July 17, 1973, 11:30 a.m.
Globe, Arizona
[Private reading]

Aka is here.

"Good morning, Aka, where is Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. (B____ G________)...has asked for a health reading. She would like to know,'What is wrong with my health, and is there some treatment?'"

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in these words - we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same - yes, we should answer that first that is most in mind, of the [backular] area. We find, therefore, fusion of the same. This has come forth from surgery, calcium deposits. We also find within this area that of crimped nerves. The upper proportion, sixth - eighth vertebrae, distortion. We find disease unto the nervous system attacking of the same.

We should answer in this manner, this can be corrected. We should suggest the blood therapy: first, the taking of the sauna baths; second, in the dietary, the removal of calcium from thy diet, magnesium added to the diet within the same, 1000 units of vitamin E per day, 500 units of vitamin C per day. It would be suggested that the vitamin B-[N, in]X complex be used; this taken orally would not be sufficient. It could be in large enough dosage. It would do much better if this was injected into the vein itself, into the circulatory system.

We further find the lacking the vitamin A and B.

We would suggest that surgery be done to remove the calcium deposits and the fusion of the [bonular] area. If this is not done complete fusion shall take place.

We further find that, within this soul, kidney problem. This in itself is nothing more that the lack of exercise. We would suggest that the subject, the use of swimming exercises, that of a floatation unit be placed around the body that the legs and arms could be exercised in this form. This would stop the fusing, breaking loose the calcium deposits within the same and they could do this, naturally dissolve with into the body. This also, as the muscular areas have become no longer in use they are slowly deteriorating. This should be done daily. This in itself as a therapy would be the greatest medicine for this one.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. She asks,'Will I have financial trouble?'"

We should answer in this manner. We do not see of this at the present time. Yes, thy shall not be overly wealthy.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"She asks,'Will I find marriage and happiness in the near future? And if so, what would be his first name?'"

The name of the subject we are not allowed to release. We shall [bring] forth into the initial of "B," nothing more. The marriage that thy should seek out shall come forth. That, in itself, should be fulfillment.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"She asks, 'Will I stay in Arizona or return to my place of birth?'"

We would suggest at the present time, due to your medical condition, that you remain in a drier climate, that of the Arizonian. We would also suggest that due to a slight sinus condition the taking, therefore, of the sage tea, sweetened with local honey, would relieve of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"She asks, 'Will my parents live much longer? Also, will their health be good?'"

You must understand, this in itself is pertaining to free choice. That that has been given unto you shall be given unto them, in the same manner.

But should you go unto the forest, and therefore, stand beneath an oak, and look up and see a strong and beautiful thing, would you think that this was the only tree that stood in the forest? Yet, look beneath the oak and you shall find young oak that has come forth from the oak. This in itself is part of the same. This in itself was God's plan.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, she asks, 'Will my children be healthy and happy?'"

We shall answer in this manner. Happiness comes from within. It is that quiet place within the mind that reaches out to others and gives them that if their selves. And as each is a separate thing upon the earth, as rose should have of one root, yet of many branches. Each bud shall be beautiful, but different in its own way. Therefore, each should seek out happiness in their own way, and sorrow in their own way. But it is the growth of the same that should come into fulfillment into all things, as one, yet not alike.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"One other question, Aka. She asks, 'Will I be crippled the rest of my life, or will I be made well? And if so, how soon?'"

We shall answer your question in this manner. We have given unto your hands that that could heal of you. Go forth and do of these things that e have asked. And we shall place the healing within thy body that is needed. You stand before you now, two roads to follow. One, you could remain a cripple, as you would call it; yet a cripple is only in the mind. The other road you could follow should bring unto you partial, not complete, healing. This in itself is but another road to follow. And yet we say again, that that of being crippled should be only of the mind. For God has placed forth before you -- for those who should lose of a hand, those who have lost their hand before you should stand beside you, and therefore, show you in a manner that you may use of one hand as two. We shall take from you the pain of the body. You must do the rest.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. Mrs. (V____ L_____)....Excuse me?"

[Mrs. V____ L______ speaks to Bob]: "I can't hear over here."

[Bob answers her]: "We'll play it back in a few minutes."

[She says]: "Well, I have to get closer because I can't hear a word."

[Bob says]: "One moment. [Mrs. V____ L_______] has asked for a health reading, Aka."

[Speaking louder, Aka says]: Yes, we should answer of your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

[She whispers]: "What did he say?"

We find [more] nerve damage unto the [bonial, the boney, labonia?] area, that of the mastoid, which has caused deafness unto the same. We would suggest, therefore, surgery be done unto this area, replacing that of the damaged third center in the [curricular (cochlear)] area of the ear itself. This could be done quite simply, and inexpensively.

We would further suggest, this one, because of high blood pressure, we find therefore of a low sugar count. Therefore, we would suggest, in this particular case - and this must be understood - that the taking of the sugar from the diet should be necessary -- only small amounts, replacing it with that of the natural honey.

We would further suggest that a chiropractic doctor be sought out, or osteopathic doctor. X-rays should be taken. The numerous injuries to the backular area is too - at this time, are too many for us to discuss at the present time. But this problem could be solved quite simply with adjustments through the spinal area for this one. This would also relieve, greatly, of the pain, of the headaches this one has had. It will also increase the circulatory system in such a manner to add to this one's hearing.

We would further suggest - yes - that of the vitamin, Lipoflavinoid, be used to expand and relax the [veinliar (veinous)] system within itself.

We would further suggest that this soul - yes, we see this - that an osteo, osteopathic doctor, at the same time advice should be sought out on that of the feet. Corrective shoes could be placed upon these enabling this one much relief with this area.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [M_______ U____] who is here....and she has asked if she has a heart condition? She also wants to know what is wrong with her back? Can it be cured? And can her arthritis be cured?"

First, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

We find no heart problem here. We do find high count of the white blood cells causing the heart to overwork. We would suggest the seeing of your physician as soon as possible so that the proper medication, in this, could be taken.

We would suggest that the osteopathic doctor be sought out, or chiropractic doctor, that adjustments into the lower [backular] area would greatly correct that of the problem within the same.

We would further suggest unto this one that 500 units of vitamin E be taken daily, a good multiple vitamin-mineral be supplemented. But this must be understood, take that of a natural form, not of a synthetic.

We would further suggest that this one is highly allergic to the salt unto which she has taken into the body; therefore, replace the same with a salt supplement.

Yes, We also find - tumor, non-malignant tumor, left side. This is called a fatty tissue; this was caused from an early injury in life. This has caused problems of slight pain. It is not dangerous. It could be removed, either by diet or surgery, whichever this one should desire.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Therefore, we should answer in this manner.

We shall give of soul John that that she desires in a later reading.

Of the other questions of these subjects, these should be taken up at different time.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.

Copyright 1973 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]