July 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, as the water should be as the spirit of man. Yet we should tell unto thee of the parable of the river that came from nowhere, the river that had no beginning and no ending, and so it should be with the spirits of man, and so it should be with the spirits of God. Take forth your ark, the ark of the soul, and let it flow into the river, that the river should flow unto the many lands. And we say unto thee, look unto the east, yet look among you, for we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Make this way within your hearts. Open the door that we may enter.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [2-7-73-001] is here tonight. She has asked for a health reading. She has also asked, what should she be doing for God and humanity in this new age? And she is concerned about, should she take money from the co-op credit union and invest it in real estate?”

            First we should answer that of the health, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find within this body that of arthritis, the virus. We also find within this the virus of the same which has attacked unto the circulatory system of the same. This in itself has caused headaches, has also caused hard of hearing, eyesight problems. We would suggest that for this condition that the sauna baths be taken. The sauna baths should be taken first in five-minute intervals, no more. At no time should a strain be placed upon the heart. This must be understood. The virus of the same has attacked the heart muscles causing a weakening throughout the whole system. We further find in the backular area, of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, that of the vertebrae in itself being worn down. We would suggest that a bar, an iron bar, be erected approximately three inches out of her reach that she may reach up to and let the full weight of her body pull and separate these. We would not suggest traction of any type. This must be done lightly and not for prolonged periods. If this is overdone, more damage could be done unto the same area.

            We further find within this subject that of borderline diabetic. We find that the subject within the same has treated this, but we would further suggest the taking of the Jerusalem artichoke. We would further suggest the taking of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey of thy locale.

            We further find within – yes – of the left arm above the elbow, of small tubular-type growths. We find these also in the back area. These are nothing more than cysts; they are not malignant. If the sage tea is taken, first by bringing your water into a warm condition -- do not boil the water -- letting the tea steep to a strength that is good to thy taste buds, this then sweetened with honey would slowly dissolve these cyst-type growths. We would not suggest that over massaging these or heating them. We would suggest of the areas within the same that the taking of hot castor oil packs be used, not -- only to body temperature, this must be understood. At no time should anything be placed against this body that is above body temperature. This would affect the nervous system. Only of the sauna baths, these may be used.

            Of the financial condition that thy asked of, we shall answer in this manner. As thy would invest, do so in real estate, but do so wisely. But do not plant all of thy seed in the same field. We would further suggest that the taking of certain quantities of the monetary value and turning these into that of silver. We would also suggest that the taking of certain quantities of this and placing it into food substance.

            We would say unto thee in these words. Thy have worked hard of thy years of thy life. Take forth, therefore, these years and place them into spiritual growth. If thy should open the door, we should place before thee the wine and the bread. Take them up. If they should taste of the food substance to your liking, then take of this. But as the river we spoke of unto which has no beginning and no ending, enter into this river. But as thy heart, do not enter in such a manner that thy should become a hypocrite. Enter in the manner into which thy should believe. Speak unto your Lord in the manner unto which you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, His answers shall come in truth unto you.

            But we say unto these words. All things upon the earth are of one, but yet, separate and different, and yet beauty within all. But as in the beginning, when man was as a violin and the violin was in perfect tune and perfect harmony, and as the violin then became out of tune and out of harmony, so has man. For we say unto thee, would your Father create that of badness? Yet you are of His likeness, of His kind. And yet, as man was created in five places, all of the colors of the Lord are [of] God. Prepare that way within thyself, and you shall have your thousand years of peace and the beginning, and therefore, upon your earth shall be your new heaven and your earth within the same.

            But we say unto you, our Lord does not judge thee. Then judge of thyself not so harshly. The past is but a fleeting thing, that of light. The future is that of light also. Let all parts of the light go forward and light your way, and therefore, you shall stumble not upon your own errors or that of others.

            But we say unto thee, and we speak unto thee as man and wife, what God has given, God can taketh away. But what God has given unto man, that of free choice, God does not taketh away. And so it was, and so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, one moment. [2-7-73-002] that is here tonight has also asked for a health reading and advice regarding their house and future investments, also his future occupation or social involvement.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and

 the immortal body of the same.

            Yes .

            We find in this one that of the problem of the liver, in through and that of the problem of the digestive system within the same. This comes from abuse of the body in your early years. Yet, you have taken the steps to cleanse the body. This is good. We would suggest more of the vitamin E be added unto the diet, 1,000 units per day. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin C be added to thy diet, 500 units a day.


            We would further suggest that thy do not eat of any fatty substance, for within the digestive system we find there scar tissue of ulcer-type lesions.

            We also find scar tissue of the left lung region. These have healed, yet they can be irritated with improper diet.

            We also see that of worrying where worry is not needed. We say unto thee, there is the healing of the body, and there is the healing of the mind. Both must come together as one, for if there is no healing of the mind, then the mind can destroy all healing of the body. Therefore, for your treatment we would suggest, cast aside these things. Thy have thought of death, yet death is no more than passing from one door to another. Thy have thought that thy might be departed from those of your loved ones and that of thy wife. But yet, this should not come yet. But yet, we should say unto thee in these words, all things that have been before shall be again, that your love that was born in many lifetimes shall not part with the opening and closing of a door. For there has been nothing upon your earth that has not been of heaven, and yet, there is nothing of heaven that has not been of earth. Each within you have thought to make the other’s way more gentle and easy. Yet you seek out that that you already have. When spring comes and a rose shall blossom, just because the earth should sleep in winter does not mean that it shall not blossom again in the spring. But you have brought forth a rose for the earth to look upon, and this has been a beautiful thing that all mankind has seen within you.

            You say unto us, how do we know of these things? Yet we say unto you, you have spoken unto your God as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the records that you should keep and God should keep can be read. But we have spoken for your ears to hear. As we have said before, for we speak that the blind should see and the deaf could hear, for all things that have been buried in darkness shall be brought to light.

            Sell not of your house. The house has been good unto you. It has become part of you. There is much ahead for both.

            We have placed unto your hands that of the bread and that of the wine. Bring forth the yeast, and that unto which you shall do from this day forward shall be known unto your mind. But come not to judge others, but place before them in such a manner the gift that we have given unto you in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?


            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [2-7-73-003] has asked, ‘I would like to know details concerning my present health condition.’”

            Yes, we before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner.

            That of the heart condition, and the transplant within the same, the body has accepted. There is irritation in the tissue of the muscular area around the heart. This has come forth from too early abuse of the muscular tissue. This should not be done. We would further suggest in thy dietary, supplement these with those of both natural vitamin and mineral. Yet, we would suggest that the fatty tissues be removed from all meat substance in thy diet.

            Thy have the circulatory system well in hand. Thy have done this with the power if the mind. We would further suggest – yes, we see this -- we would further suggest that the taking of the larger quantities at this time, at least 1,000 units of vitamin E daily, adding normal dosage of A and D, and E.

            We find, therefore, within the body of the headaches. These are brought on by the food substance thy have placed within thy body. These should come forward from that of what is known as the grout [gout]. Reoccurrences of this should come forth in thy lifetime unless thy change thy pattern of food. Stay away from rich food, spicy substances thy like so well, using smaller quantities of salt in thy diet.

            We would suggest that a follow-up reading be given in this case.

            For now soul Ray grows tired, and it is our time to depart.

            But we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Within your month’s time, earthquakes shall be within the land thy dwell, both that of the California and the Arizonans.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

No tape recording of this message was available for comparison.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona