August 3, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening Aka, where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee, as we have said before, if thy brothren should offend thee, go unto thy brothren. But first, before thy go unto thy brothren, forgive thy brothren and forgive thyself. And if thy should go unto thy brothren and he should not forgive unto thee, and thy problem cannot be solved, then take of two with thee and go back unto thy brothren, that they may be a witness, and therefore, give unto both counsel.

            But those who should harbor within their hearts that of revenge, that that they cannot forgive unto another, does not damage another, but damages unto themselves, for they shall build within themselves a new karma, and therefore, their karma shall go on and on. They shall be born with it and they shall die with it, and they shall be born again.

            Forgiveness of the heart is love of the heart. If thy cannot understand forgiveness, thy cannot understand love. A gift must be given with love or it is no gift at all.

            The Lord, God, has placed upon your heart that of free choice. But he has also placed within us our free choice.

            Take of these words we have spoken. If they shall pass by thy ears without hearing, then thy shall be deaf. If they shall pass by thy eyes without seeing, then thy shall be blind. But yet again, the words we have spoken, the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-3-73-001], who is here tonight...has asked for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            And therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, within the body that, a rheumatoid-arthritic condition.

            Yes, we see of this.

            We find, therefore, within the same that of diabetic. This within itself is not of a true diabetic, for it comes from an impurity of the blood within the same. We, therefore, find within the body small tumorous growths which are non-malignment. These are located in that proportion that was the uterus area. We should suggest, within the same, increasing of vitamin E to 1,000 units, the taking of therefore of that of the Lydia E. Pinkham. We would further suggest the taking of the Night-blooming Cereus in quarter-by-quarter [inch] cubes daily. We would also suggest that since none have prepared and none have stored of the same, of your Jerusalem artichoke, that you should substitute these with that of the fruit that should come from the saguaro cactus, taking of the small seed and grinding of the same, using it for seasoning within this one’s food. This at this time would take the place of the same. The eating of the fruit would help in the thyroid condition that lies within the same.

We would further suggest that should soul Ray give healing into the body, this would greatly help.

We would also suggest the taking of the clay which we have mentioned before, the adding of the vitamin E unto the substance, moistening this clay with olive oil; taking that of a warm towel, placing the moist clay in a thin layer upon the same, wrapping of the joints of these areas that are so inflicted. This would not only greatly reduce the pain and give smoothing unto the skin, but would also relieve at the present time this condition.

            We find, therefore, imbalance -- yes -- of a glandular area, imbalance of that of the pineal gland within the same. We would suggest the use of a negative-ion machine be used while this one is in slumber at night. We would further suggest the drinking of pure, clean water, the filtering of the air unto which she breathes. We find, therefore, in a respiratory problem within the same, it might be suggested -- yes -- that small quantities of oxygen be fed through mask form, as the subject should respond to the same and have need of the same. We would further suggest the use of the sauna bath, but within the use of the same, if this could be done at very small intervals, no more than three minutes in the beginning, and building up into a 15-minute interval per day. This must be done with dry heat.

            We shall say unto thee into these words. You have yet within your science to find the key that lies within the mind that should bring forth and stop your aging process. Within the mind lies the key to reverse the process, and therefore, taking mind and body slowly back into the youthful condition it once was.

            But we should say unto thee into these words. As an old oak stands and looks upon the young, would it trade its knowledge for their youth? Thy have thy faith within God, and God has His faith within you. This within itself is the most important of all things, for the doors that shall open shall be beautiful, for roses shall be placed without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to spiritually symbolize the birth or coming of the Messiah.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You spoke of storing Jerusalem artichokes. This last year we attempted to. We have many planted, but we don’t know how to store them. Could you tell us how?”

            Yes, we shall answer within this manner. This must be dried with your ultraviolet light, or dehydrated in small pyramid-type state. This knowledge you already have we have given of in previous readings.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            We shall state in this manner. That that food that should be dehydrated in this manner stores within it all of its value, that that is dehydrated within the pyramid state.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-3-73-002] has asked, ‘I would like a health and life reading, as my eyes are giving her a little trouble; they are dry, at night only so far, which can cause blindness. I would like very much to know how to correct this situation.’”

            Yes, we should answer in this manner. Taking, therefore, of the hot olive oil packs, placing within the same that of castor oil, mixing together, making a porous [poultice] of the same; placing over the eyes at night before slumber, this within itself shall remove the problem and remove the starting of the cataracts as they have began to form.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[8-3-73-003] asks for a health reading to find relief from pain in her teeth for which dentists have been unable to help.”

            Yes, we see thy need. First, we should answer, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

            We shall answer in this manner. They have been contaminated with lead. Thy have lead poisoning. This within itself has settled within the jawbone area. We shall suggest that the problem lies not within the bone of the jaw as much so as treatment through the blood. Therefore, we would suggest, first, seeking out that of a good blood specialist. There are several known drugs that this could be treated by. We would not suggest the use of cortisone within this; this would only irritate and add to the problem as it stands. We would suggest the use of that proportion injected into the jawbone area of penicillin. This must be done in small quantities. If this could be injected into the basic root center in eight places in the lower jawbone area, this problem could be removed.

            If this is not found feasible, then we would suggest the taking of that thy would know as Vaseline, taking that of the vitamin E, mixing to one teaspoon of Vaseline 10,000 units of vitamin E, mixing it together, taking thy own finger and swabbing the gum area on both upper and lower proportions; drinking, therefore, of the sage tea sweetened with local honey and the drinkings of as much of the cranberry juice as the body will abstain [sustain].

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-3-73-004] asks for a health reading and about her future.”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And the last we shall give first. Of thy internal problems within the same, these shall soon be dissolved. Time within itself is one of the greatest healers.

            You ask, therefore, for your own future. This within itself shall be made by you and shall be made by you and you alone. Therefore, we should say unto you into these words. As a pool of water should flow it does not become stagnated, and therefore, the water should cleanse itself as it flows. But your stagnation, as you stand without renewal of the structure within yourself -- within each soul there is free choice, that to enter or not to enter. There is free choice, that to stand as one would with their head buried within the sand, or that to walk forward into life and take of it and live of it.

            We should say unto this one, and so it is written, the Lord, God, said unto these words, “OF OUR KIND, OF OUR LIKENESS, SO WE HAVE CREATED THESE AND FOUND THEM GOOD.” Therefore, remember, a good father takes nothing from his child, nor hides nothing. That that you have found within yourself and thought to cast aside that was wrong could be that proportion within yourself that God, Himself, would not cast aside; then why should you?

            We could speak many words. But hear the meaning of what we have given, and then we shall continue. The health reading we shall continue at your next reading.

            Soul Ray now grows weary and our time for departure has arrived.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.