July 6, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee these words. As we have said before, thy have found the rock unto which the brook should flow -- and that that should flow from the brook shall be the spirits of God -- and the spirits shall flow into the river, and the river shall be the spirits of man -- and the river shall flow unto your oceans, and as each pebble is separate and apart, so should be the souls of men be separate and apart, but yet, again it shall flow unto the many nations. It shall flow unto all tongues. It shall flow unto all mankind, for we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            And we say unto thee, as thy should plant a field [cough], as thy should plant a field and go on to plant another, go back and weed each field. Do not become so busy that thy cannot weed the fields and cannot pick the grain that comes from that. Always remember from which you have come. If you may do this, you shall know where you are going. We have placed unto your hands this man whom you call the prophet, yet he is not great and we are not great, for we are all but humble servants before our Lord. Go unto the valley and pick the lilies. Share them with one another. Go unto the valley and pick the fruit and the berries that should grow wild there. But should the birds come, do not drive them away, for they must eat also. For what our Lord has provided, all may share. For did it not be said that the darkness shall be lifted, that the light should come through, and that knowledge should be shared by all of mankind. If you may do this, then your thousand years of peace are but of hand. Give forth the love of our Father unto one-tenth unto your fellow man.

            But if you should go unto a desert, and therefore, find a well, and it is sweet and good unto taste, and yet, you should leave of this well, take some of the water with you and the memory of the water shall remain forever within your minds, your soul, your body, and the immortal body of the same.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-6-73-001] would like a health reading. She has a polycystic condition of her kidney and liver. Can you explain, can you suggest anything that might help her, and can you give any other information about this?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            First we should say, come unto soul Ray for healing.

            But second, we should say unto thee, change of thy drinking water. Drink only that of the bottled water in its purest form, for within the land you dwell, the water is polluted. That of the chemical substance which has been sprayed upon your land has now reached your Phoenix areas. There is no way, into which they are seeking now, to extract this chemical from the water. It is attacking your body in such a manner. But second we should say unto this one, take unto the sage tea, sweetening with the local honey. Take unto this one 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. Change that of your filtering system within the house. Because of the heavy air pollution this is adding to your illness.

            We should also say unto this one – yes – we see this. Of all liquids thy should drink, drink only at this time of pure water. Second, drink that juice that should come of the cranberry juice. Let this flush out the system. Third, because of the heavy pollution within the circulatory system of the same, we should suggest sauna baths. But these should not be overdone. Too much heat upon this soul could destroy the chemical balance of the same. Take no more than five minutes per day of this -- never any more.

            Third, we find a hernia of the stomach area, a lesion within the same. The tissue, which is to hold intestines up, there is lesions there also. We would not suggest that this soul lift anything more than ten pounds at the present time until the healing can take place.

            This soul has other questions, ask.

            “No other questions at this moment, Aka.”

            We shall answer of the question. And we shall answer, for it is in that that she seeks in a secret manner. If a farmer should go unto the field, and therefore, say unto his cattle, raise unto me only the finest of cattle, but yet in their trying, that of their youth should stray, break through the fences, and go beyond their own control, then who should be of fault, the farmer, or the cow? We shall answer in this manner, we find no fault in any of these. Yet would it be within the youth itself that has gone astray? Our Father gave unto all souls upon the earth that of free choice. It is said, “Honor thy father and mother.” But it is also said, “Honor thy father and mother into thyselves.” Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-6-73-003] at the time of her request for a health reading was carrying a deceased child within her. Do you have any -- can you give any assistance on this in regards to her health?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Yet, you have not given us sufficient information upon this. One moment.

            We should answer in this manner. Go unto thy physician and take of his counsel; it has been good. We shall give the healing that is needed unto this one. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-6-74-003] has asked for assistance on his health, a health reading. He asks, ‘What is the matter with me? Why do I always feel dizzy, why is my mouth always dry? Can you tell me anything about my health? Is there something wrong you can tell me how to correct it?’ And he’d like to know what course his future holds.”

            We shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we see thy need.

            First we should say, of your ill feeling, you must understand that within each soul is that much like the tide of your ocean. When it sweeps out it leaves upon the land many fish and other eatable things. Some of these things it lays upon the land should they be eaten should destroy you. And this within itself has been your problem. Your greatest problem has been that of an emotional one; therefore, an unhealthy mind makes for an unhealthy body. Thy have sought out and found no rest within your mind and within the people you are now with.

            Yet, you say unto us, “Even if this were so, what could I do to change it?” And we should say unto you, change unto yourself. Be as a mirror that should shine out and give the love and blessings of our Father. That that you should give should be returned in kind. But if you should walk forth to offer your knowledge, your bread, your wine, your goodness, and it is rejected, then walk on. Go unto a field that should grow, and that you should grow with it. Only in this manner can your future come in completeness, that of a whole and complete thing, for you are but half a person, for you have hidden the other part. Bring it forth, let it blossom. But when you see the flowers that are placed at your feet, do not walk on them, but step over them, that others may also see the flowers. Give blessings and healing into all. And this should be the commandment of your Lord.

            You have long worried within your mind, it is wrong to do of this or wrong to do of that?

 And we shall say unto you unto these words. Our Lord asks but very little of His children -- that they should give of one-tenth of the love the Lord gives unto His children back unto Him, and give unto your fellow man in the same manner.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-6-73-003] has asked for a health reading regarding his liver. He’d like to know the cause of [7-6-73-003]’s liver cirrhosis and what can be done at this time to heal him, or how can he be helped?”

            We shall answer in these words. Let soul Ray go unto this one; we shall go with him, and therefore, give the healing and the knowledge that should be given unto this one at that time. Arrangements should be made that this can be done. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”

            Nay, not fully. But listen to our words again and thy shall.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “One moment. Aka, [6-11-71-001] had asked for, you asked him to have a completion on a life reading; do you want to take it at this time?”

            Not at this time; we shall do so at another time. This should be a lengthy affair. You shall arrange for more readings. Submit this at your next reading first.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[7-6-73-004] has asked, ‘What can I do to improve my health and stamina?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. The spirit shall flow, and therefore, all shall come in completeness.

            First, we should say unto this one, thy have business at hand; complete it. Let that of the past be the past. Bring forth unto this new time.

            We should say unto thee, we have come forth to prepare a way. We have seen of your need and your desire. And therefore, we should say unto you, come forth and help us prepare the way, and we shall take these burdens from thy self and place the answers before you. But we do not barter with you, for that that which we give is given, as all things, from our Father.

            We find within this one only mental anxiety.

            We also find that much of the questions that thy have asked thy should come unto soul Ray for consultation. He should do unto this one that, that the two men should come together and bring healing. This, in itself, would answer the remainder of this question.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[7-6-73-005] has asked for a health reading. One moment....”

            One moment. The records are not within balance. Go forth and read this again.

            [Editor’s note: The name, which had been incorrectly read, was corrected by the person in the room who had brought the written request.] “[7-6-73-005] has asked a number of questions. The first one, ‘I have been to the doctor’s to correct my problem of weight....”  

            First, we should answer in this manner, the weight problem -- once again, we have placed new knowledge within Ray’s mind. That he should use it in a proper manner, it would be suggested that the use of hypnosis be used upon this one, implanting of the suggestion that her own body and mind could work in accord with this.

            We also find chemical imbalance that has been of long accord. The husband in question has extracted this. This soul has not extracted this. And therefore, we should give that that is needed at this time to take forth.

            Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Healing shall be given. We would suggest that the use of hypnosis be used that this chemical can be extracted in a slow manner. If this is done too fast, it could kill of the body. We would suggest large quantities, 4,000 units of vitamin E be taken into the body daily. We would suggest, no milk at all unto this soul, magnesium be added unto this one; that of the dehydrated or de-fatted milk could be used. Before each meal, the use of safflower oil; one capsule should be taken before the breakfast meal, two capsules before the luncheon meal, and three capsules before your evening meal. More of the fish, that that should come from the sea. Once weekly beef should be eaten; this should be eaten as raw as possible. Bananas should be eaten at least three times a day, at least one banana. Take all sugar from your diet and use natural honey within the same. Sweeten, all you want, all things with this substance. You must realize that the chemical in itself has caused the body to hold large quantities of water. These are also affecting the kidney and liver area. It would be suggested that cranberry juice be used in this to extract the same. It would also be suggested that sage tea be used at least twice daily.

            And now we should say unto you, you have other questions; you should ask them again at the next reading, for soul Ray now grows weary. And that we may not overtax his body it is time for our departure.

            But before we should go we should say unto thee, woe unto the earth, for those who shall commit crime, those who you should know as the Black Septembers, are causing destruction in your land. They shall attack that of your transportation. They shall work through terrorism, through explosing [explosions], destroying trains, buses, and airplanes, blowing up bridges, causing hysteria within your country. These are nothing more than organized, national thieves. They are being used that others may walk away from their sins. But as we have said before, the cleansing shall come to your land.

            Soon, earthquakes again shall be felt in the California area. The Oxnard area shall be one. Most shall be in the Medina area. Fingertips shall reach upward and downward, crossing unto the San Berdino [Bernardino] faults. Some shall cross into Arizona, into Mexico. Others shall erupt in Central America, in your eastern shore board. Your Mediterranean area shall experience new earthquakes and eruptions. Tornado-type storms shall increase their intensity, causing great destruction.

            Look within yourselves, you shall know. We shall place within you that that the animal should feel before the storm. Heed this warning, and you and all of yours shall be saved from the same.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona