you in your own manner come into your May meeting as a new beginning and a new birth. Come there with hope and happiness within your hearts. Show this into others. Let this be a festival occasion for all. [Editor’s note: Aka was speaking of the second annual meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God, as they called it then.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10-27-72-002], she has asked for a life reading. Do you want to take that at this time?”

Not at this time. We shall give a life reading in your next reading. Ask your other questions.

“Aka, I’ve been having a great deal of trouble the last little while with my memory, I can’t remember things from one minute to the next. Is there something wrong with me that I should be doing?”

(Chuckle) We have asked for your attention. Place before your God those things within you. We have made within you a teacher, not of material things, but of spiritual. Take up the cup and drink from it. That that you have forgotten is that within you that should glow of God. We have given unto your keeping to give healing unto others. Do this. Your memory shall return.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, I have one other question on healing, Aka. I do not have people coming to me asking for healing, and you have told me not to give it where I am not asked. And in some cases I’ve tried to do this anyhow. What should I do in this respect? I’m glad to give healing where I can.

We shall answer your question in this manner. We shall open the doorway that those who should seek healing shall enter.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, Mary asks, ‘How should I consider time and my faith and others’ faith, and God’s will for me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Seek out this one you would call the prophet, for he knows where he has been, and he shall know where he is going. We have guided you and your footsteps to a small church. Take forth this that we have given you and give it to others, and the flowers shall grow within. For in giving teardrops, you should give laughter -- for in giving laughter, you should give happiness -- for in giving happiness, you should give glory -- and as you should give glory, you should give God. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I’m not sure.” [Mary answers.]

Then we say unto thee, upon this night go unto meditation. Open the door that we may enter. Fear not the lights that thy shall see or the voices thy should hear, for we should bring unto thee the messengers of God for further learning.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5-7-71-001], who is here tonight, is concerned about her plans to retire, and if it’s all right. She says, ‘Should I plan to retire from my job this coming September?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Plan to do so, but also plan to fill your garden, that the mind and the body can become abundant. You have long sought out the spiritual needs of others. Now become a part of the same. Fear not that you should be [radical], or ridiculed, for your knowledge within the spiritual realm has become of great value. Sow this seed, and reap its harvest. Fear not for your health, for when you reap the harvest your health problem shall end.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2-19-71-001] asks about two archeological articles she has read. There was crystal carved skull found in South America and a three-ton bulldozer found buried in Poland. Nobody knows how these artifacts could have been produced. Can you comment on these?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In the days of your Atlanteans, crystals of this type were used for transmitters. The shape means very little. The consciousness of the people who constructed the article is buried within. Therefore, it should be capable of bringing forth messengers of their time. But beware in this manner. This is like you would call, a memory bank. Each person who has possessed this article, their memory shall be attached to it. Therefore, a person who has possession of it should be very careful, or they should lose their individuality.

Of your other artifacts into which you speak, we see this not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘What happened on Mars that the sons of God came to earth?’ And I would like to add a question. Where are the people from Mars now?”

Your people from Mars are now upon the earth. Of that which did happen, as we have said before, your planets were constructed in such a manner for the evolution of man. As Mars was lesser in environment than earth, and as man did make war, destroying this environment, a new land had to be selected. And as we have said before, both parties within the war came unto the earth. And so it was that they found the daughters of man fair and did enter. But they used those of the earth as animals, and therefore, brought karma unto the earth with them.

It is not yours to change and force, upon your will, that that you would upon others. Let them see what you possess. If they see it is good, they shall take upon it. But unto the smallest of God’s creations was given free will. And this free will changed the man beast into that that you would call a human being of today.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any words for us on the certification of the teachers?”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. Let the teachers come unto the prophet. And let the prophet say unto the teachers, “For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher.” Let the prophet say unto them, “Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.”

They shall serve under the direction of the prophet. They shall learn from your ministers.

And let the ministers stand and take a vow before the teacher that all of their knowledge shall be given freely unto the teacher, and they shall hide nothing from one another. But we say unto thee in these words, let minister or teacher hide that that has been given from one another, they shall no longer remain of either. And we say unto you in these words, what the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. Beware.

For this day we have laid aside that these teachers should be honored. And the Lord, God, shall look upon them, and He shall honor them. And the Council shall be present, and they shall honor them. For we, as they, are but teachers. And we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, as they should be, for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Let not they bring into this work prejudice of any kind.

And glory be the name of the Lord.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall speak upon this further before you shall hold your meeting.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona