July 17, 1973, p.m.
Globe, Arizona
Private reading

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee, for those who should go to the forest to find our Father, there they shall find Him. For those who should go to the valley to find our Father, there they should find Him also. For those who should walk in the light of our Father, He shall walk with them. But for those who do not know the valley, yet in their own way do not know of the mountains, then our Father should walk with neither, for they have yet to find that which is sacred within them. But yet, should they open the doorway to that hidden place within their mind, then they may know of the mountains and they should know of the valley also, in the same manner. For that that should grow in the mountains should grow in the valley. It is not where they seek it, it is that that thy seek within thyself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, (B H) who is here tonight....has asked as number of questions. He asks - one, 'What do you think is wrong physically with me, my leg and left ear?'"

Yes, we see of thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

We find, therefore, the damage that was done in that of an accidental [form, fall]. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

"One moment, Aka. It is his right leg he has marked, and his left ear."

Yes, we see of this. Yet, we should answer as we have answered before. We should find, therefore, from this accident thy have had, therefore, what is known as brainstem damage. We find, therefore, in this same area scar tissue of the same, and nerve damage within the same. It would not be suggested that this area be relieved with a surgery, for the nerves are damaged in such a manner that the correction of one should cause blindness of another. Therefore, it should be our suggestion first, therefore, for chiropractic treatment of the 6th, 7th, 8th vertebrae. The slow movement with chiropractic treatment of the [bonier, labonia?] area - this can be done by the shifting of the right side of the head in a very slow motional manner. If this is not done correctly, you shall find no results from the same. We would suggest in this case that as each treatment is taken that readings be following, to work within accord. Can you understand of which we speak?

"Do you understand the message?" Bob asks the man. Then Bob says, "I understand, Aka."

Then we should answer further in this manner. Full use of both cannot be restored - thy have already that knowledge in thy own mind - but use that thy could go on in life in such a manner to live a full and rich life.

We find other damage within thy body. We find, therefore, the subject within the same is a borderline diabetic. We would suggest the taking, therefore, in addition to the other medication at the present time, of Jerusalem artichoke in raw form.

We further find - yes, we see this - lacerations in what thy would know as the large intestine. These, of ulcerous-type lacerations, have grown scar tissue which is blocking the tract within itself. Therefore, we would suggest the use first of a mild laxative. This, of thy would know as the milk of magnesia, would do. But this should only be used when absolutely needed. It would not be wise that the subject become dependent upon the same. We would further suggest, therefore, that milder unseasoned foods be used. We do not prescribe that all seasoning be extracted from the food, but that of a rich nature. You must realize that your taste for such foods come from that of another lifetime. We should also suggest unto you into this manner, of that of karmic nature thy have brought forth, this in itself has caused you to seek out suffering within your own body. This, you must realize, is not necessary. This should not rid yourself of the karmic. You have already done so in your own manner. It is often within a soul that a soul should over-punish themselves, or seek beyond their own means that for understanding, when in truth the understanding lays at their feet.

We find - yes, we see this.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, he asks, 'What can I do to remedy my condition?'"

First we should answer further upon the same question we have already answered, that osteopathic or chiropractic treatment be sought. X-rays of the area should be taken, that in truth a doctor should see that of the movement as it is done, from time to time.

"Of the back, Aka?"

Of the back and [up there, upper] [neckular] area of the brainstem and the bonier area. That thy have still not fully understood of which we speak, that the skull, you must understand, should contain eight parts. It has been your theory of life that the skull has hardened and, therefore, cannot be moved. This is not true, for the skull can be moved. If this was done so that the left side be shifted slightly forward and upward, then the nerves within themselves could be relieved, and relieving this situation. As we have said before, as this is done readings must, should, be taken as the adjustments are made. Can you now understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka."

Nay, not fully. Then we should answer in this manner. Study of this that we have given, and then thy shall fully understand.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, he asks, 'How permanent is my job?'"

We do not see of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"He asks, 'How is my wife's (B____'s), health'...."

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find first infection of the vagina area. Yes.

We should answer in such a manner that she should know. That of the washing of the area should be done so with a milder medication. It would be suggested that the drinking of the sage tea, four to six times daily, sweetened with your local honey, this in itself should flush out the kidney and liver area, [add] to that into the circulatory system.

It would also be suggested that this subject should change that of the drinking water into that of a purer form. This subject is highly allergic to that that is known as your chlorine. This subject, therefore, has that of the cramping of the lower abdomen area.

Therefore we find - yes, we see this - of the [upper] left [lungular, lung, uh,] area, scar tissue of the same. This in itself is caused from that of lung damage as a young child. We would suggest it that the filtering of the home be done in such a manner that while the subject should sleep she should breathe that of pure air. This should take forth some of the pollution.

We find - yes, we see of this - we would further suggest in the backular area, the lower proportion of the same, adjustments be made. We find that of pinched nerve, which has led to discomfort, theefore, of the arms and upper neckular area unto this subject. We would suggest that further adjustment be made within the same.

Yes. We find within this subject that lacking within the mineral substance, of magnesium, the lacking of the subject of that in of calcium. We would suggest that these be taken unto 250 units, four per day.

We would further suggest in both subjects the taking unto the body substance of 500 units of vitamin E per day.

We would further suggest - yes, we see this - a lacking of the subjects. We would suggest into this subject in particular that the eating of four to six bananas per day; this could be done by supplementing within thy meal - eating more of the green vegetation, preferably very fresh - taking from thy diets less of the heavier proteins, adding to the diet before each meal, 30 minutes preferably, that of safflower oil in the form of two tablets 30 minutes before the eating of the meal. Yes, we should go back again unto the first subject, add to unto this one unto the same. Since this reading has been given on both subjects we shall combine both of their readings unto the same. Can you understand of which we speak?

"Ruth can."

This is good. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, (B__ H___) asks, 'Am I pursuing the right vocation? And if not, what should I be doing?'"

We should answer in this manner. Thy pursuit of thy vocation has been in a slightly lazy manner. Therefore, seek out unto thyself that which would come forth in fulfillment, both unto yourself and unto your family, in a like manner.

Each person, therefore, within life brings forth that from other lives. They find that within themselves which they are naturally good at. They find that which is a hidden part of themselves. If they do not pursue the occupation unto which they were best at in a before life, therefore, they bring the gnawing instinct into the mind that they should pursue a certain profession, for they carry forth, therefore, the knowledge from one time unto another in a like manner. Can you understand into which we speak?


Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, they ask, 'Would a move to Arizona be a good move for our son,(R_____), age 21, from Aloha, Oregon?'"

Yes, at the present time it would, for both employment and health within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"He has one other question, Aka. He says, 'Should my wife, (B____), stay in the real estate business or seek other endeavors?'"

We shall answer in this manner. Seek out that into the field thy already have. But we should also say in this manner, there are new areas within the state which should blossom forth, and therefore, the monetary value within your real estate should come forth from these areas. In your mining-type communities at the present time, they shall come forth in greater demand for a home of that which you should call, of small trailer park areas. You shall find that people, in general, would rather live in smaller trailer parks than in the larger of the same. If these could be developed and sold in separate proportions -- that unto which a man stand and owns, he shall build upon; that which a man stands and rents, he shall just pay upon and do nothing. In this manner, thy should serve both of thyself, of the youth of your country, of your land unto which you dwell. Can you understand of which we speak?

Thy have other questions, ask.

"I have no other questions for them, Aka."

Then we should answer unto the silent one. That that thy have sought is but much like a brook . The brook that should dwell and run into the sand, and go beneath the sand, therefore, should become hidden from man. And it should flow down unto the rivers that should run beneath the ground, and unto the lakes that lie beneath the ground. But all shall flow back unto the sea, that the lakes, the brooks, may be replenished from the sea. That thy have sought out is much like this brook. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if thy are not prepared to drill for the water, then walk away from it.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Soul John, we find therefore within thy body these substances. Thy have of the measle form, which in itself has attacked the weaker parts of your body. You must remember that that that you have, but one kidney, it must do the job of two. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto thy doctor. Take of the things thy have thought of in thy mind. But at this tme, antibiotic should be sought out unto the body.

We would further suggest unto this one that chiropractic doctor be sought out for adjustments of the lower body. The upper [necklier (neck)] part should not be disturbed in any manner at the present time.

Now is the time of the cherub. And the fifth angel dwells upon thy earth. Your time walks closer for new eruptions. We say unto thee, earthquakes shall cross thy lands. Your time us very soon. Your 3rd of August shall mark the beginning date. You shall feel tremblers in your California area, central proportions, before this date. They shall cross unto the Arizona land, but be therefore not afraid.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the tape recorded voice for accuracy.

Copyright 1973 by Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona.]