December 28, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner.

            For as a ship should be seen in the sky and should travel from planet to planet leaving seed behind it, so it should be with the light we have placed within your heavens, this you should choose to call a comet. For this is the dust of the old world from which the seed was first planted.

            And as you would count one day, our Father should count one day as one thousand. And so it was upon the old world. Your world shall come and is coming closer to this time.

            By the beginning of February, eruptions shall fall upon the earth in many places. The earth’s outer shell is beginning to move, as we have told you before. The earth in itself possesses three shells and then the inner core, each shell of liquid form, or lava form, allowing the earth to retain its own balance. This balance has slowly begun to deteriorate; therefore, it will have to rectify itself. This full time shall not come until your year of 1999.

            Man’s experiments into the earth could increase this time, causing such to happen earlier. Therefore, as we have said before, it has been vitally important that now that you are preparing for your famine you have felt the first tremblers of the famine.

            In your coming year you shall feel the second tremors of your famine.

            Food will be in forms that no one should go hungry. But slowly, as in the days of Pharaoh, the famine is close at hand.Therefore, in your planning, plan to store knowledge, for without it you shall be nothing. In your storing, store that of the making of metals of all kinds, of the making of machinery and the component parts of all kinds.

            Your laws of physics, as you should know them now shall drastically change, and new knowledge shall come forth. Your laws of medicine shall drastically change as you know it now, and new knowledge shall come forth. New forms of electrical power shall be sought out and found now. The use and harnessing of cosmic generators shall be placed into use of the same.  

            We shall say unto you these words, the wind passes upon the earth and comes free unto all from God. Harness the use of this into the making of electricity.

            We should further say, within soul Ray’s mind lies the secret of a healing power. One step has been taken forward, but many more must come in accord with the same. It has lied within your minds that the unit provided is not an adequate one. This in itself is not so. You shall find that this is just a beginning, for as we have said, that that is needed shall be provided.

            Do not panic. Do not throw caution to the wind and throw your dollars behind it. Your dollars, your monetary value, shall be worth its value. It shall be highly inflated, this is true. But do not throw all things aside. Store of your currency as well as your food.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [7-17-73-005]....She says that she has very severe pain at the base of her skull, numbness on her left side. One doctor thought she has symptoms of M.S. What does she have, and what can be done to help her?”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes – one moment. Yes, this is better. Now all is in accord.

            First we should explain in this manner. This person is highly susceptible to your pesticides and defoliant that have been used upon the ground and in the air. Therefore, nerve damage has been done.

            We also find that of a – yes – of a minor stroke, or that of a blood clot of the same. The clot in itself is slowly deteriorating.

            You must realize that from these toxants damage has been done, not only into the pancreas, but into the spleen itself, therefore, affecting the bone marrow.

            We would suggest that the taking of 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would further suggest that the use of negative ion machine be used, that the patient be placed on a north-south axis, placing an ion, negative ion unit, at the head and foot at a precise north-south axis. We would further suggest that biofeedback therapy be used, but not in its present form. We would further suggest the taking – yes – of all forms of vitamin substance at the present time in large quantities; that of the C, 1,000 units per day; that of the A and D, these two should be taken together, we would suggest 48,000 units per day; the taking therefore of the pantothenic acid form be used.

            There is another form of treating the subject, and this is with a blood transfer of total substance of like kind.

            We would further suggest the use of both calcium and magnesium taken in equal parts.


            You have that which is known as shock therapy. If this were used upon this subject, this would help to correct electrical imbalance of the body.

            All of these are all of the same of alternatives of the same, all causing the same effect.

            We would further suggest the drinking of pure drinking water. This is a must. The water thy now drink is polluted with chemical imbalance of the same.

            We would further suggest the cleansing of the air unto which thy breathe.

            We would suggest that this subject drink at least one gallon of water each day. This may be done in different forms: preferably of just water, second of the sage tea sweetened slightly with honey, third in the form of fruit juices of the same.

            This should be continued and a follow-up reading be given at a later date on this subject.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one other question on this person. You said biofeedback, but of the present form. Do you have any comment as to what would be the correct form?”

            In soul Ray’s mind lies the secret of the precise form that should be used. And until such a time as his studies are complete it would be unwise for others to attempt the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You said that the comet was part of the old planet. Was this the original home of the Sons of God, and what was the name of that planet?”

            This was the planet, Yahweh. This was the original home of the Sons of God. [Note: Said with sorrow.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you ,Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [10-12-73-003]. She says she has headaches affecting the back of her head and neck, bridge of her nose and eyes, constant aching throughout limbs, arms and legs, and lower abdominal distress.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


            We find before us here that of a malfunction of the heart, the lack of circulation within the same. First, we would suggest the taking of the Safflower Oil with B6. Second, we would suggest the sauna baths be sought out, these to be started at 15 minutes and growing gradually up to one hour, but this must be graduated slowly. This in itself would stimulate the circulatory system, cleansing that of the same. We would suggest the taking of 950 units of vitamin E per day, the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin C to day, the taking that of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance, six per day.

            We would also suggest a radical change in the diet form in the above-stated manner, that for breakfast, one glass of milk and one piece of toast, no more; for luncheon, all the green substance the subject should care to eat and that of small quantities of cottage cheese. If hunger should impair, you may eat one banana, no more. For the supper meals we would suggest in this manner, the eating twice weekly of fish substance, three times weekly of beef substance eaten as rawly as you may eat it. Small quantities of potatoes and other vegetation may be taken into the body along with this. We would suggest the eating of the liver form once weekly. Of the last day thy may eat anything thy wish in the supper form, one meal, only.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading on [12-28-73-001]. He asks for a health reading or a healing for his eyes. His doctors say he has a blood clot on one eye, and that his eyes hemorrhage, and that it’s a matter of time before he loses his sight.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. One moment.


            Now all is in accord.

            The hemorrhage is caused from clogging of the blood vessels leading from the inner ear, therefore, unto the eye socket, or back of the eye socket, within the same, this allowing clotting to take place. We would suggest the taking, first, of warm castor oil packs be placed on the eyes three times daily; at night, when the subject sleeps, castor oil packs be placed on each eye, placing in the eye once daily one drop into each eye of that of the aloe vera and the castor oil mixed together in equal parts.

            We further suggest the seeking out of a physician, that the drug known as Ardelin be taken to open up other smaller and dilating other smaller blood vessels and allowing more blood to flow into the same. We would further suggest the taking of that of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance in six capsules per daily. This must be done that the blood vessels should become more pliable. If the above is used, the problem should cease.

            Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time has grown short.

            We shall leave with this message. Your new Messiah now dwells upon your earth in child form. He shall be protected. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona