January 12, 1973

Globe Arizona


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say once again, unto those who should doubt that that we have repeated many times before and for those who should choose to overlook our words, as we have said before, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. But this does not mean that soul Ray in his conscious state could overrule those of the spirits of Aka, nor can he take away or add to our words, for we are the spirits of Aka. We are present, and we hear those things that are spoke of in his awakening state, as we hear and see many things in many others in their awakening state. And as we see thy needs, so should we serve them, both of the good and the bad.

And so we should say unto soul Luke and soul James, as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words. We have given you the chance to walk away; you did not do so. We have given you the chance to find that unto which you have sought to find, first, of your soul and spirit form. We have given unto you the chance to place before mankind the records. But our Father should say unto you these words. So, as our Father has given should He taketh away. And we should say no more. For we have not asked you to build a large building. The temple we sought to build was in the hearts of man. We have listened, both through your lies and fornanations, and we shall listen no more. You have lied both to your Father and yourself, and to your fellow man. We have said before, the half times were over; go back into which that you have come.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [1-12-73-001]. She says that she is having a cough which the doctors have been unable to help her with. Can you tell her what could be done for this?”

Yes, we see they need, and we should answer your question in this manner. The pollution of your air has caused permanent damage in the bronchial area and also permanent damage into the sinus area. We would suggest that at the present time that this soul should take up residence by the ocean. That of that salt water would clear this. We should also suggest for a period of time staying away from all chemical form, such as thinners for your paint. Only rest at this period shall clear this problem up. If this is done, within a two-month period you could return back unto your homeland.

We find other physical problems within this soul. Therefore, we should say that these should be inquired about at a different time.

If it is impractical to remove yourself from this location, then filter your air into which thy should dwell. Bring forth of the salt water, that this should be added through your heating unit and mixed with your air.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, could you tell us if the Great Pyramid, the great bird of the pyramid, is knowledge?”

Yes, in that form.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9-1-72-003] asks, ‘Are you what is termed in the Bible the Holy Ghost or Spirit, or the third part of the Godhead?’”

(Chuckle) Now thy should ask as a child, but we should answer your question in this manner. For all that dwell upon the earth are parts of the Holy Spirit; that is part of yourself, your conscience. The Godhead, as you would know it, should dwell within yourself. For did our Mother, Father not say into you, “We have created them of our kind, of our image.” And so it was done.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. She also asks, ‘Are you allowed to tell us the name of the Lord, our God?’”

(Chuckle) The name of our Lord, our God, He has been called by many names, in many tongues. And that which you should call out from the spirit, our Father should know of which you speak and should listen. But should you call out a false thing, our Father should listen with false ears. When you speak to your Father speak in truth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Is it against God’s will that different races intermarry, or is this part of God’s plan for all races to learn to love each other?’”

It is not against God’s will. For your intermarriages is the will of man. But we should answer your question in this manner, when in Rome, live as the Romans do.

You have other questions, ask.

“You said last week to ‘Think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the earth, for these are the elders spoken of in our Book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this.”

We shall elaborate further upon this. But this should be given at a different time, for we find that soul Ray is very weak, and therefore, we should give time unto the healing of his body and his mind.

But first, we should say unto you these words. New earthquakes shall appear very shortly in different parts of your country and in different parts of the world. The time is now, but fear not. If you should look into the prophecies which were given, you shall find the answers and the dates.

And we should leave with these parting words unto soul Luke and soul James. We have not closed the door so tight that you cannot open it. But we should call you [4-3-70-003] and [4-3-70-005] from this date forward. If you care to go on with the work, this must be proven. If you care enough for yourselves and your descendants, then prove unto your Father that you can be worthy once again of the names, Luke and James. And we shall see. And our Father shall see. And man shall see.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

 [Editor's note: As Ray awoke, he described a vision he had while he was out of his body during the trance reading. He said, “…group was there. And on this side was a blue room, with the whole group of their council there. It was on -- just as though it was, it was very solemn as though -- it was almost like I was – almost, I felt as I walked through that they’d stop me at any minute, that there was something that they were going to say, but no one said anything and I came on through.”] 

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona