July 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Afternoon, Aka, where is Ray?

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we shall say once again unto these words. As in the time of Moses, there were some who should wait their forty years, therefore, for a time of learning. There were some who were hasty and should cross the river before the Lord should give unto them their time. And for those who did so, there was no return. Yet, for those who waited and had faith in the Lord, all came in complete.

            The light that shown above came forth unto the one known as Jesus. It was the same light that had come forth to guide Moses and his people, yet it was more brilliant and more beautiful than all light that had been seen before. But yet, each was for a separate time.

            And we should say unto thee into these words. We have come not for the time of Moses. We have come not for the time of Jesus. But we have come now in this manner to prepare a way, and this way should be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Yet, we have come with the knowledge of your day, this day, upon your earth, and of your tomorrows, that new wisdom may be placed upon the earth, new understanding, that brethren should not kill brethren, that love shall come upon the earth, and so it shall be in fulfillment.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-9-73-001] is here this afternoon...and he has asked for a health reading, and some other questions. Firstly, he says, regarding his stomach, that he has had a digestion problem. One hour after eating he needs to lie down. He has a nervous stomach, and digestive aids do not seem to help.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, you must understand that thy have more than what is known as a nervous stomach. Thy have one intestine which is lapped over another, therefore, causing a blockage within the stomach area, not allowing the full usage of the digestive system within itself. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. That your digestive system should work first in completeness, this must be cleansed.

            That the intestine may be straightened into its proper place we should give of you exercises. First, we would suggest that this subject lie upon the floor. Relax. As soon as the body feels complete relaxation, roll to the left side, relaxing again, doing so for five minutes. Then, roll back onto your back once again. Then, rolling to the right side, staying in this position for five minutes. After this has been done, roll back upon the back. Do not try to rise until complete tranquility has entered the body once again.

            Before each meal we would suggest, 30 minutes before the eating of the meal, taking that within the substance of the milk that should come from the goat. Take this, find a cool place, and then drinking it and preparing your thoughts for your meal. Your thoughts should be in this manner, that the food should taste good; second, that you have cast from your mind your day-to-day worries and chores. If done in this manner, the stomach would soon heal itself. And in healing the stomach, so the nervous system should be healed.

            At the beginning of each day, take a moment that you should tell of yourself the good things that have happen to you the day before, taking that some moment and placing the things you should do that day before you. Do not worry that you should get them all done. But do them; take one at a time and doing it thoroughly. When it has been accomplished go to the next task.

            We would suggest that your family enter into this same meditation with you. Therefore, their thoughts should become tranquil along with your own. This in itself would greatly relieve your nervous tension.

            We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We read from this, and therefore, we say unto you unto these words. For the mind and body to heal together, tranquility should be the greatest medicine of all. We would also suggest that this subject eat at least four bananas a day. We would also suggest that the substance known as dolomite be used, six units per day. We would also suggest that 1,000 units of vitamin E be added unto the diet.

            We would further suggest – yes -- one moment – that the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid be used. We find within this subject that similar to the hardening of the arteries. We find that not enough oxygen is reaching the brain. We would suggest that as much green substance as possible could be eaten by this subject. We would further suggest that these should be eaten raw, placing nothing upon them besides a small amount of salt, none of your salad dressings at all.

            We find also within the subject a recurring blindness, that of the eyes not seeing fully, a spottiness before the eyes at times. This has come, as we said before, from the lack of oxygen to the brain area.

            We would further suggest, in addition to this, a good multiple vitamin be used and mineral substance. This preferably should come of the natural sources. Any of the above can be purchased at a health food store.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He mentions back trouble, arthritis. He says the vertebras go out and need adjusting when he exercises or lifts.”

            We have seen this problem. This, in part, is of the exercise we have already suggested. We have also suggested the dolomite, that of calcium and magnesium, to add to this area. We would further suggest that a chiropractic or osteopathic doctor be consulted, that treatment upon the same, into the 8th and 9th vertebrae. This in itself would greatly relieve this area and give immediate relief unto this subject. But this subject, in the relieving of this, this should be done in a gentle manner. We would also suggest that a bar be placed in your doorway at home, if possible placing this bar two to three inches above your normal reach, letting the full weight of your body hang from this. Do not do this over a prolonged period; do this only for at least one moment, one minute in one day, no more. In the evening before you go to bed this could be done. This would help the separation of this, and therefore, the healing within the same, in this manner.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He mentions low blood pressure. He says he becomes dizzy if he stands up quickly after sitting for an hour or so, like in church.”

            Yes, we have already answered this. That of the respiratory and the problem of the blood pressure we have answered within the same.

            We also find a problem within the respiratory problem, area. This is due to the polluted air into which you dwell, into the land into which you dwell. It would be suggested that frequent visits into mountainous areas be done. If this could be done periodically, this would give the lungs a chance to bring in the extra oxygen and the cleansing of the same. We would suggest that swimming exercises be used. None of the others; it’s more strenuous. This should only be done as the body, in itself, should grow in strength.

            Of the circulatory problem which you have mentioned, we have already given that which was needed within the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You mentioned his visiting the mountains. When he goes to his cabin in the mountains he says he does not get enough oxygen.”

            This should be supplemented in this manner, the use of a small oxygen container. But we would suggest that you should not go into the high altitude; go that into the four or five-thousand feet area only at the present time until the healing has had a chance to take effect. As the healing begins, the problem shall end, that of the same.

            “Aka, he mentions a hemorrhoid problem.”

            Yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest the taking of the substance known as Bag Balm. This is a salve tissue which can be purchased at any veterinary supply. It is used, in common use, for that of the treatment of a cow’s urine [udder]. In this case, the salve within itself should be, some placed upon the finger and inserted directly into the rectum. This should be done at least three times daily. It also should be that this area should be washed with soap and water at least three times a day before the salve is applied. We can see the busy nature of this subject, but this could be done by carrying the same with them, with a clean cloth, three clean clothes, that the same cloth should not be used to cleanse the second time. This in itself is a virus, infecting-type virus. It is very similar in course to that of cancerous growths, but it is not of cancerous growth; it is not a malignancy. Yet, in likeness it is much the same as could occur upon the skin. If this was done in this manner that this problem should be literally cured, it must be done promptly. Set a time and follow through these instructions in their exact form.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, he mentions his elbows have tendonitis, or he has tennis elbow. Can you suggest what to do for these?”

            This in itself is a lacking of green substance within the body. This we have already seen. This we have already given, that which should give relief and cure the same. We would further suggest within this the using of Jerusalem artichoke, eating one a day raw. Cleanse this substance well before eating. You may also use that of the Bag Balm salve on the elbow areas.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, regarding his business, he says, ‘With the mathematical method I have been using for the last four years, I am wondering what will happen to the people, as to how they will be serviced after I retire,’ excuse me a minute; let me start over. He sells insurance, Aka. ‘I have a method of selling life insurance where I can usually double a person’s coverage without him paying more out-of-pocket dollars. The internal costs are dividends on his old policies. With the mathematical method I have been using for the last four years, I am wondering what will happen to the people, as to how they will be serviced after I retire, quit, or die, or become disabled. Most agents don’t understand my method in its entirety.’”

            We should say unto these words, take upon thyself an apprentice. Teach of the same, and the knowledge that thy have stored shall, therefore, be handed from hand to hand. You shall find that at a later time it shall be adopted widely.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Some agents have criticized my method because they either (a) don’t understand it, (b) are jealous or (c) believe in savings more than protection. I feel that life insurance should be used more as an instrument for protection rather than savings because of our inflationary factor. Isn’t it true that our economy is due for a downfall?’ One moment. ‘Yes?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your economy shall go into that form of an inflationary depression. Therefore, the method in question we shall give this manner. Give that unto God that belongs to God, give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man, but give that unto yourself that belongs to you. In all three you are doing that of God’s work. In returning that of a dollar, place that before man that should grow in its own worth. Thy have thoughts of this within thy mind. We find no fault within the same, and therefore, continue with the work in the same manner into which you have done.

            But we say unto you, it has been written, “Bear false witness against no man,” and this should come from others that should bear false witness against you. Therefore, they themselves must judge themselves in their life, and in their death, and in their life again. All must become in complete, for “He who should kill with the sword shall be slain with the sword.” But the beginning and ending of a karma, or an incarnation, can happen many times in one lifetime. Within truth [and] knowledge, the overcoming of a karma is that when a man or a woman truly sees and understands without giving unto another person blame, but receiving within themselves the understanding that that unto which they have done, and shall do, shall be right before themselves, for no man shall judge you other than yourself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He asks, should he consider retirement with Prudential Insurance company next year and do something else, or wait a few years?”

            We should suggest that next year would be that of the best time to do so. This would give you a chance to reach outward and develop other resources of income, and of spiritual growth within the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, regarding his future, he says, ‘Do you have any suggestions as to how I could be of better service to humanity?’”

            We shall say unto thee unto this manner. We have come not to make man great. We have come but for one purpose and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, we place before you the bread and the wine. Apply the yeast, and the multitudes shall eat from the same, and therefore, you yourself shall have a hand in feeding all.

            There is much knowledge that we have placed before you. But yet again, true wisdom must come from within -- that that you see, that that you hear, and the opening of the mind to understand. Take into thy mind, much as you would take into your stomach, that which you can digest at one time. If you should eat smaller quantities, your stomach should digest it. Do the same with the mind, as the digestion has completed then take that on within the mind that should bring forth more knowledge. Soon you will find the mind has expanded and grown and is capable of taking great quantities of knowledge at one time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, he asks, ‘I have been told by several psychics that I would be doing another type of work some day. Do you have any comment on that?’”

            We have just answered that question.

            “He asks, Aka, ‘Would an apartment house be a good investment now?’”

            Yes, it would be a wise investment at this time, but not in the locale that you have thought of.

We shall answer you in this manner. If you should go into this type of business, new cities have come forth and old cities have grown forth. Go, therefore, unto the mining communities. Go unto that areas that either the government or the mining companies themselves own most of the area; therefore, there is no housing for the many who should flock there to work. This in itself would both serve you and mankind in one gesture.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “He asks one final question, Aka. ‘Are gold and silver coins a good investment now?’”

            We should say go unto the silver. Worry not about the gold. We should also say, provide that that you should store of foodstuff. You shall find this knowledge within the readings that shall be put at your disposal. Store of this. Then, in the time of famine, you may barter and trade, and therefore, you may have the gold and the silver and something to eat also. But provide that not only for yourself, but for others. We have made many suggestions of this type in previous readings. Ask for them and they shall be given unto the same.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. For his body not to become overtaxed, it is now our time of departure.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona