July 12, 1973

Tucson, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we shall say unto thee, as we have said before, there stands many upon the earth who should bring forth God’s gift to mankind.

            And you say unto us, “Then why should you bring such as these before us?” Yet, we say unto you in this manner. Man lifts up those unto the light that he should see truth in and think is important; God lifts up into the light of His children, and therefore, gives blessings unto them all, each in their own separate way.

            If a river should flow, thy may place a dam upon it, yet part of the river shall reach the ocean, and part of the water shall come back unto the river from the ocean. And in this manner God has given blessings unto the land and unto all mankind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [3-23-73-001], who is here tonight asks, ‘What is in store for Tucson during the predicted earth changes? Will Tucson remain above the surface?’”

            And we should say unto thee into these words. Tucson shall remain above the surface. It shall suffer a change, for there shall be upheavals that shall raise the area within itself unto a higher climate. There shall be damage upon the earth in forms of earthquakes. But fear not; do not run like children, for before the time should come we should tell of you these things.

            Be not unto that of the person who should store of all things just for their selves. Unto those things of knowledge that thy should store, give into all mankind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He says also, ‘You have previously mentioned the fifth dimension, ninth plane, and the ninth dimension, fifth plane. How many planes are there, and how many dimensions are there?’”

            (Chuckle.)We should say unto these words, there are 32 planes; there are also 32 dimensions. But we should say unto you in this manner. From each planetary system, or galaxy, as you should know of it, this should be multiplied again and again. For life does not dwell but upon one place, nor into but one kind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-12-73-001], she is not here tonight, asks, ‘How does my work at A.T.P.T. fit in with my life, and how does A,T,P,T, influence the plans I have for buying land?’”

            We cannot see of this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[7-12-73-002], who is here tonight...has asked -- he would like to know about his purpose of this life, and he would like to know, ‘What value does my belief system have?’”

            We should answer in this manner. Of thy purpose upon the earth is that that you have chosen as a free soul and a free spirit that should come in fulfillment of the immortal body; therefore, you have chosen that. You have brought forward both of good karma and bad karmic; therefore, you are to place both into forceful action, for light should reflect light, yet darkness should reflect darkness in the same manner.

            But we should say unto this one, what has been covered shall be uncovered. Therefore, we say unto thee, bring forth your knowledge and share it with mankind. And fear not their wrath, for you shall find many who shall welcome you with open arms.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, he asks, ‘Could you suggest a good place for him to go to school and what subject to study?’”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the records, and we should answer in this manner. Thy should excel yourself well in an engineering field. Therefore, we should suggest the land known as Prescott at the present time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-8-73-001], who is here tonight...has asked, ‘What is the task you have for me?’”

            We should answer your question in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body, and we have before us the records of time. And we should read from the same.

            In a before time, that of the time of 1743, thy were a man who dwelled in the land at that time which is now known as Italy. Thy brought forth inventions of aircraft and designs before you teachers. At first, they laughed at you. But one said unto this one, “We shall build a working model of your design and together we shall add our two brains together, and therefore, shall make it fly.” And so you did. But those of this church did think it a wicked thing and did destroy it and your plans. You were cast from the land, never again to build of this.

            Thy have an inventive mind that thy have brought forth. Therefore, we should say unto you, place it into good use, for mankind should need much of this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He also asks, ‘How does [7-12-73-001] affect my near future?’”

            And we say unto you, does not light bring light? You are not a child that should be led by the hand. Thy know thy own heart. Be not so foolish and let this one pass you by.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[7-12-73-003], who is here tonight...has asked, ‘What profession will give me the most spiritual and intellectual fulfillment, and what trades do I especially need to develop to be personally successful in this profession?’”

            As the last should be first, and the first should be last, we should say unto thee in this manner –  patience, humility. These are the two qualities thy have come back to learn.

            Thy were a teacher of a profession before. Thy have knowledge hidden within thy mind of that of known as astrology. Thy also have that knowledge that should come as one, in that of placing astrology and numerology unto one science and that of placing the psychic mind within the same.

            Thy have thought thyself at times not worthy to reach for the stars. But look at the flowers before your feet and there shall lie your answer into the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-12-73-004] has asked, ‘In what direction should my occupational interests go in the next two years?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. In the next two-year period you shall change your occupation. Thy shall leave upon this land and travel unto another land unto the east. There you shall build a place both for yourselves and others.

            You have other questions, ask.

`           “Yes, Aka. [7-12-73-005], who is here tonight, has asked, (1) ‘Where, considering all factors,

should we look for another building for the fountainhead?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say in this manner. Go unto the county. Reach further out into the undeveloped areas, we should say those of your Rincon Mountains. There is a building which is of size. The inner structure is not, at first sight, what you think you should want, but it can be developed into all things thy need.

            You say unto us, “Where shall these funds come from?” And we say unto you, as rain should fall upon the desert, so should the needs of our Father’s children who should do their work be given forth. Fear this not.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘What should we do now to improve business at the Fountainhead?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should anser in this manner. Bring forth within the Fountainhead that of the health food and that of the dried food that could be stored to be sold with your books, with your lectures. There are many who should seek this out.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-12-73-006], who is here tonight, has asked, ‘Should I go through with my plan for Anaheim doctor exam and therapy?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We should say, this should be good in one respect. But there is other knowledge that should come forth. This subject should be asked at a different time, not in public.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka. [7-12-73-007] has asked, ‘Please give me some understanding of my future.’ She is here tonight.”

            We should answer unto thee unto these words. Come from the forest unto the valley. Hide not thyself. Bring forth the beauty within the soul; let it flow unto mankind. Give unto it, unto thyself gracious thoughts.

            Thy have thought in thy mind of a land unto which thy would like to dwell. Yet you have feared this land, that the destruction might come unto it. But as all things must begin and all things must end, yet there is no beginning and no ending, as you would know of it. A rose should bud, and yet it should wilter away. Yet the bush that the rose came from should remain. So we say unto thee, while the rose is in blossom, take of the rose. Fear not of the time when it should go away, but enjoy it while you have it. But even that that should go beneath the sea shall rise again. And that that has been beneath the sea shall rise again.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-12-73-008], she’s here tonight and has asked for a life reading.”

            We should say unto thee into these words. Soul Ray’s body now grows very tired. This question should be asked at a different time. Give forth one more question, and our time should come forth to depart.

            “[7-12-73-009] has asked in regards to travel, one moment -- prospects of travel and rest in the next two months?”

            We should answer in this manner. In the central parts of California, earthquakes shall erupt. This should go upward into the area toward your land of San Francisco, and downward through the San Bernardino fault, outward unto the coastlands. There is a certain amount of danger to dwell in this land at the present time. Of the other areas thy have thought of, these would be safe, and the journey should go well.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.