July 10, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we say unto thee unto these words. As the great nations should gather unto the great loop of life, and therefore, stand beneath the Tree of Life and eat from its bountiful fruit, first they should see the tree grow dormant as the land should go unto its slumber. But yet again, the spring shall come, the rain shall fall, and the tree should bud again and give full life, so bountiful and so beautiful, and give forth upon your earth the miracle that God has placed within it. Then the leaves should come, and then the buds shall turn into fruit.

            And we should say unto thee, yet there are many types of fruit upon this same tree. Just because you should not like of a fruit, do not cut it away. Leave it for another.

            In many lands before, there once grew this tree, and it was for all to behold. And man became selfish and stole it away unto a hidden place and covered it that no light should shine upon it. But we say unto thee, what was covered shall now come forth unto the light. And light shall begot [beget] light, and light shall begot life everlasting upon this earth.

            And we say unto those who should say, hell and damnation upon this earth, thy have not heard the words of our Father. For our Father does not ask the blood of the Lamb, He should only ask unto you love, and thus, the tree should grow from the same.

            You have heard our words, yet you understand so little of which we speak. Then stand beneath this one thy should call of the prophet and count the drops of blood he should shed upon your earth from his own body, and the drops of blood shall flow unto the rivers, unto the oceans, and unto the many lands. And the ones that should fall upon each of you, cherish them, for they come with love.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-10-73-001] who is here tonight, has asked a number of questions; the first one, ‘How is my arthritis and what can I do for it?’”

            First, we should say unto thee into these words. Of the arthritic condition, this in itself is not the virus type; it is caused from the nervous system. We would make this suggestion in this manner. More rest should be given unto this soul in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should say, go unto the desert, and therefore, find unto this one known as the Night-blooming Cereus. Take of this in quarter-by-quarter-inch cubes, three times daily. Take unto thyself of the sage tea sweetened with local honey. Steep of this, do not boil of it. Drink of this and let it flow unto thy body, and therefore, go into the circulatory system of the same.

            We further find within this body certain nerve damage. The nerve damage within itself was caused from this soul, as a child, falling from a chair, striking the back of the neck and the headular area; therefore, we find problems within the backular area of the same.

            The hearing problem could be rectified. Also the improvement of the eyesight could be improved by chiropractic or osteopathic treatment of the same. This should not be done, not at one time, because of the weight of this subject. It should be done in a gentle manner, therefore, causing no pain.

            We find -- yes -- problem of the lymph gland area. Yes.

            Problem of the thyroid. Yes.

            We would suggest -- low sugar -- yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest the eating of the raw Jerusalem artichoke within the same.

            We find the lacking of the vitamin A. This has caused increased aging beyond years. This vitamin, within itself, should be taken at least four times daily, adding the vitamin D once daily. In this particular case, these two vitamins should be taken in separate quantities; increasing the vitamin E input, that that has been taken orally, unto 1,000 units per day. The vitamin B, therefore, for the correction of the circulatory system, this should be taken in what is known as B-plus, added quantity of vitamin B.

            Yes. We see this.

            We further find -- yes -- a problem of that similar to the hardening of the arteries in the legular and hip areas causing swelling and pain within the same, of the lower limbs. This could also could be rectified partially by osteopathic treatment of the lower spine area. We would also suggest the taking of the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid with [serocone] within the same.


            We would further suggest -- yes we see this.

            We would suggest the diet of this soul, that more of the green substance be placed in the diet. This would be good. We would further suggest that less calcium be placed in the diet, more of protein. We would also suggest that before the eating of each meal, 30 minutes before, the taking of one capsule of that of the safflower oil, or the drinking of one ounce in raw form.

            We would further suggest -- yes, we see this -- correction of the footwear. This is causing problems within the backular area within the same. This should be done as soon as possible. At all times this one should use the proper footwear. If this is not done, a permanent crippling condition shall arise at a later time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. One moment. The operation she had last fall, ‘Was it necessary? Was it good or was it harmful,’ she asks.”

            The operation was, in itself, was good within itself, but not totally necessary.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “She asks how to correct her weight problem to bring it down to normal?”

            We have already answered that question.

            “She asks, how is her health otherwise?”

            We have already answered that question.

            “She asks, ‘How will my book do?’”

            The book shall be fair. At first, it shall start quite slowly, and then, within time, shall gather in momentum. This must take great patience upon the same. Better illustration within the same. Consulting others within the field of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “She asks, ‘How long will my work among Indians continue? And is this work among the Indians worthwhile?’”

            The work within itself is good. But we would say unto thee give unto those who are worthy of the gift. The work should be for the needy, not the greedy. It shall last until thy have lived your karmic fulfillment of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-10-73-002] who is here tonight asks, ‘I have been working with, for eight years, somebody’s leg that is very sore, and will I be able to heal it?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. First you must be able to see that which you are healing. You have caused a lessening of the pain, but not a healing of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto the light; walk from the darkness into the light that thy may see the injury that thy are healing. Reverse the cycle of thy own body. You must take on this injury unto your own body and dissolve of the same. We would not suggest this at the present time, for within you is not the ability or the knowledge to do of this at this time; therefore, pray of healing. This would be good.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, he asks,‘Could you give me any help or advice to improve my neck?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            Yes, we find this problem. We find a fusion of a vertebrae.


            This must be done over a prolonged period of time. It must be done with the use of magnesium in capsule form, 250 units, three times daily. We would also further suggest that thy should consult an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor that massage treatments could be given unto this area, first, that the loosening of the calcium deposit within the same.

            We further find nerve damage within this area. You must realize we are not great, we cannot create that that has been destroyed. Only our Father may do this. This damage is permanent. We shall give forth unto this one the healing that is needed to take of the pain.

            We find that of ulcerated condition of the stomach.


            We find – infection of the liver, inflammation within the same. We find -- yes -- infection of the uterine canal within the same. This could be rectified by the use of the tonic known as S.S.S. It may be purchased at any of your local drugstores. We would further suggest that the taking of 500 units of vitamin E, A, D, in normal dosage, a good multiple vitamin and mineral, preferably of a natural source -- yes -- more of the fresh vegetation should be eaten with as little seasoning as possible upon the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions.”

            Then we shall answer of your question within the mind of the same. And since this one is a personal question of a private nature, we should answer in this manner. Go not into the forest to find the ocean. Go unto the ocean to find the ocean. But that that thy should seek is partially real and partially but a dream. Therefore, there are those who should use you in a selfish manner. Beware. Let this not come to pass, for it shall harm them and you as well. Take not that for love that is but friendship. For friendship is love, but there are many kinds of love.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. It is come time for our departure. Soul Ray should have repairs made on the right, rear tire of his car before he should venture forth upon his trip tomorrow.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.