December 7, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should answer your questions that lie within your minds.

            And first we should say, of your group form, you have pursued that within thyselves of giving unto others, and doing so in a non-profit way. Thy group has suffered that which would be known as growing pains. Yet, as we have said before, we should provide thy needs and not thy wants. And therefore, that that is needed shall be placed before you. Take therefore, and pursue farther your need, as a non-profit organization, and fear not, for we shall stand with thee.

            For each of you we have handed a staff.

            We say now, unto this one, [8-27-73-001], take forth this staff that your brother shall hand unto you. Do so in a fair manner. Employ that that is needed. But do so in a manner that that is employed should be paid for their labor. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “I understand, Aka.” [8-10-70-003, the moderator answers.].

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            “I understand.” [8-27-73-001 answers.]

            Then we should go farther into thy thoughts in thy mind. For many shall come forth unto our instrument for healing. If those that should come forth, let them come forth in faith, and the healing they should seek shall be given, and it shall be given in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father.

            And for those who have traveled far, the gift they seek shall be given, according to their faith. Therefore, we say unto thee, take this night for prayer and meditation that by morn thy soul, thy inner self, shall be prepared for the healing that shall be given into the body. But take forth more than just the healing of the body. Take forth the light that has been lit deep in your mind, that it may be carried through all the days of thy life and be shared with others. And that that thy shall receive thy shall give unto others.

            We shall go further into the thoughts of thy mind. New areas shall be opened in your television, in your newspapers, in your radio media. The words shall be spoken and shall not be silenced. Therefore, unto all who seek the betterment of mankind, let them come forward.

            For those who should have thoughts of soul Ray’s health, we have said before, we have laid before him a task, a task of God’s work. It shall come before all others. And for those who should fear death unto him, death shall not come until the task has been fulfilled. Yet he is a man and flesh.

            We shall go further into thy minds. Thy have thought within thy mind of the storing and the preparation of your food substance for the time of the famine. We shall answer in this manner. We have told you before to provide for your family, but your family shall be of great multitude, for each within itself shall be brother and sister. Cast aside within thyselves, and act in accord with God, and you shall find the answer, therefore, within yourselves.

            We shall answer one other thought of mind, and this is for he who should travel far and seek of knowledge. Fear thy not, for that that thy seek in thy business shall come forth. But be that of a trader and a barterer. Do not hurry unto the slaughter gate. Let those who seek seek thyself out, and you shall be in a better bartering position.

            In all of your minds is the question of the great comet, Kahoutek, or the comet, Yahweh, for they are both of the same. Much as a ship should sail and touch each port across the universes and universes, so this shall be. Some ships carry upon them without knowing it deadly diseases, and therefore, by entering the port leave behind that that they carry that has not been good for mankind.

            Yet, they leave behind them not all of bad things. Eruptions shall come upon thy earth. A changing of time shall come forth. But if man is wise, he may take advantage of that that he had been forewarned of and use it for his own discretion. Do so with the events that are setting forth. You asked for a way that man, all of man across your mighty earth, could see for themselves the changing of times and a cleansing of the world. Therefore, we have brought forth that of the old karma that was once before carried unto your earth in a different manner.

            Let none that see and feel and hear deny that that lies before them.

            Yet there will be some who will not see nor hear nor feel. But blessed be the ignorant, for they know not better of their acts.

            Yet karma is karma, and each shall judge within themselves. And each karma shall build into a new karma until that that is laid before them shall be as that of their nose. But do not cut off thy nose to spite thy face.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [12-7-73-001]. He asks, ‘My health problem is suspected heart trouble and severe chronic sinus condition. In the evening and morning I get a hoarse throat . No doctor so far has given me any relief. I don’t know if anything can be done, but I hope so. I also suffer from hypertension around people and while driving. I had to give up driving in heavy traffic. I am being treated by Dr. Holmes of Maricopa County Health Clinic. My extreme nervous tension started when I had my first heart attack December 10, 1971.’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            First we should answer in this manner. Permanent damage has been done unto the brain from the lack of oxygen being fed unto the brain over a prolonged period. Damage, therefore, has affected many cells within the same. We would suggest that that of the biofeedback therapy be used and that of the negative ion therapy be used in accordance with the same. But this must be voluntarily done on the part of the subject. Therefore, without this, there can be no cure. Both the irregularity of the heart and the damage within the same could be corrected under these conditions, and of the mental condition of the same.

            The movement of the closeness of the moon, affecting, therefore, the fluid substance that the brain lies in, at night, would cause unto such a person great difficulties and stress within the same. Only in these manners, as we have suggested, could this be treated.

            We will also suggest unto this one that if the above therapy treatment is not taken, it would be suggested that this one voluntarily commit himself into an institution, for at his present rate, he shall soon harm, bring harm, physical harm, unto the ones he loves the most. And therefore, that that thy would know of for the use of controlled voltage to the mind could reverse some parts of the pattern therein.

            That is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-7-73-002] asks for a health reading...She asks if there is anything she can do to help arrest rheumatoid arthritis which will not bother the diverticulosis she has.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And first, we would suggest the taking into the body substance – yes – one moment. Yes – we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. One moment.


            Correction must be made here. At the present time we have – yes, yes – one moment, a decision must be made.

            Yes – yes, we find this.

            Yes, now we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Now we have the correct subject in matter form.

            We would suggest, therefore, that this subject take into the body substance 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking, therefore, within the body substances of 1,000 units of vitamin C per day, the taking in of the vitamin substance of A and D in 2,500-unit per day. We would further suggest the taking and the use of both the white and the black clay forms, unto which has been presented unto soul Ray’s mind, be used into the infected areas. The vitamin E should attack that that is flowing into the bloodstream and attack the virus into the same. The mud substance should increase and therefore the circulatory flow of the same, and therefore, attack unto the superficial and into the bone marrow-type of flow of this type of the same.

            You have both types of arthritis -- one that attacks the bone marrow and travels through the same; the other attacks and flows within the bloodstream of the same -- both, commonly close, but yet apart. They both are a virus.

            If the above subject could be placed, therefore, in direct line of a cosmic generator, or therefore, within the same of a magnetic field, north and south, this could cause an arresting of the case, and therefore, a reversing of the cycle of the same.We have given this information in prior reading form.

            We would suggest, therefore, of the biofeedback be used with hypnotic therapy in regression [for] the brain cells within the same. This could be done.

            Your magnetic form and field could be done by the placing of negative ion machine -- two, one to the north of the patient, one to the south of the patient. This could be done in such a manner that the positive ion within the body substance which has caused the virus could be reversed.

            By placing the mind form into a younger state during treatment -- this must be carefully recorded by use of oscilloscope and data transcript, graphic, and be checked, the progress be checked, in a daily manner -- this would reverse the cycle, but not over-reverse the cycle, only bringing it into its normal state.

            All factors of the body and mind and cell change could be brought into its normal form.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have one question; where might this subject get these things done? She lives in San Francisco.”

            We are sorry to say that only that which lies within soul Ray’s mind now, could this be done. There are bio-feedback centers in both that of Sacramento and Los Angeles, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Yet their theories are yet far behind, and yet progress is being made.

            We would suggest the taking of the above, our first-mentioned, descriptions of the vitamin substances and the white clay and dark clay substances be used. This should arrest the case, but not fully cure it.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She asks,’Last September, 1972, she had a simple mastectomy. Are there signs of problems with cancer in the future?’”

            Other than superficial, or you would call them, skin cancer, at the present time, we find none. If the process that we have described above could be used, this could eliminate such reoccurrences of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, she asks, ‘Health wise, would I be better off to live in Phoenix or return to my home in California?’”

            We would suggest at the present time that your health would be by far better off in that proportion of Phoenix, at the present time. We would suggest that the arthritic condition should be in that of a dry atmospheric condition or the creating of the same.

            We would further suggest unto this subject the changing, therefore, of the drinking water into the purer form. This information has been made available. We would further suggest the filtering of the air into which thy breathe in thy household. This information has been made available in your prior newsletters.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “She has one other question. She asks, ‘Do you see other health problems to deal with?’”

            There shall be other health problems, but if the above that we have suggested is done, this should, these should not come forth.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [12-7-73-003] asks for healing for her son, [12-7-73-004]. She states as follows, Aka, ‘At age seven M___ was in an auto accident and lay in a coma for six months. After patterning.....’”

            We see of thy need, and our Father weeps.

            We would suggest that the help needed for the child, take, therefore, of the information that we have given in the before reading, the reading we have given on the subject’s prior to this one.

            We shall give unto thee and unto thy family that that is needed.

            We also see that this soul has sought for deliverance. Yet, as our Father weeps, we weep. But we may not interfere with this soul’s progress. And therefore, we are not allowed to give that that thy ask in full, only in part. Yet, our Lord, God, sees thy needs and shall deliver into thy hands the healing that is needed.

            Within the forest there are many trees. And yet, not one bird may fall from the tree without our Father’s permission. Yet, in the nature of all things, some birds must fall to create a balance within the bird itself. Yet the beauty of the song the bird has sung never dies, for once you have heard with your ears its beautiful tones, memory shall remain forever in your heart. And so it is with some children. The beauty of his song shall never be forgotten, that he shall know where he has been, and therefore, he shall know where he is going.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            For from the heavens thy shall find within your Book is written that the stars shall fall from the heavens, and the earth shall be cleansed and a new Messiah shall be born upon your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.] 

            Soon you shall celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

            He said unto those who would listen, “Look unto the heavens, and ye shall know that I shall return upon the earth. Therefore, be good shepherds unto your flocks and tend my fields.” [See Acts 1:6-11 and John 21:15-17.]  

            We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. None further need walk.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona