February 23, 1973

Globe Arizona


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And now we should say unto thee once again, we have come, not to change the Laws of Moses; we have come, not to change the laws of the one known as Jesus Christ, for they, within themselves, should all be the Laws of God. But yet, as many words have been spoken, and as Moses did give forth the Laws for a time and a people, and as Jesus did give forth laws for a time and a people -- yet, as many have reached the Christ state -- and we should say unto thee, come forth unto this time. For as you should build a building upon an old foundation, the new structure of your modern material the foundation could not withstand its weight, and so it should be true in this time of your people.

If a man is a thief, he should remain a thief should he steal a pencen or much more from a man. Yet, if a man should steal for bread upon his table and he should have naught, then go to this man and say unto him, “Steal not from my table, for my table is God’s table. And as you should speak unto your God, speak unto me, and I should give from my table in the same manner my God should give.”

But if a man should come, as a thief at night, to kill and maim -- and if a man should come and coveth that that belongs to another, whether it should be his ass, or in your time, your automobile, or any other thing -- but yet, for what he has stolen can be replaced, even though it should bring great hardship upon you. But if a thief should come and steal your soul away, you cannot punish the thief, but only yourself, for no man can steal your soul without your permission.   

Yet, there are some who are lost souls who should use their powers of temptation, much as Lucifier should use temptation. But we say unto you, should this happen unto a man, he should say unto this, “Lucifier, get thee behind me,” and it shall be gone. But if his strength is not strong enough, then he should go unto those who know of such, and his brother, they should remove this, for this, in itself, you would call a curse.

And we should say unto you these words. Give praise unto your Father in a righteous manner, and your Father should give praise unto you, His children. But give damnation unto your Father, and your Father should give damnation unto His wayward children.

And therefore, we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall be many who should tempt your souls, for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways, both of man and of the land. For as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow. Rivers shall change their courses. Mountains shall bellow forth. Continents shall change their shapes, and man shall change his in the same manner. But if you are righteous before your Lord, fear not, for your Lord is a righteous God. Prepare within yourselves, each in your own separate ways, a place for the coming of the Messiah. Give love and kindness unto your brother. Give love and kindness, and love and kindness shall be returned. Walk, therefore, in a righteous path.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I’m not sure I quite understood when you talked about building a house on an old foundation. What are you referring to?”

There are many of the laws of Moses which cannot apply in this day and this time. We say unto you, abide by the laws of your land, but abide also by the Laws of God. Do naught into your fellow man that which you would not want done unto you. But as the face of your earth is changing, as your times have changed, your laws must also change. For as you know, your Lord, God, had a very stubborn people -- and so He has now, for, as it has been said before, the descendants of Abraham has been changed as the turning of a stone.

Bring forth a due time, but bring it forth in a righteous manner. You have new tools upon your land. You have new weapons, new powers. In Moses time, Moses would have made war. But your Lord Jesus did not make war. In Buddha’s time, Buddha would have made war. But soon, you should pollute your land and your hearts with your wars. You are already polluting God’s gift to man. As the earth changes, this pollution should end.  If man cannot clean the earth, then the Lord, God, should clean it for him. If man cannot bring his laws, that all men should be treated in an equal manner, the Lord, God, should change this for him. For we should say unto you, your minds have become a mighty weapon; use them in a just manner.

You have any other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11-26-71-002] and she has asked for guidance for herself and her daughter, and a life reading.”

Yes, we see they need, and first we should say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same; therefore, we have before us the records.

Yes, we see this.

We should give you a proportion at this time of your life reading.

You were born in the land of the California in your 1890’s. There you grew into young womanhood in the land known as San Francisco. You became a wayward woman, and therefore, you had three men who you flirted with in their lives. Each of these men would wed you, yet you wanted not of their love, but their money. And your mother who had raised you and who had worked very hard, this mother was dying of the disease known as tuberculosis.

Your daughter of today is your mother of that day. Yet, you cared not for her feelings. And therefore, your daughter of today should harass you in the same manner unto which you have done unto her. Both she and yourselves were very psychic.

Your husband of today was of the third man who you wed for money. And this has happened to you this day. Your husband of that day killed your other two lovers, and therefore, was hung himself.

At the age of 41, you ventured into the town of Truckee, California, and therefore, opened a new house unto which many sauces were sold. Your wealth had grown, yet you had no peace of mind. And one day, in this small village, a young man of the cloth came into your town. And the young man you soon became to respect and love. And therefore, you became repentant for the life you had led. You went unto this young man and said, “I know I have sinned, and I know that the monetary value cannot buy back the harm I have done unto others. But let me give that which I have. Let me build a temple unto God.”

This young man was of a spiritual church and spiritual belief, and he said unto you, “You have within you the powers of a medium. Go, therefore, unto the path that leads into our village upon the mountain, and give prayer unto your Lord, and let those who have passed away come forth.”

And therefore, you did of the same. And there, one by one, your mother and the other three men came unto you to show you that they did not carry malice.

Yet, we say unto you, they gave forth only the word value, for they carried forth malice unto this time. Yet, to overcome this karma that they have brought forth unto this time, they must find it within their hearts to forgive you.

Go unto your daughter and speak of these words, and therefore, you should both give love, one unto another.

But yet, of your husband of before, and of your husband now, as we said before, you cannot build a new building on an old foundation. Walk away from your karma and build a new one, and we should walk with you.

Of this young man of before, he awaits now, in a future time yet to come, for you died on your way down from the mountain from exposure, and he grieved. And yet, he is to come into your life once again. And you shall both have the same beliefs. This is important in any marriage.


But do not be hasty, for a boat without a captain sails nowhere. So to be the master of your own mind, which is your boat. You have received counsel. Heed these words that have been given unto you.

This is all at this time on this subject. We should give a more complete life reading at a different time.

Soul Ray now grows weary. That we should not overtax his body, we should say unto you these words. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona