July 13, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For we shall tell thee the parable of the raindrop and the rose, and that of the wild rose that should grow upon the mountaintop, and of the angry man who climbed the mountain.

            And he saw unto these roses, and he rushed forward and ripped and tore the bush from the mountain to carry it away with him. He did not ask permission of this plant, nor of the mountain, nor of his God. He stole away, as a thief in the night, this beautiful thing that God had placed forth for all of mankind to see.

But in doing so, many thorns had ripped his hands.

            He went into the valley, there to drop the rose, the bush. And a small girl came forth and saw this beautiful thing starting to wilt. She took it up into her arms quite gently, and carried it to fertile soil by a brook, and with her hands she dug into the earth and placed each root gently, with love and care, and covered the roots with earth. And then she looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh, Father, please save the life of this beautiful thing that others may share its beauty.”

            And God spoke back unto this little one with a teardrop in His eye, and He said unto her, “FIRST I SHOULD ASK UNTO YOU THIS QUESTION. CAN YOU FORGIVE THE ONE WHO RIPPED THE PLANT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP?”

            And she said, “Oh, yes, Lord; this I can do.”


            And so the child sought out from place to place. And there she heard, in this small place hidden behind all other buildings, the moan of the man whose hands were swollen with infection, and bleeding.

            And she went unto the man, and she said unto him, “Oh please, kind sir, let me heal unto your hands.”

            The man began to laugh at her, and said, “What can a child do, that I who am so strong cannot do?”

            The child wept -- but not for pity, not for shame, but for his sorrow within his heart, for his anger within his heart.

And this one looked upon the tears that fell and reached out his bloody swollen hands, and her small hands encircled his. And his hands became whole. Yet hers retained the swelling and the blood and the pain.

            And she said, “Thank you, sir. Now I must go.” And so she left and went back unto the plant.


And there she did as she was told unto the Lord. And the plant sprang forth new life, new beauty. And the rain began to fall.


            And so we have told unto you the parable. But yet there is more.

For this rough man had stood and watched. And he ran before the little one to bow, and said, “I have seen unto this day a miracle.”

            And the little one looked into his eyes, and said, “In truth, the plant was a miracle before you destroyed it. So there is no miracle that has been performed, except that unto the Lord.”

            And the man said unto the little one, “How can you have such faith? Where does it come from? And how may I remove this mark of the Beast from my forehead?”

            And the child pointed to the mind, and said, “From within -- forgive of thyself, for you are the only one that should judge of thyself.”

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-11-71-001] who is here tonight…has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And therefore, we have before us the records of time. And we should read from the same.

            And we should go first into the land thy know as Greece. For this, your reading shall come, but yet in parts.

For within this land thy lived, thy dwelt in the small village. And in the village there lived one who they called unto the prophet. It had been your desire long to go and learn from this one. And you went unto your father and bade permission.

And so, your father took you by the hand and led you unto the house of the prophet. And when you entered, therefore, the prophet did look upon you and kneel. And you felt embarrassed. And you father felt embarrassed. And your father said, “Why should one so great kneel before my son?”

            And the prophet said unto this one, “For he shall be the one who walks beside the Son of Man, the Son of God.”

            And you looked long at him and thought, “How could this be, for I am not of great stature?” And you asked permission to learn and to study under this one. And so this master bid you come in, and you studied many years.

            And yet one day, your master’s time to walk through the doors of life had arrived. And he bid you come unto him. And he said unto thee in this manner, “For many lifetimes shall pass before you, yet you should remember these words I spoke to you when we first met. Should you forget, then the honor the Lord has seen fit to bestow upon you shall pass beyond your grasp.”

            And so it was. You yourself became the prophet of the village, and so you taught of many. And your time came and passed.

            And other lifetimes passed before you, each with the small remembrance of the same, each within a different land. Within all, you learned to sculpture, you learned of arts, you learned of man in many forms.

            And then one day, you dwelt beside the Sea of Galilee. Within your hand was your sketchbook, and you were sketching fisherman as they cast their net. And yet, suddenly you turned, for one who wore such clean clothes walked over the hill. And you began to sketch this one.

Yet, suddenly you looked upon your sketch pad, and there, beyond the body, you had placed both fish and wine and the many colors of the aura which God should surround His children with. And you looked, and yet you had done all this with nothing more than charcoal, yet of one color. And you were amazed. How could this happen?

And yet he walked closer.

And he walked unto you and said these words, “Come and walk with me, and I shall show you the glory of my Father, yet the glory of the people.”

            And yet you knew this man at first to be of Jewish birth, and you hesitated within you. Yet, you looked back at your pad, and all you had drawn was gone. You picked up your pad and you [walked] followed this one. And you followed him through your lifetime, there to perish in the land of Egypt.

            We do not find this one again, yet again until 1890’s. And we find this one in the land thy would call as thy Ohios. There this one is a trapper, a gambler, and sometimes a thief. And there along, as the river flowed, within this house that some would call the house of prostitution, you lingered long between your trips. You gambled. You spent of the money that you had stolen and that that you had earned in trapping.

            And then, one day there walked through the doors of this house a very small, fine-boned young Indian girl. And yet, all things that had been before suddenly came forth again in memory. And you walked up unto this one and you said unto her, “Do you speak of the French tongue?”

            And she made the motion of “No,” but she made the motion that she should understand you.

            And so you wed this one.

And yet again, soon the urge came back unto you, not of your old ways, but of all the memory of the psychic knowledge that thy had possessed of all your before lives. And so you came from the forest unto the valleys. And you traveled westward, for you had heard of this Messiah who had come among those of the Indian people.

Yet when you reached this land, he had come and gone, for all you had heard [of] the legend of his passing. There you served in many forms, that of teacher, that of artist, that of man and husband.

            You have brought forth unto this lifetime all within the same. We have answered your question within your reading that laid within your mind. We have placed this life reading in such a manner that only you, and you alone, should know of the karma that lies within, should know of those we have spoke of, and who they are within this lifetime, for as you were before, in forms of private souls, so you are in this lifetime.

            But we should say unto you, we have opened the door. The rest is up to you, for God does not take, from no man, his free choice.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-13-73-001], he’s asked for, in regards to health .‘Dear Aka, please heal me, or advise how I may be helped or healed of my present mental and/or physical condition. The doctors have been unable to help or even pinpoint my problem. Please offer to those who love me and are responsible for my well being any advice or help you can concerning decisions they may have to make about my life.’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment. This soul must be located.

            Yes. Yes, we have this before us now.

            Of the physical nature we should answer in this manner, that of a mental state, first, we should suggest that the dental work necessary be done immediately. The infection from the same is poisoning the whole body and the mind.

Third, we have that which would be known as brainstem damage, damage in a form that should affect complete nervous system of the same. We would suggest that saunic baths be used. This in itself can increase the circulatory system. We would further suggest that a good diet, a sound diet be used. We should add protein unto the diet. Three meals per day, this should be done; not in such a manner that thy should [gorge] thyself, but in a sensible manner. Take forth upon that of the salt water fish at least one meal per day. Take forth that of the beef, of the liver of the beef, of one meal in the week per day. Take forth that of the other parts of the beef; this should not be overcooked. Take forth that of the raw vegetation, as much as thy can consume at thy luncheon meals. Take forth that of the fruit, both of the pear, peach, of this type, adding a little milk unto the substance, sweetened with that of the honey.

            We would further suggest -- yes, we see this -- a chiropractic treatment should be used. We find a deformity of birth in the spine within the same. We would suggest that this, that x-rays be used before treatment be given. The chiropractic or osteopathic doctor should know in detail of the injuries unto the spine.

            We find that -- yes -- infection unto the kidney area, infection that of the liver area. We would suggest that no alcoholic beverages whatsoever enter unto this one, of no kind. We would suggest –- yes -- that that of the sage tea be used, sweetened with natural honey.

            Yes. We find, therefore, a fracture, that which would be known as a hairline fracture, of the left side of the [labonial] [mastoid?] area. We find that this within itself has caused an imbalance. This has irritated the nervous system within the same. We would suggest that in your visit to your osteopathic doctor that the substances known as antiverts be used to stabilize the equilibrium of the same.

            We would also suggest that a follow-up reading be done unto this soul at a different time, should it be asked for.

            You have other questions, ask.         

            “Yes, Aka. [7-13-73-002] who is here tonight…has asked for a health reading. He says, ‘Peripheral stagnation and swelling of feet, lack of balance, can’t stand on toes.’ One moment. He says, ‘The balancing of my body when standing is one of my difficulties. Then when I first start walking or exercising I am somewhat short of breath, but this leaves quite soon upon easy exercise. Also have a mucous condition of throat, and nasal system. Otherwise I am fairly well.’ He asks for help in this, Aka.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, we would suggest that no salt at all be used in this one’s diet, obtaining that of a salt substitute.

            We further find that of a borderline diabetic. That, in itself, we would suggest the use -- yes -- of the Jerusalem artichoke, preferably two to three of these be eaten raw per day.

            We further find -- yes -- that of retaining, over-retaining the water substance within the body.


This in itself is not caused from the usual substance, that of the deterioration of the kidneys within themselves; this is coming from a heart condition, therefore, within the circulatory system within the same.

First, we should answer in this manner. This condition can only be worsened by too much exercise. Therefore, we would suggest a form of exercise less strenuous. We would suggest that of swimming as much per day as the body will allow. Do not overdo this, but it should be a daily exercise. This in itself would allow the pores of the body to discharge these fluids and bring that back into a normal balance.

            We also find that of an inner ear infection. We would suggest that thy should go unto the eye, ear, nose specialist and therefore, unto the left ear, have this examined. This has been caused by the breaking of the eardrum at an earlier time in life, the healing over and granules of foreign substance being left within. It would be suggested that surgery be used to remove of this. At the present time, that this condition might be overcome, the use of the antivert substance within the same; we would also suggest that the stabilizing of the equilibrium could be used by the substance known as Dilantin. These subjects should be brought forth unto your doctor.

            We would further suggest that 3,000 units of vitamin C be used daily for a short period of time, for at least four weeks, then going back to 1,000 units per day. Also for the four-week period, we would suggest 1,000 units of vitamin C [E?] be used in the same manner, and then at the end of four-week period going back to 500 units. We would suggest the vitamins A, D, B, C and E be used in that order. The vitamin B should be that of the thermal type, in such a manner, that that you would know that would stimulate the white corpuscle growth within the body, that that should act as an antibody to fight off and ward off the disease form.

            We would also suggest -- yes, we see this -- we would suggest the massaging of the head area for ten minutes per day, that of the temple area, of the top of the head, throughout the whole area; this should be done.

            We would also suggest for the blemishing, that of the small growths in the facial area, that the use of vitamin E be used, rubbing into these areas [through] over the skin. This would greatly help in the healing of the same.

            This is all on this soul at this time. A follow-up reading can be obtained upon request.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-13-73-003], who is here tonight…has asked, ‘Do you have any suggestion that could help my husband’s health problems?’”

            We should answer this question in this manner. Bring forth unto thy husband, permission, and your answer shall come forth in the same manner. Thy have health problems within thy own body that should need rectifying. We shall give healing both unto your husband and unto yourself. Glory be the name of the Lord. For the Lord giveth in this manner, that your free will should not be violated.

            We would suggest, since soul Ray now grows weary, that this same subject should bring forth further questioning at your next reading, in further detail.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona