August 24, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we shall tell unto thee the parable. We shall tell unto thee the parable of the five spirits that God sent forth.


            And so the five spirits commenced their journey. And, they paddled through the water alone, for God had taken from them the abilities to cast themselves from place to place by thought. He had only placed before them that of the mind body.

            And as they paddled, one who kept looking back, and became afraid, and therefore, he returned back unto the Father.

            And the Father asked, “AND WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND?”

            And he said, “I have only found fear, my Father.”

            The others, four, journeyed long. And three reached land before the fourth. And they returned back unto their Father.


            And the first spoke up, and he said, “Oh, Father, I have found love.”

            And the Father, God, said, “THEN THY SHALL BE THE BODY, MY TEMPLE, THAT SHALL GO UNTO MAN.”

            And the second said, “I have found hope.”


            And the third said, “Father, I have found faith.”


            And the fourth returned after a long, long time.

            And He said, “MY CHILD, WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND?”

            And he said, “Father, I have [then] found eternity.”

            And our Father said unto this one, “AND SO IT SHALL BE. YOU SHALL BE THE IMMORTAL BODY OF MAN.”

            And so it was, as both he and she were created in five placed upon the earth came forth upon the earth the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man.

            And the fifth dwelt forth unto man. And so it was, that man possessed fear within himself. And the fear was doubt. But the fear need not enter, for he was not that of a complete that was put forth in the beginning. For in the beginning, love, hope, and faith and eternity were those parts of man.

            And so, we should say unto you, as you go on through your journey of a life and lifetimes, for those who should find fear within them and not cast it aside, there shall be never. But for those who should have the faith in God, there shall be always. And for those who should have the faith and the love, they shall find eternity.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-24-13-001] has asked, he says, ‘I seem to be stuck at a crossroads in my life. What do I do with my life, and where do I go from here?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. We have given forth in our parable your answer, for we lay before you the wine and the bread. Take forth this knowledge unto which we have given. Have the hope within yourself and the faith, and the Lord shall provide a way. But stand not as the man who went into the desert without neither water or food, but take up of this which we have given, and therefore, you shall find fulfillment and guidance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [8-24-73-002] asks for a health reading. She asks what might be done to dissolve the blood clot in her one good eye so that she might see enough to get around? Also she seeks relief from the pain she has had since her stroke this spring, and whatever help is possible.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we shall answer in this manner. We shall take from this one the pain. We shall give unto this one a sight of seeing. But we say unto you, there are many doors, and our Father has many mansions. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [8-24-73-002] asks for a health reading. He states, since his head injury at age 24, he has had vision trouble, suffering dizziness, nausea and ringing in his ears, and has been told he has Meniere’s disease in his right ear and perhaps a tumor. He asks for help, and asks if he will get worse as the years go by, and if so, should he have surgery?”

            First we should answer in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the immortal body, the spirit of the same.

            Yes, we see this.

            First we should answer of the ringing of the ears. This is a disease called Meniere’s, or inner ear infection. It is caused, therefore, from brainstem damage, partially. It is also caused, therefore, from a hardening of the arteries, the main arteries that should feed of the brain and the inner ear within itself. We would suggest, therefore, first, a drug known as Ardelin be taken; this could be taken in 10 grams. We would suggest, therefore, that the vitamin substance known as Lipoflavinoid be used in this condition, therefore, to soften these blood vessels that have become hard, and therefore, make them more pliable.

            Yes, we find, therefore – yes, we see this.

            We find, therefore, of a blood condition.


            We find an infection in the lung area. We find, therefore, the blood within itself trying to coagulate within the system, and therefore, producing more red corpuscles to offset this condition of the lungs. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest that the subject, the use of negative ion machine be used whilst in slumber. We would suggest – yes – that a filtering system be placed within the home, therefore, that the subject in mind could breathe clean air. We would also suggest that the changing of the drinking water in a more purified form. If the following recommendations are followed through, the subject should not grow worst, but begin to heal.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, he had one other question concerning a problem with hemorrhoids and bleeding and asked if there was anything other than surgery that be done for this?”

            Yes, we would suggest taking of vitamin E and vitamin A, mixing together with the vitamin D, taking that of the white of the egg, mixing it into a slight compound, adding there of the safflower oil. If this placed unto the rectum area this should heal the wounds within the same and cause a shrinking of the same.

            For those who have similar conditions, we would not suggest the use of this; this is for this one subject only. Because of his body chemical substance, it has been suggested in this manner.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[8-24-73-004] asks for a health and life reading. She says her health is poor, liver and kidney trouble, rheumatoid arthritis, colon trouble, and so forth. ‘For my gout I am taking Benemid daily and vitamins and minerals.And help would be greatly appreciated.’”

            We should answer int his manner unto this subject. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray for healing. We shall place the knowledge, therefore, within the mind that this problem can be taken care of.

            You have, therefore, other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [8-24-73-005] asks for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


            One moment, this subject must be located.

            Yes, therefore, we have the subject in mind. First we should answer in these words. We find within the subject matter what is known as that of Valley Fever. This could only be treated in this manner -- with rest, clean air, vitamin E in 1,000-unit per day, vitamin A, [B], the taking, therefore, of that compound known as chaparral, taking each unit six times per day.

            We find, therefore, within this subject – yes – that of a problem within the heart within the fourth valve, a deteriorating of the same. It would be our suggestion that the subject should seek out the help of a physician. If the heart can be slowed down and the body to function off of less oxygen and blood substance, the healing of both could happen quite easily.This could be done with what is known as a bio-feedback machine and the teaching substance within the same. At the present time, your doctors do not have the knowledge to put this into practical use. Therefore, we would suggest meditation in that form that you should lie in a very comfortable position, placing within yourself and in your mind that of God. If you should contact soul Ray, a meditation tape could be supplied that would greatly help this in the same and help you in the learning of the same.

            Yes, we find -- yes -- within the kidney-liver area small cysts-type growths forming upon the liver itself. At the present time these could be removed surgically, or could be dissolved [with] that of the psychic.


            We find that this subject should seek out unto chiropractic or osteopathic doctor. The upper portion backular area is greatly in need of treatment of the same, 8th, 9th vertebrae. If this condition continues you shall find permanent disability within the same.

            Should this subject require follow-up reading after the following suggestions have been taken, we would be glad to give unto the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [8-24-73-006] asks for a health reading. He says, ‘I have had an infection in the cavity above the upper palate of my mouth for as long as I can remember, and I have not been able to find a cure. What is the cause, and how can it be cured? Is there any relation between the infection and the tightness I feel in my chest at times? Also, what does the future hold in regards to my vocation?’”

            We shall answer unto this one into this manner. First, we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, immortal body of the same. One moment, we must locate this subject.

            Yes. Yes, now we have the subject.

            Therefore, we would answer in this manner.


            Of the infection within itself, we would suggest that the seeking out of a doctor that this substance be removed, and therefore, allowing new tissue to grow back within it same.

            Of the other questions, we would suggest that you should ask at a different time, for now soul Ray grows weary.

            And we should say to thee in these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware. New eruptions shall arise, close within your land this time.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona