August 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee unto these words. As the universe and the universes were so placed for man’s expansion, we shall say unto those who should listen unto these words. You have asked before [of] that of karma, and that of astrology, and that of numerology, and how these should affect that of karma. And we shall answer in this manner, that as the soul should project forward from lifetime to lifetime, and the lessons they should learn should come forth with them, that of astrology, or that of the sign they should be born ‘neath, you have divided into 12 parts, and yet you must realize that they should be divided into 36 parts within the same.

            Yet, working within your boundaries, we shall answer your question in this manner. As the soul should depart, and through this, therefore, in the knowledge he should gain, he will move from house to house.

            But if his destiny is that that he has been sent unto the earth to perform a task, and this done only with his permission, he shall be sent forth under certain, as you would know them, sun and moon signs with each house and each square within its proper perspective, that as the movement from each, that from moment to moment and day to day should change, the opportunity to overcome that of karmic lesson is placed before him.

            And you should ask unto us, “Why should this be so?” Without these opportunities there would be no reason for rebirth, or for future learning.

            Then again you say, “What in astrology should determine the date of death,” as you would call it? The date of death is chosen much in the same manner as the date of birth, that the correct house may be that they have advanced unto, the house that they should learn from.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-20-73-001] is here tonight. She has asked for a life reading. She would also like to know, will she be divorced?”

            (Chuckle) We shall answer your last question as that of which you already know, and the answer is, yes.

            But we ask unto you this question, what is this word you should call, divorce? As two souls should walk upon a path and no longer can learn from one another, nor share nor give into each other’s destiny, then it is time that they should depart.

            Yet, given free choice, as you already know, quite often they shall choose again for their mate the same characteristics that were in the other mate before. This in itself comes forth both in your astrological charts, your numerology charts – yes. This within itself is as you would call, destiny.

            But destiny is not directed from the heavens as some would think. The paths are here before you, the choice is yours. God has given unto you this. As we have said before, what God has given, God may taketh away. But as he gave forth a coveth [covenant], and that was the first coveth that was given into man into five places, that in the beginning, as man’s own free choice to overcome these things that he had fallen into, these pitfalls, he chose death and life in this manner to learn. But even as he should learn the lessons of our Father, no matter how far he should climb unto the ladder, until he has brought all of God’s children into their many houses should he choose, therefore, to stop his own advancement, his own choice of re-entry. But for some there shall be many, for some there shall be never.

            We shall answer one father question within this one’s mind. Your present astrology is based upon the twelve houses of Israel. But as we should answer unto you, think, therefore, of the lost tribes. Think, therefore, of the Atlanteans. Think, therefore, of those who would be known as the Sumerians. Think, therefore, of the Mayan calendar. It shall bring your thoughts and your knowledge of astrology forth into fulfillment in the same manner. But take, therefore, the art of numerology in the same manner. Use them together as a tool. Then lay forth that gift that God has laid before you, a natural psychic gift, and all shall come in fulfillment and knowledge of the same.

            We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the records.

            Yes, we see of this.

            And we find this one in the first -- and that as firment came unto firment, born in the Year of the Serpent. And as you look forth upon man-beast, you shuddered at the thought of entry. And you though unto yourself, “How can this be so? How can I breed forth unto these who God said is ‘of our kind?’”

            Yet the Lord, God, would not listen, for He had turned a deaf ear upon His foolish child.

            And therefore, your thoughts would project into the other firment and into the other worlds beyond. And one by one you found different phases of development, but still of this man-beast. And yet, you returned back unto the earth to find that the man-beast that you should have entered had passed away. You stood and watched them as they knelt in prayer, and you wept, for you said unto yourself, “This is myself that has died.”And therefore, you wandered away, and the years passed.           And therefore, not again for one million years did you seek entry. As this time you entered upon the continent of Atlantis. You had entered in the early stages, and the continent had grown strong in knowledge and development. But you had brought with you the knowledge that you had gained from your wanderings in the stars. You were born into the house of [Heshna]. And as Heshna and [Aras] had bore no children and their aging had gone unto that of over a thousand years with hope of never having a child, they promised unto the Lord, God, that you would be delivered unto the temple. You should become a child of God.

            And so it was so. Upon your second birthday you were delivered unto the temple. And the master, Arcan, walked down and received you.

            And they said unto you, “What shall we call of this one? What is his name?”

            And they named unto you, Ray [Re’].

            And Arcan said, “Why should you name and give unto this one this name?”

            And they spoke these words unto you. “We have waited long for his deliverance unto us. Our heart weeps that we should have to give him up. Yet we give him the name of Ray [Re’]; as the ray[s] of the sun should pass before men, the knowledge that God has placed unto this one should be delivered unto mankind.”

            And as the days and weeks passed and came unto years, you heard of the great priest, Ra-Tai’s, visit from the land of Egyptan. All was made in readiness, and all the students knew that there was some that might be chosen to return back unto this land. And all had high hopes, for this was the greatest of all priests, the greatest of all knowledge. And the only hope that was left for the Atlanteans was through this one man and the alliance that could be made with those of Egyptan.

            And then the day came that he should choose, and he spoke unto Arcan and he said, “You have shown me many, but where is this one they call Ray [Re’]?”

            Arcan chuckled deep within himself, for he knew his old friend had chosen and chosen wisely. And so you were brought forth and presented before the great one. There he boarded the craft that should take you unto the land of Egyptan.

            And there you brought forth the gifts that were given to the Atlanteans and the Semurians, or Sumerians, the knowledge of astrology, the science of astrology. You placed forth this knowledge both into medicine, and therefore, you were tutored to become the head priest of the Temple of Beauty and the Temple of Light. And all was made ready.

            Yet the days and the weeks passed, and as your age grew and your knowledge grew, you came forth unto this one, Ra-Tai, and said unto him, “Master, I know they shall cast you into exile. Let me go with you.”

            And Ra-Tai said unto you these words, “Nay, stay and keep intact the records and the knowledge, I shall return.”

            And so you did. And so he came forth. And you were in line, there before all, to greet him as he came forth in his mighty craft. But as those in Atlantis who had worked for his overthrow now should assassinate him, because when you stood by him, because they could not tell the difference in sight, your life was taken that his may go on, as you knew it would be.

            Now many eons have passed. The work has been laid forth. The records are intact. The crystals have been placed in their proper place. The last crystal, that that should go forth and announce not only to the earth, but to the heavens, the coming of the Messiah, was part of your preparations within the last great temple. Now it with the temple of the records.... Yet you asked those around you as the Star of Bethlehem came forth, “Why should this, this one who has overcome so much, why must he stand before man and be punished, and man would never know the true meaning of the gifts he had brought to earth, only a few?”

            And your answer came from the Lord, God, “FOR IT SHALL NOT BE [THIS?] TIME, BUT WE SHALL CAST YOUR FORTH. YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN; OBSERVE FROM THIS.” And so you did.

             We find entry again, 15th century, in the land of England and proportions thereof of what you would call Scotland. And here once again you brought forth your knowledge. You built a temple from stones that should light a way. You hid the way only for those who could truly see. But even then, there were those who would betray you, and you were burned, not as a normal burning, but they did as what was known as the torch burn. This was done by taking one piece if the body, cutting it from the flesh, and searing it over with the torch, until there was nothing left. You wandered after this time long, for you could not understand that that you had tried to bring forth.

            And your next entry – yes – we find that in the continent now know as France, 17th century, and your thoughts that you shall not serve of mankind, you shall not give of them your knowledge. You are born a female. Your thoughts, “I shall empleasure myself, I shall have the pleasure I have denied myself.” And so you did of such, and you became the king’s concubine. You became quite wealthy. You left of this land to go unto the land that is now known as Sweden, there in your later life to bring forth farther studies, into that which you should be brought forth unto today. We find this time this one to die of old age and of great respect.

            We find this soul not again – yes – until your 18th century. Born as a young girl, proclaimed as a great psychic of the earth, you brought forth your knowledge in full. But as time had passed and your knowledge had grown, you became once again inflamed with your old passions and your old ways of the lifetime of before. You would not listen to your physicians. Your lust for rich foods brought forth that which was known as the gout. Your lust for rich wines brought forth that known as uremic poisoning. You died of the same.

            We find you not again until this time. You have brought forth all of your weaknesses, yet you have brought forth your knowledge in like manner.

            We say unto you unto these words, we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are not great. You have evolved through time but for one purpose, that you too may prepare this way. The knowledge has been passed unto you. We have given unto you the key to unlock the doorway that has been hidden for so long. Take these passions that you should need of and utilize them. Be wary of rich foods and wines. And be leery of the serpent that lies at your feet and acts as a friend.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel rests upon your earth. Beware.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy.

No tape recording was made available with which to check accuracy of this reading.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona