July 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should tell unto thee the parable.

            And upon an ugly rock amongst the beautiful forest there sprung, therefore, a young tree. And the tree grew tall and mighty. And the other trees looked unto it and said unto themselves, “How can this be, that this tree, so huge, could grow and place its roots unto the rock?” Yet as days passed and years passed, all the other forest died away, and yet, the mighty tree stood and recorded time, for in each circle within itself there was a larger circle.

            And so it has been with all religion through time. But there is a core within the tree. And without the core, the tree would die, and so would all that that has surrounded it.

            And so we say unto you unto these words. As man walks upon the valleys and hills, should he remove the core from himself, then the soul should wither and die away and become lost and unto him nothing.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-20-73-001] has asked -- he’s had a massive stroke, can’t swallow solid food and only some liquids, and is having trouble getting sufficient nutrition. ‘What can be done to restore health and rhythm and strength and energy,’ he asks?”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. The healing that was needed was given, and yet it was cast aside. If this one should hold onto the thread of life, those instructions it was given before must be carried out to the very letter. Only by bypassing those damaged parts of the brain and nervous system can this one be allowed to continue to live. This can only be done by the implanting of the thought and the placing of the healing within the same.

            We would suggest there is one other therapy, that the taking of hot olive oil packs be placed around the nerve and up, covering the left side of the face and headular area. This must be repeated eight times daily. This must also be done before the subject should go to sleep at night. This also should cover the left eye which also has been damaged.

            There are numerous other problems within this soul, both mental and medical. We should answer in this manner. There is yet one other therapy that could be used to re-stimulate these nerves. That is placing the electrodes that you use in starting that of the heart after it has stopped in the exact same position. This in itself would excite these nerves and start them to rework.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-20-73-002…Tempe] has asked for a health reading concerning ‘hypoglycemia, uterus infection, eyes, sinus, ears, mouth, infections and physical problems since we moved to Arizona.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. First, we should answer into your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            Our suggestion, first, is that that is needed in a higher climate and purer air. That unto which you dwell, and unto the land unto which you dwell, has become poisonous to your system. You are highly allergic to the [mineral] substance of iron that should come against your skin.

            First, we should suggest the seeking out of the area within the same known as Indian Hot Springs, therefore, using of the mud baths within the same. There is within this soil that which could neutralize your body chemicals and make them less susceptible to your surrounding area.

            We would further suggest that increasing of the vitamin E into 1,000 units per day, vitamin C into 500 units.

            We would further suggest, one moment, please -- yes -- we see of thy need, the taking therefore of the honey, one teaspoon six times per day, placing that of a natural apple vinegar within the same -- taking twice the amount of honey to one part of vinegar, stirring it rapidly within a small container mixing it thoroughly, adding, therefore, one-fourth of one-fourth teaspoon of plain baking soda into this substance – adding, therefore, four parts to the one part of the compound you have just mixed of that of the sage tea and drinking of the same. This in itself would help in the neutralizing of your body chemicals, and help in the overcoming of this problem within yourself.

            We find, therefore -- yes, we see of this -- a skin problem, that of reddish blots.


We should suggest the taking, therefore, of the white of the egg, taking that of the baked bread, mixing within the white of the egg unto the baked bread, making a [poultice] of the same and applying to these areas.


We find, therefore -- yes -- we would suggest also the taking of the tonic known as S.S.S., adding to this in this manner. This tonic may be found foul to the mouth, but yet good for the body.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [8-6-71-006] asks, ‘What and who, or is it the same person of the last two years, that is starting the same with my life, and what should I do -- interfering with life?’”

            We should answer in this manner. Karma should seek karma; kind should seek kind. Therefore, walk away from the kind, and the problem shall fade away and be no more.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-20-73-003], who is here tonight…asks, ‘For several years myself and my family have been plagued by an evil presence. I would like very much to know how to make it go away.’”

            And we should say unto you these words. For we shall cast from your house this spirit. We say unto thee, go unto thy house and repeat unto these words:

            Oh Lord of God, Almighty of all, bring forth Thy presence, and let none befall.

            We say unto thee that is half of Heaven, half of hell, walk away from these walls.

            [Kay-ah, kay-ah.]

            And so, in the name of the Lord it shall be done. Nothing more. And cast it from yourselves and from your minds.

            Thy have other questions, ask.         

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-20-73-004] has asked...”

            One moment.



            “...for a health reading. She has had much surgery, the last for cancer. She has allergies, early glaucoma, Meniere’s disease (inner ear), bad back, arthritis and circulation problems, high blood pressure, exhausted nerves. ‘Is there something else that can be done besides taking so much medication,’ she asks?”

            Of the medication that thy are taking at the present time, we find no fault within the same. We should answer in this manner. Should thy change of thy diet form, add more of the green vegetation to your diet. Add that of the fish that should come from the sea, three to four times per week, into thy diet. Add that unto the raw beef form, the rawer the better that this could be eaten. Add unto the diet liver at least once weekly. Add a good natural vitamin and mineral substance compound unto the same.

            Seek that unto the ocean; implant thyself into the sands of the same. If this cannot be done, we would suggest the taking that of the earth, finding that similar that could be used of a bathtub, implanting a mixture of sand and water within the same, emerging [immersing] thyself except for thy face into this. If this was done for a two-week period, once per day, your problem [in] your chemicals would return their balance unto the same.

            There are many healing qualities that should come from your earth that you have ignored, for the Lord, God, placed upon the earth that that should make His children grow healthy and strong.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-20-73-005] asks for healing for her father.”

            We shall answer in this manner. We shall take that of the pain and give that unto the body and soul and spirit, and the immortal body, the healing that it desires unto the same. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[7-20-73-006] has asked – she has hypoglycemia and rheumatoid arthritis, and asks for help concerning that. One moment. She asks, ‘Will the D-cell water I am using help me to get better?’ And also, ‘Will I be completely healed in this lifetime?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall answer this question in this manner. The healing thy seek is but at thy fingertips.

            First, heal of thy mind into positive thought. We should answer of the arthritic condition,

first, you must realize that partially this arthritic condition is brought forth from your own nervous condition. We would suggest the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham. We should further suggest that the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter cubes twice daily. We would further suggest the drinking, therefore, of the sage tea; we would further suggest the adding to this of natural honey. If this cannot be obtained, taking unto this -- yes -- of the sage honey or that of the mesquite honey. We would further suggest that the taking unto that of the mesquite bean, grinding this unto a fine powdery substance; taking that, therefore, that should come from your saguaro cactus, the seed of the same, grinding this into fine powder form; adding these substances into the tea, and drinking of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [2-19-71-001] has asked if there is anything specific in her life reading that would be helpful to our group?”

            We should answer of this question at another time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[7-20-73-007] asks, ‘Should I move to California to study under Dr. Parker in group therapy?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. That unto which thy seek and find within thyself unto thy own soul should be therapy. If the wine that comes from this well should meet of thy taste buds then drink of it. But we should say unto you, be that of a wine taster.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She has one other question. ‘I have adhesions in my shoulder joints which are very painful. Is there a simple answer to this problem?’”

            Yes, we should answer your question in this manner. Find that, as we have said before, of the mud baths. We should say, take from the clay that should come from this area, take from the sand that should come from the area and the soil that should come from the area. You shall find between Chandler and Coolidge, Arizona, there once was a small town known as Dock. There lies soil that could be added for baths that could have great healing qualities within the same. You can either take the soil from this area or from that. Both substances contain the mineral compounds that could be absorbed into the body that could give healing.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-20-73-008...Globe] has asked for a health reading headaches, pain in the lower lumbar region from injury. She wonders, she says, ‘How much longer?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. We should answer in this manner. Come forth, therefore, unto soul Ray for healing, and this problem can readily be taken care of.

            Thy have other questions. Ask.

            “One moment, Aka.” [Long pause] “One moment.”

            We are sorry, your time has expired. We should say unto thee, prepare, therefore, two days in advance all questions you shall submit. Place them in an order that they may come and be read in an easy manner. Therefore, we may give more information in the time that is allotted within the same for us.

            Soul Ray now grows very tired and our time.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona