August 7, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee these words, for we should answer first that is utmost within thy minds.

            First, we should say unto thee of the food storage. It makes little difference whether thy store thy food separately or store together. But yet, we should say unto you unto these words. Only through unity shall you stand and fare this, only through the unity of trusting one another and knowing that unto yourselves, that you can not only trust but love one another, and giving this love freely into each. But not as a demanding thing -- love should come in many forms.

            We have told you, store of the food. We have told you in the manner unto which to do so. But each within you have within yourselves your own families and relatives that you should not see to go hungry. So each of you have thought within your minds to store the extra food into your homes, that you may provide for those. But we say unto you unto these words. Store that in such a manner that each may share from what they have given. And then, should one care to share with another, let them store of this also. But if there cannot be unity in storing, then give back unto those who have given, and let them store separately.

            We say these, into these words. For you who have given, bring this forth before you and decide of the same. We have said of the purpose. God has given unto thee, each, free choice.

            But as there shall be many within thy groups who should want to give nothing, then we say unto thee, if thy should continue to store as a group, then store in a manner that each should give equally, and therefore, there shall be no quarrel within the same. But store in the amount [a] proportion, and give in the amount [a] proportion, of the ones that thy should feed from your storehouse.

            We have told of thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of our Lord and the building of your Earth. We have placed within your hands the tools to reach beyond the river to the ocean. This must be done through the radio and television media, and the newspaper media. This task we have placed unto soul John’s hands. We have placed unto the hands of soul Ruth the gathering of the book material that should be printed. When this has been completed, come forth unto soul Ray and share with the knowledge he has given, but use within all of the talents within your group.

            Of this book unto which lives in soul Ray’s mind, let it be so, for we have placed the thoughts therefore. Print of it first, and it shall lead the way unto the others. Make ready for the Book with Wings, for much has yet to be done. You have but barely scratched the surface in the preparation.

            You have within your minds the thought that as we have called unto soul Ray a prophet and to each of you we have given unto names, how should this be handled before public? And we should answer in this manner. That unto which we have placed within you was placed before you and you alone, not for the public. And as we said that no other should call of thee of this name, this was as God would see thee, not as man would see thee. Therefore, as you should go unto the river into the ocean, that all of your religions shall accept you and accept the knowledge that you shall have and bear before them, print not of your names, but print of your own given names. We have placed this and these names in such a manner that one within the same of the Thirteen that shall be built shall know of one another and shall know from where they have come and to where they are going.

            At times you have become ill-tempered with one another. This also happened once before. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Each of you have heavy burdens placed upon your shoulders. Each of you must share the burden of the other with love. But each of you must think before you speak, because your words can be misinterpreted, not only among yourselves, but before others.

            Remember unto these words. We have placed before thee the name and the acceptance of the name to test your strength of character, to test within you the will to serve. For those who have accepted, we have seen that will and that need that shall grow forth and become, in the final days, those who should stand and be counted by the Messiah. The tasks that we asked you to perform are but minor tasks. The tasks that the Messiah shall say unto you, they shall be more than preparing the way.

            We have placed into your hands this one we call of the prophet. It makes little difference how those of your membership shall speak as long as they speak of him with respect. It should be the same with all of your disciples. The respect that you should ask from another you should give into another. We have placed him before you as the captain of your ship, not because he wanted to be, but because of his own karmic development. In the beginning, he brought forth upon your Earth the sons of God. That his karma may come to its fulfillment, he has accepted the task before him.

            And we say unto you into these words, can you understand of which we speak?

                “Yes, Aka. I think so.”

            Then call of yourselves before the public by your given names, unto yourselves and unto God we should know of you as we have called you. Cast not this aside. But you are building within a world that is foreign to the thought of many things. It is not by the use of deceit that we have advised you, but by the use of the building and the preparing of the way for the coming of the Messiah, which is our main purpose above all.

            Soon we shall name others. Their acceptance shall be witnessed by no one other than those who should come forth and be counted.

            Can you understand of which we speak?


            To be ordained before God.

            And now we should leave these words unto soul Jude, who should think that the piece of paper and the man who gave the vows were nothing. And we say unto you, say unto these words: for what God has giveth, God can taketh away. If she should sail on a ship without a captain, then how can she sail in any ship at all, for the ship shall beat itself against the shore and destroy itself. These words you should say unto her. Write unto these words, that as Aka has spoken, and the spirits of Aka have spoken, and we, who are the messengers of God and the tools of God, shall place before her. Should she come unto soul Ray, and therefore, bring herself unto the fold she should be allowed to return with her papers as a minister. But should she not, she shall never have a sheep that shall follow her, for the path shall disappear as it was given.

            Of your other problem, give back unto her that which she asked. Of this problem with those who should steal, ask once again for their return. If this is not done, then step aside and let the path of the thief pass forth, and they are that of what they were once before. For you see, as we had known in the beginning, all this must happen that that had been written and had been prophesied, both by Isaiah, by David, and by Ra-Tai and Arcan, should come to pass this day. Therefore, their karma is much like Judas’s. What they have done is not as important as what they shall do. And the path they have taken forth, and the knife they have taken into their hands, shall pass away.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. P_______ W_____ ... asks about her 10-year-old daughter, S____ J__ W_____. She says, ‘What direction should S____ J___’s life be directed? What talents does she have, for instance from past lives?’ She also asks for a life reading for S____ J__.”          

            We shall answer into this way, into this manner. Because soul Ray has overtaxed his mind and body, we have answered that that should be done.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Before we should depart we should say in this manner, repeat tomorrow night what you have asked tonight, and answers shall be given.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

            ‘Ray, it’s time to start your journey homeward....”


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona