February 16, 1973

Globe Arizona


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and first, we should say in this manner, we shall protect this one that we call the prophet.

And we should say first unto the ministers that were ordained, as we said unto you, you should hide nothing from one another. And this has been done. We have given unto your hands a prophet. Yet, you have refused to use his knowledge. And we shall say unto you once again, in the order of all things, as in the beginning, did Gold place Adam to rule the earth, and the descendants of Adam, in a just manner. So we have placed a prophet. And the prophet should give justice into his ministers and words of wisdom, and therefore, in the spiritual work of this we have given you shall reign as a leader unto you.

We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, for we have said unto you there shall be dividing of a land, and the land we spoke of was not of your people, but of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. But we shall do the cutting. We shall say in this manner, bring forth all your people into one house. And those who refuse to come unto the house, let them remain outside, and they shall be no more, for we shall weed your garden in this manner. But as we have said before, the action that shall be taken upon your parts shall be in accord with the laws of your land.

And you have in your minds a question, first, of [10-10-72-001]. We would suggest in this manner, that if this man, this soul, comes before you in a just and righteous manner, admit him. But he must do this himself. And it must come before the prophet, and the prophet shall take it before all the ministers.

Of this problem of [4-3-70-002] -- and we shall say, in this time, she is [4-3-70-002] without a name and without a soul -- therefore, we should not see of this again until such a time that she herself can bring forth proof unto her God and proof unto your prophet. and therefore, proof unto the ministers of this organization, she shall not be admitted to enter the kingdom of God.

And as has been promised in your book of Revelations that a new temple of Jerusalem shall be built -- and so it has been, from this point beyond, in the measurements given, in the matter of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call? And I am very confused as to whether or not we should follow the proposed action of Ray writing them a letter, as he intended to, or not.”

We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner.

As far as soul Ray writing this letter, we should answer you in this manner. Let your board of directors first write a letter unto the three ministers, soul [4-3-70-003], soul [4-3-70-005], and soul Jude, advising them of the authority of the prophet. Soul Ray should not write this letter at the present time. The monetary values which they have laid forth should be returned. A listing of your membership should be submitted unto your national organization, but in a separate manner. Let all of your membership come unto one house -- not two divided, but one house. This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God. We say in this manner, according to the laws of your land, dissolve your charters. Soul Ray, as your spiritual leader, should have the right unto himself to write and attend to the needs of his ministers at any time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks, ‘What does the moon cut in three pieces like a pie mean?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As the natural bombardment of your sun and solar system of cosmic rays, both of the positive and negative form, the gastrode bombardment of your moon should come in the same manner. This should have a varied effect upon man. And those who should be born under the sign of moon should walk careful, but with great wisdom, should study each action they should take very carefully, should be cautious at the present time, but should act within your group in unisance. Each of your planetary parts should play a great effect upon mankind in his day-to-day life, but your sun and your moon are the two greatest factors. Within reality, at this time madness could besiege your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What did the meteorite of January 7th symbolize that we saw?”

We shall answer in this manner. Your meteorite of January 7th was a sign from the heavens of the completion and the new cycle of this work. It is telling you, in part, now is the time of the Cherub; complete your book with utmost haste. You shall receive another sign in short period. This shall be seen by all. And when you see it you shall know the meaning of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you tell us more of the priests of the Mathotoc?’”

Yes, we see thy need. These, within the same, are part of the White Brotherhood. And as we have formed priesthood within your group, so should you be members of the same.

You have any other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Why do archeologists find evidences of only the most primitive societies on the North American continent?’”

You must realize that the ground that you are digging in at the present time, when most of your North American continent was submerged in water, that your earlier finds of mankind should be [in] the isles of Atlantis, and earlier still, before Atlantis, you shall find great cities lying beneath your North and South polar system. You must realize, as the natural migration came forth from your planet, Mars, into the planet, Earth, your Earth has greatly changed since that period of time.

You have other questions, ask.

“One moment. ‘Did the sons of God come from Mars?’”

Yes, we should answer your question in this manner. They came from Mars at a time when Mars and Venus lined up with your Earth in accord with your moon, for your moon was a stepping stone unto your earth. This is why many of your psychic people feel related to the planets. Put in your mind a full chart of your own solar system. You will find that as we have said before, it was set up in such a manner for man’s migration and timetable of the same.

Soul Ray now grows very weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

We should leave you with these parting words. If a soul that has become lost should look and see his Father’s light and rejoin his spiritual form, then God should accept the same. But let these lost souls show proof, both to God and to you, God’s children. We should say unto you, send the copy of this reading to the Yuma people.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


Aka is here. Aka is here.

“Hello, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Yes, we see thy need. Soul Ray stands with God.

Our Lord should say unto you these words. “Hark, for I did not give unto you the Ten Commandments unto Moses and to the children of God that you should defile them. Keep them sacred for now and always. Carry them before you as a sacred trust.”

And we should say unto you in this manner, should you be attacked, it shall be because of these weapons.

“What weapons, Aka?”

We shall lay waste to the land that lays with under these who should attack your prophet. But do not go unto the desert without provisions of the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona